Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Boring dares

“Is that all?” I asked as I dumped my books in my locker and took out my coat. Ditching school wasn’t that challenging, ditching detention, still no excitement. I was wondering where I had to ditch detention for. That might be challenging, I needed a challenge.

“No.” He said smiling. “The dare has an additional part; you have to spend the afternoon with me” I rolled my eyes. I should have known this had to have a downside.

“Are you so pathetic that you need to play dares to have people around you?” I bitched at him. Still, I had agreed with the dares, so I had to do the dare. His plan was probably to drive me mad by being around all the time. He wouldn’t succeed. I was not planning on losing. I was going to win this dare-contest and I was getting my company back. Thinking about that, I still had a costumer.

“Yeah all good, but I need to get home early. I have a costumer waiting, and traps to set.” I threw my coat over my shoulders and started to walk away from him.

“It won’t take all day,” He just said and followed. I hated the way he knew just how to play me. He knew which buttons to push to make me hate him. And I hated that he made me hate him, even though I wanted to hate him. It was just that he wanted it too what made it annoying.

“So where are we going?” I asked as he got into the bus. I followed and sat next to him.

“Just wait and see,” He said grinning. We stopped in at the bus stop and when we got out I recognized it immediately. We were in the city; just a few blocks away from the park I always went to when I needed some time for myself. Why did he take me here? I kept asking that myself while we walked towards the park.

“Why are we here?” I asked as we walked into the park. The trees, the grass it was all the same, still it was different. This was my place. My place to be myself. No one knew me here; it was to far from my house and school. This was my safe place and he ruined it.

“I wondered that when I bumped into you the other day. What were you doing so far from your area?” He fired a question back at me. I wasn’t going to let him in. He didn’t need to know this was my go to area. This was my park. He didn’t understand these were my trees and this was my quietness, and hell this was even my street-musician.

“I thought we were leaving truth out of it,” I simply snapped at him. It was getting normal to be mad at him. Snapping came naturally. We were silent. Just walking there. What was the whole point of this? Dares needed to be exciting, this was just lame. I looked around and saw the street-musician. A plan came up in my mind. The man was playing his guitar. He had these worn out jeans and this brown dirty jacket with holes in it. In the guitar case on the ground a few dollar bills lay. A smile appeared on my face.

“It’s my turn,” I muttered. I stopped walking and Aiden noticed it. He stood still also.

“What?” He asked trying to read my evil expression.

“I dare you to steal the money out of that guitar case,” I was smiling. I liked this new game we were playing. It was so my thing. I had always been the one that needed to be on the edge. Just to feel alive, driving fast doing dangerous things. It was all me. Since my mom became a drunk I had laid low for a bit. I was taking care of her. I wasn’t living my life as I had been doing.

Aiden looked at the poor man. He started grinning. I didn’t like it. Maybe I had forgotten who he was for a second. The whole taking me to this place had made me soft, because he didn’t seem to have a problem with stealing money from a poor man.

I remembered his bold entrance into my house. I remembered the way he had looked at me from his window. I remembered all the annoying things again. Yeah, he wouldn’t back away from stealing money; he had already broken an entry. I saw Aiden walk up to the man, seeming to like his music. Damn this boy was a great actor. The man got a smile on his face as Aiden took his wallet out and it looked like he was dropping money into the guitar case. But instead of making the man richer, he took his money and started running.

With high speed I saw him running towards me. When he arrived at my spot he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. The musician was yelling and tried to chase us. I was laughing, hard. I enjoyed this. I was laughing out loud. It had been a long time since that had happened. We lost the man as we ran out of the park and onto the streets. We crossed the street, almost getting run over. Cars were honking and people were cursing. I just didn’t notice. Adrenaline was getting me high.

Panting and laughing we stopped at a café. We were standing in front of it and caught our breath.

“Want a drink?” Aiden said laughing. I turned to ice again.

“I’ll pay myself,” I said. I still had a good company running. I needed to make the turn slowly. I needed to get to his heart, but not too soon. I walked into the bar and sat down in a corner. I got myself a drink and Aiden bought a beer. I hated people that drank beer. It was so disgusting. I myself drank a whiskey. My mum drank it by the bottle, I just drank it per glass.

“Shaken or stirred?” The bartender said.

“Shaken not stirred, on the rocks.” I said. As I sat down at the corner table after getting my drink Aiden was looking at me.

“What are you looking at?” I asked defensively.

“You know your liquor,” He just said.

“Yeah well, party girl,”

“I think I know a next dare for you,” He said grinning. I didn’t like the look on his face. He was enjoying this way too much.

“I dare you to give me a lap dance,” He said holding up the stack of just stolen dollar bills.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, we started off!

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