Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Hey what do you do for a living?

Hey. My name is Suzie Q. well let’s not start of with a lie. Suzie Q is not my real name. This is and always will be the name you know me by. Suzie Q is my alias. My real name is not important. I don’t want you to know what my real name is. Because clients can sometimes be dangerously heartbroken. Yes you heard me right; heartbroken. This is the point were I tell you about my business. I’m in the heart-breaking business. Never heard of it before? Let me explain it all to you. You mail me, give me the information en cash needed, I’ll break a couple up for you. That’s the deal. Easy aint it?

Now I know. You must think I’m a bitch. You’re almost right. Business is hard, and this line of business is even harder. You need to hide your feeling if you want to make some big money doing this job. And I don’t think I’m heartless. It’s just that people have this idealized view of the world. The painful truth is just covered up with hopes and believes. All I do is show them how the world really can be. I just tell them the truth. I’ve torn some hopes from behind their eyes. I don’t feel like I’m being inhuman. I’m just telling the truth nobody really wants to hear.

I may be a bitch. You can call me that I don’t really care. But I’m a bitch whose heart will never break, because I’m not giving my heart to anybody. I know what people are capable of. I know what I’m capable of. I’m doing my job and earning my money. I’m not a bad person; I just have a bad job. A job I’m very good at. You wouldn’t call a hooker a bad person or will you? Because she might do something you don’t agree with, but that doesn’t mean she immediately is a nasty person. This is my job, not my life. If you ever need my help, just visit my homepage. I will take revenge for you. You won’t need to get your hands dirty. Everybody has have there heart broken once down the road. And don’t you regret for never getting even. A broken heart is not to be mend easy, but pay back will help.

Just follow the rules on the site. Give me all the information you can give, and I have to tell you; I’m not cheap. I’m not cheap, but I’m worth it. You will never regret your decision ‘cause I will give you what you wish for. It’s your responsibility if you wish the wrong things. Be careful what you wish for cause I can get it for you.

All my love, Suzie Q

I closed my internet screen after posting this advert on the internet. That was my work for today. I had no requests lately, and I needed the money. I was about to turn of my computer when I heard it bleep. Curious I looked at the screen.

“You have mail,” A women’s voice announced. I had given my computer a tempting women’s voice. It would say when I had mail and it would greet me when I started my computer. I loved it. She would say: “I’ve been waiting for you,”

“I got mail, ow so surprising,” I muttered. I clicked on the big envelop that had appeared on my screen. It was definitely a mail from a new client, or a possible one.

Dear Suzie Q,

I would like to use your service. See I have had my heart broken, which is something I don’t really like to talk about. However I would like to get even with this girl.

“Sure you do,” I said smiling. I can get evil at some points. I don’t know. Maybe I am a bad person, but I like to revenge people.

I continued on reading: This girl has crushed my heart so bad, that I want to crush his. Her name is Dani. She lives in New York, just as I do. And she’s nineteen years old. She is currently staying…

The mail was going on and on with information about this girl. I quickly looked it over. This was a possible-match. She lived here in New York so it was easy to use local messengers. I had a satisfied look on my face. I stood up from my office chair and looked around my room. I had dark walls covered with bookshelves where records were stored. But I also had a bookcase with strictly only files. Every client I had had was filed away there. Pictures of the heartbroken, pictures of the potential heartbroken, facts, chosen treatments; It was all there. I walked up to the D section. I had only had three girls that I screwed up with a ‘D’. I was really satisfied. I would make this a success story.

I was tired. I had been working for school al day. I decided to mail the anonymous boy back in the morning. I would tell him my event-planning and the money I would charge for it. I got undressed and put on my pajamas. It had been a good business day and tomorrow I would have some hearts to break.

I fell in sleep with a content smile on my face.
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I hope you all like it. I don't think this will be a very long story but we'll see. COMMENT PLEASE?