Hearts for the One I Love

On Mind on Trial

“So Ray, I see that you’re umm..” I tried to state, but Ray cut me off.

“Was, ―we’re separated now…” He admitted when the statement that I had made was false. He sounded very sad.

“Oh I’m sorry.” I said with shock.

He smiled. “Nah, it’s okay, I guess. ―We just weren’t meant to be.”

I nodded. “But you uh..” I looked into his eyes.

He shrugged. “Meh.”

“Hey, hey Toro!?” Bob called.

“What Bryar?” Ray responded.

“Oh damn I forgot, but it was a total burn!”

“Ya bet it was. ―” Ray said sarcastically. “Was it about my last name Bob?” Bob nodded. “I’ve heard all of them.”

Bob fiercely shook his head. “No I just came up with it. ―Shay?”


“You okay?” Bob asked me.

“Ya I’m fine, why do you ask?”

Bob giggled. “You’re red.”

I shrugged. “Oh well.”

There was a silence. Mikey got up and left. Bob, Frank, Gerard, and Katey where smiling hugely. I heard foot steps, getting closer, and closer, then all of the sudden they stopped. Chills ran down my spine. (I get spooked out really easy)


I screamed and jumped in my seat, with my eyes bulging out of my head. “Mikey!” I turned around to see Mikey with a huge smile on his face. “That wasn’t funny!”

Ray removed his arm from the top of the couch and wrapped it around me, and rubbed my arm. “That was mean Mikey.”

“Thank you!” I exclaimed.

Ray pulled me closer to him. I moved a few inches over when Mikey scared me. “It’s okay..” He soothed me.

I looked at him. “I know that Ray.”

He started to put his arm back on the top of the couch. I put my hand on top of his, which got a deserved smile form him, and the rest of the band.

He was growing on me, and he knew it.