Untold Lies And Hidden Secrets

Dolly, a seventeen year old Junior in Saint.Cathrins highschool, had her father murdered and mutilated by the side of the highway only when she was about 5 years of age.
Nobody new why such things were to ever happen.
He was a good man and well respected, and having her young mind well tramatized when she saw the scene. Never did good.
She grew up distant and rather cold; and didnt give a shit about anyone or anything.
Her older brother, a senior jock, never understood her but always tryed to help her and keep her well protected.
Their mother had become a sad drunk ever since the day. So it was normally just the two of them.
But then, werid things begin to happen.
2 Amazingly beautiful beings come to her school. And obviously were smothered by girls and jealous boys.
Thing is, the one had a major interest in Dolly.
Why ?
That has yet to be told .