Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Day after hangover

As I saw Aiden move towards the window I walked towards the bathroom. When I locked the door behind me I saw myself in the mirror. My make up was running and the sheets made me look pale. So I dropped them. I was really wearing nothing. I sighed. Why did I do that? Had I been so drunk or was I so needy? I could have any boy, why go for the one I hate? It had to involve more than that. I thought of last night. Some things I could remember. I remembered him throwing me on the bed and dominating. But I had to go way back. I needed to know why I decided to give him some. It was all a blur, but then I remembered that I had slapped him. Slapping him meant sleeping with him, so why had I hit him? Had he been so annoying that I just couldn’t control myself?

I took some clothes that lay on the bathroom floor. I had thrown them of before the party. Those were the clothes I had worn to school the other day. I put on the jeans and the tank top. I bound my hair in a sloppy not and went into my room again.

Aiden was still there.

“I told you to leave, so go,” I urged him. I didn’t want my mum to see him. And I didn’t want him to see my mum.

“I aint going down the rain-pipe,” He was smiling “I will just use the front door.”

This boy was unbelievable. What was wrong with this guy? He just has to get in my face. He just has to get me mad, doesn’t he? I walked up to him. Grabbed him by the arm and dragged him with me downstairs. I had to do this quick and silent. I yanked the front door open en showed him the exit.

“Now leave,”

Aiden wasn’t making an attempt to leave. He just moved closer.

“You know you want me,” He whispered with a grin on his face.

“I know I don’t. Don’t think you are worth something. You were just a piece of ass, Now get out of my house,”

“Hannah!” I heard a voice scream from the kitchen. Shit, that was my mum. He needed to go now. So I shoved him away from me.

“GO!” I snapped at him. But he was enjoying this way to much.

“Your not going to introduce me to your mom?” He teased me.

“No, she has had enough idiots in her life already.” I shoved him out of the door and closed it before he could come in again. Ok, now I had to take care of my mum. I hadn’t showered yet, I felt dirty and now I had to face my drunken mum. Could I feel any worse? And yes, Karma was a bitch, again. Of course I could feel worse. What kind of question had than been?

I walked towards the kitchen and saw my mum with a face that didn’t make me happy. She looked furious.

“What?” I asked irritated.

“You little whore!” She screamed in my face. I was shocked. It usually wasn’t this bad.

“What?!” I screamed now. But before I could say anything else, her hand slapped me across the face. My cheek started to turn red.

“You didn’t buy me some whiskey; all you do is screw boys!” She yelled me in my face.

“Well at least I screw someone!” I Said what earned me another slap. I was getting really mad now. Who was she to judge me? A drunk mother who couldn’t even take care of herself let alone her daughter. She was getting me on the wrong day at the wrong moment.

“Don’t ever touch me again!” I screamed in her face. Tears were welling up. Just the look on her face as she looked at me. She looked at me with disgust, while all she had to do was look in the mirror and disgust the person she would see there.

“You are nothing better than me!” My mum screamed. She dropped on the ground; sliding down against the kitchen cupboard. But I wasn’t feeling sorry for her. I wasn’t going to pick her up.

“ No, I am nothing better than my drunk ass mum, but who’s fault is that?!” As I yelled that, I ran out of the kitchen Tears were falling behind me leaving dark stains on the carpet.

I didn’t want to feel this. I didn’t want to be crying. So I needed something to shut me up. Something that would make me feel numb. So I was knocking on the door. The door opened.

“I need some ass,” I just said as I walked passed him into the house.

“Fine by me,” He said grinning while he followed me.
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