Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Sexually frustrated

Next day I went to school like usual. I was tired but of course didn’t show it. I needed to find Aiden and make him know how much I hated his appearances at my room. I strutted fierce through the school. They knew I was on a war stride. People backed up as they saw the look on my face. It was still beautiful but my eyes where harsh and cold. Fire was burning in me. Yesterday I might not have had the strength to stand up to him. I had been tired and that probably was the reason I almost gave into his attraction.

I could have kept lying to myself, but the boy attracted me. He tempted me just as much as I hated him. I don’t know what it was. Probably just his good looks. His perfect body, with those strong arms and his firm jaw line. Still he wasn’t winning from me. I had to wait just a bit longer before I could begin to use him.

I would satisfy my lust in the end. And then the attraction would soon turn into boredom. I knew how it would go. I would use the boy but soon get bored of him and move on. That was the way it always went. I was not just known for my bitchie moves, I was also known as the female player. I liked to see myself as that, but most people just thought of me as a slut. Well again, I didn’t really care. Even better; I couldn’t care less.

As I passed his locker I saw him standing at the far end of the hallway. He would regret sneaking into my house last night. I would show him I was not to be messed with.

“You!” I yelled as I was a few steps away from him. He looked up and grinned as soon as he saw my furious face. I hated his stuck-up glances. I hated the way he made fun of me every time I was mad at him. I hated the most that he didn’t take me serious.

“What’s up sunshine?” He asked me with a big smile on his face. He must love it that I was looking for him. That I wanted to smack him so hard his head would twirl on his shoulders. He must love it that I was so wind up, by his doing.

I grabbed his arm and yanked him with me. I was not doing this in the hallway. There were already too many people watching us.

“Sorry guys no show this time, Get a life!” I snapped at the few students that were still staring at us. I dragged him with me and he surprisingly let me. Just touching his bare wrists made a spark go through me. I must really need some ass that this little touch made me feel this way. It was just lust, nothing more.

I dragged him into an empty classroom and shut the door and the blinds. He smiled at me and looked me up and down. I sighed.

“Don’t even think about getting any,” I bit at him. So he really thought I was doing it here, with him, in the afternoon? He must have hit his head really hard to believe that.

“I know you want to,” He said softly. I walked up to him. My finger touched his chin and moved it up a bit.

“You know shit,” I whispered to him, “All I want is to make something clear,” I let go of his chin and stepped back. Why was I getting so close all the time? I guess I just wanted to play with my new toy but I couldn’t, not yet.

“I want you to stay out of my house. I don’t want you there, but if you had any brains you would have picked that up already,” I insulted him. Why was it that it gave me such a good feeling? Why did I like insulting him so much? Yes, I liked insulting people and bring them down, but it had never been so fulfilling job as it was now.

“Why you don’t like my night visits?” He taunted me.

“No I don’t, I don’t know how to bring it even blunter; I DON’T WANT YOU!” I said harsh in his face. He didn’t seem to mind. I couldn’t get him mad and I don’t know why that was. He got his kicks of getting me winded up. And the worst thing was, he would get me winded up every single time.

“You will enjoy them, just wait,” He said as he walked up to the door.

“Wait,” I said before he could reach for the doorknob “Your dare is to steel the answers of the math test and bring them to me. I don’t like to study and you might need them. You know having no thinking capabilities and all.”

“I’ll get them, and then it will be my turn again,” He said smiling. Like he was planning a dare that enjoyed him. Just the thought made him smile and I didn’t like it.

“Have a rotten day,” I snarled at him as I passed him going through the door and towards my lesson. Jaydin was already waiting for me at the classroom door.

“What took you so long?” She bitched at me. I smiled madly at her.

“I needed to take care of some business,” I just said.

“Was your boytoy keeping you away,” she asked as she made her eyebrows move, implying dirt.

“I’m not that far yet, but yes he was keeping me away,” I walked into class and sat down. Jaydin wasn’t the only one sexually frustrated, I was too.
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Ok so she really wants the whole friends with benefits thing. But she will leave out the friends part ;P

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