Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Care to be bad with me?

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. The ladies bathroom was dirty and the lighting was bad. I was there with Jaydin. I saw a smile appear on my face as I looked at myself. You could almost call it an evil smile. Jaydin was smiling also.

“Friends and benefits, right?” I said. My blue eyes were devilish. She nodded and started laughing out loud. Jaydin grabbed my arm and pulled me with her. We left the girls room while laughing. We strutted down the corridors. I was in control again. I owned this school. I noticed it in everything. People watching me, People whispering when I came by but then stop when I glanced at them. It probably was fear. People wanted to keep me a ‘friend’ and they didn’t want me as an enemy. They knew I could do some really nasty things. I never really got into a fight, but I had set up some knock downs. I have instigated some real high school drama. I had all just watched it from the side lines. If you were up against me, you’d soon be up against someone different. I would get them mad at you so I wouldn’t have to get my hands dirty. That was my deal. And People knew it was. So they didn’t cross me. They might talk big when they were alone, if they were gossiping about me. But face to face, they weren’t that tough.

There he was. He was also stalling time before class. I was the kind of girl that would enter the classroom on the ring of the bell. Aiden was hanging against the doorpost of the classroom I needed to be in. I walked up to him.

“You are not telling me, that you are in my English class?” Even now I had this plan, I didn’t like him. I had to admit he was hot. His body was perfect, his ego just way to big for me. For a usable object it didn’t matter, I didn’t need to like him to use him.

“Ok, than I won’t tell you,” He said walking through the door. I followed him as he sat down at the end of the class. Where I used to sit.

“You don’t seem to understand, that is my table.” I said as I stood next to where he was sitting. He wasn’t really making my mood better. I might be happy that I had found a way to get rid of him and get something out of it myself, but I still wanted him out of my space. This had to go by my rules, not his.

“Yes I do, but I don’t see your name on it,” As I wanted to either smack him in the face or start yelling at him the teacher cleared his throat.

“Miss, Could you please find a seat?” I threw Aiden a furious glance and took the seat next to him. I knew this wasn’t going to be another boring class. Aiden was going to irritate me the whole lesson. Why was it that I hadn’t noticed he was in my class before? Had I been so self centered that I didn’t even know my neighbor was in my class. Wait, I never even knew I had a boy living next to me, so how was I supposed to notice him in a group of twenty five other losers? The teacher started talking and all I did was playing with my pencil and staring at the blackboard without seeing what was on it. It was just another boring lesson where I didn’t pay attention.

“Psst,” I heard him say behind me. I didn’t turn. The biggest mistake people made when they wanted to talk unnoticed was to turn their body towards the other. I learned myself to be able to talk to someone without being noticed, so without any turning.

“What do you want?” I whispered at him. I was still focusing at the board and looking if the teacher couldn’t tell.

“You are saying yes to my offer aren’t you?” He said, “Otherwise you wouldn’t have worn that sexy shirt I told you to,” I rolled my eyes.

“I am considering it,” I said “Are you happy now?” I started ticking my pencil on my table to get the irritation out of me. I didn’t want to get detention or anything.

“Yes I am happy, you look really nice wearing it.” Was he seriously giving me a compliment? I must be dreaming. Was he hitting on me?

“Don’t get your hopes up, I didn’t say yes yet,” I just said to him.

“Oh but you will,” Now he was getting on my nerves. Where did this kid get all his confident? Who assured him he was the person to be arrogant?

“Now you listen to me,” And I made the mistake to turn my head to Aiden. “I am not about to do anything you say. This will go on my terms, and my terms alone.” I had said it just a tiny bit too loud.

“You and you, OUT” The teacher said. He was known to be strict.

“See what you’ve done?!” I snapped at Aiden as I got my stuff together. Pissed of I left the classroom and heard Aiden following me. I walked really madly towards my locker to dump all the extra books I didn’t need anymore. He stood next to me, leaning against the locker next to mine.

“Chill, I have something for you,” He said. I looked up.

“What can you possibly have, that would interest me?” He grinned.

“I have a way to make this offer more interesting for you,” He said “Why don’t we add a truth or dare. But forget the truth, well just add a dare.” Now I was listening. I don’t know what it was but as soon as I was dared to do something, I would do it. I was no sassy. I liked the rush of doing thing I wasn’t supposed to.

“So you give me a dare, I do it and get to give you a dare?” I said. “But what’s the prize?”

His face turned like a little boy that was about to get into some real naughty things.

“You win you keep your company alone. I win I get to partner up.” This sounded way too simple to me. I never backed out of anything. I nodded. Aiden looked me over. From top to bottom.

“Care to be bad with me?” He whispered with this evil grin on his face. He was so full of himself, but I would learn him a lesson.

“Why not? What is your first dare?” I said. He bowed over me and his lips were next to my ear. His warm breath was touching my neck.

“Skip detention with me,” Was that all? Did he need to get so close for that?

“Please, keep your own space,” I said pushing him away. But it wasn’t as hard as I had done before. I needed him to think I was starting to like him, or at least find him attractive. I was careful not to make the turn immediately, it would be way too coincidental. Slowly I would warm up to him and than make an offer he wouldn’t be able to resist.
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Care to be bad? Haha, this will be interesting won't it?

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