The Story of My Chocolate Muffin

Part 2

I gulped. All eyes were on me. The yummy part of the muffin I already ate churned and rolled in my stomach, threatening to come up. “Ah, ok….” I slowly got up, standing next to my desk, placing my right knee in the seat of chair.

I cleared my throat, trying to buy time to begin my story, hoping to survive this little ordeal. “Once upon a time lived a girl and boy, after they dated for a few years, the girl forced the boy into marriage, warning him ‘If we don’t wed, you’ll start sleeping alone in bed!’ So, they got married and a few years after later, a baby boy was delivered to them by the stork.

“Sometime later the couple unwillingly received a little girl,” I pointed to myself, smiling. “When she entered 10th year of school, 12th year if you counted preschool and kindergarten, she had a craving for muffins. Finally, sometime into the school year, she got her wish one morning.

“She woke up in the morning, dreading the thought of taking her dog out for its morning walk in her PJs, since it was too much of a hassle to change with a dog whimpering and whining at her bedroom door.

“So off she went with her ‘precious’ dog out the door. She stopped. Outside the door leading to the yard, a purple blanket wrapped up in a baby form laid on the cold, wet concrete sidewalk. She grabbed her dog’s face, ‘Look, Baby! The stork came! The stork came!’

“Without a second thought, she unhooked her dog’s leash and let the dog free into the yard before pulling the bundle up to her chest. ‘Oh, hello there, Sweetheart. Who are you here for? Hm…’ She cooed, walking into the house.

“Carefully she knelt down in front of the living room couch and set the purple bundle on the cushion. Steadily, she pulled back pieces of the material to reveal…” I stopped suddenly, letting everyone begin to hold their breaths. My eyes roamed over everyone’s’ faces. I love dramatic pauses!
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one more part to come, lol! comments are loved like i love muffins! haha, i made a funny!!!