Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Slap me

I tried to open the door as slowly and soft as possible. I didn’t want to wake her up. I had kicked off my shoes downstairs so they won’t make any noise on walking on the wooden floor. The room was dark but a small lamp next to her bed was on. Golden light was glowing on her once golden hair. I tried not to linger to much. I was still buzzing from the party and did not want to lose that feeling. As I walked up to the bed, I saw a bottle of pills standing on the night table. Shocked I picked it up. I knew she had sleeping pills. but I didn’t know that she got a hold of them. I always gave her one when she couldn’t sleep. I handled the pills because I knew her drunken head would screw it up.

I picked up the bottle and shook the pills out of it. As they laid on my hand, I started counting them. Thank God, She had just taken one pill. I slit the pills back into the bottle and took them away from her. I needed a new place to hide them, or I had to keep them with me all the time. It could not happen again. She was not to get a hold of them. One thing worse than a drunken mum was a dead one.

I shut the door and walked up to my room. It was empty and dark. I turned on the lights and my computer. I had to make some progress with this client. It would make me feel good. This client wouldn’t have to worry about getting even. I would help him. So I needed to break up this girl with her new boyfriend. That wasn’t hard. Guys all sucked and were assholes. So all I needed to do is hire a hooker or stripper or anything in that category to seduce the bastard. I would call the girlfriend and make her rush home with a lame excuse. See would walk in on them and magic would happen. So I ordered this call girl and explained my plan in an email. I hoped of getting confirmation as soon as possible. I just couldn’t wait to see tears.

I hated it that even after seeing my mum passed out and almost breaking a heart I still had that buzzing feeling in my stomach. It was like the beat was still in my body and it needed to get out. The only way I knew to get it out of me, was dancing. So I started dancing. Still wearing my party clothes but without the heels. I danced to music that wasn’t there. Even though I could be as loudly as I wished, my mum wasn’t getting awake after taking that pill, I felt like it didn’t need any music. My hips were swinging and my arms waving to the music in my head. Slowly I felt the beat flowing out of me. The drums in my chest were getting slower. The buzzing in my stomach died away.

I don’t know how long I had been dancing there. I do know why I stopped.

“You always dance without any music?” a voice said behind me. I turned around, knowing it was Aiden. He wasn’t getting me mad. Not tonight.

“You know it is getting really old, you sneaking into my room,” I said as I walked towards the door Aiden was standing next to. I closed it. If there was even a slightest chance my mum would wake, I didn’t want her to meet Aiden.

“So what are your plans? Shutting the door and all,” Aiden said taunting. But tonight I wasn’t going to fall for it. I was to tired or annoyed to care.

“If you are here to ‘seduce’ me again, please leave, don’t even bother trying,” Even when I said this I knew I was lying. He could seduce me. In a weak moment, his perfect six-pack and model-face could get to me. Even now, now that I was careless. Maybe especially now that I was careless.

“No I actually came to give you another dare,” he walked closer as I stood at the end of the bed. It surprised me that he answered the question with a no.

“You can’t give me a dare, if you haven’t completed yours,” I said rolling my eyes. Was he stupid or wasn’t he aware of the rules by now.

“Oh but I have completed my dare,” His hand went to his back pocket and he got out a little stack of folded paper. He spread out the papers and I could see the title. It was called; ‘Exam Math Period 2, 2008-2009’ He had been able to steal them without getting caught. He was better than I had accounted him for. Pleased with the results I outstretched my arm to take them from him. But the moved his hand back.

“Give them to me,” I simply demanded. He just grinned.

“It was never the deal that I actually had to give you the papers. You just dared me to steal them. So now I showed you that I have stolen them, I get to give you a dare. I do not need to give them to you,” He was so satisfied with himself. I wanted to spit in his face or something like that. Just to see that smile disappear.

“Give them to me,” I said a bit angrier. He shook his head but did get closer. My body tensed as it always did. Goosebumps appeared, but I hoped he wouldn’t notice.

“You always get this uptight when someone comes closer?” he asked with a grin.

“No, only when it’s a creep,” I said in his face that was really close by now. I smelled him. His aftershave mixed with this masculine odour. I didn’t know what it was, but it sure as hell smelled good.

“Could you give me my space?” I not so kindly asked him, “Let me put it this way; Fuck off!” I now almost yelled in his face. I remembered just in time that mum was sleeping so it became a noisy whisper.

“You don’t need space for my next dare,” he said looking into my eyes. I was staring back. Was this some kind of contest, where the one that looked away first would lose, cause I couldn’t look away. The beast in me had woken and was stirring. It was trying to break its restrains and come loose completely.

“Just say the dare already,” I muttered.

“It’s easy; Just slap me.”
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Oh Oh Oh all the suspense. I am sorry but I like to tease you guys by stalling and stalling and stalling.

Wait and see, it won't take long.

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