Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

what is he doing here?

I didn’t know what was wrong but I did know I needed to get home. She had sounded in panic and I that hadn’t happened since the time.. No.. I was not thinking about that. She didn’t do that. She sounded way to clear for that. It was not possible. I kept soothing myself but all it did was just make my worries worse.

Aiden was looking at me; confused and questioning. I had just said I needed him. It was the truth, I needed someone strong with me. I was just a slender girl, with absolutely no muscle mass. I needed him with me because he was strong, and I had to admit; I wasn’t.

“Come on, we don’t have all day!” I yelled at him while I walked towards the school exit. Aiden caught up with me by making two leaps towards me. I was walking furiously and quick. Why did I have to care for her all the time? I wanted to slam something, but fury wasn’t my strongest emotion. Worry and stress were way bigger than my fury.

“Hannah! Wait where are we going, and why me?” Aiden asked while he stopped my by pulling at my arm. I swept around because my speed was suddenly slowed down. I yanked my arm back and looked at him with rage.

“We need to go! There is something with my mum!” I yelled at his face and wanted to slap him so badly.

“And you need me because?” Aiden asked me with a blank look on his face.

“I need you because I don’t hang out in the gym every evening, Now come with me or I will make you regret you ever lived!” I walked off again. It was times like this that I despised it that I traveled by bus. My mum didn’t own a car and I didn’t have a license.

“You have a car?” I asked, “Ok, drive me home” was my response when I saw him nodding.

“I like it when you take control,” He said biting his lip and I saw a sparkle in his eyes.

“This is not the time to be sexual harassing me,” I mumbled, “You can do that later,” I saw Aiden walking up to a bright red BMW. I could have known. Mister perfect face needed to have a mister perfect car. I sighed, but decided to keep my mouth shut. He opened the car door like a gentleman.

“No need for that, I just want you to bring me home quick.” He slammed the door and got into the car himself. “I will remember that when we do it,” He grinned.

So he drove me home. I knew something was up immediately. There was a car on the driveway. We didn’t own a car, I told you that before. So even before Aiden was really stopped the car I jumped out and ran to the door. Someone was in my house, and my mum was panicking and all kinds of scenarios went through my head. Had she done it again? Did someone break in? Didn’t we pay out taxes? Aiden got out of the car while I opened the front door.

“MUM!” I screamed in panic. Aiden walked in the door.

“I am here,” I heard her double tongue yell from the kitchen. Thank god. A relief went through my body. She didn’t do it. It wasn’t like then. It was different this time. No flashing lights, no sirens and no pills.

I ran towards the kitchen and pushed the door open in a very aggressive way. What I saw than, was a scenario I hadn’t thought of yet. It was something I didn’t consider as possible.

“WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!” I yelled in rage. Real rage this time, not some irritation that had pissed me off. No it was rage. Fire was blazing out of my eyes and if looks could kill he would have been dead seconds ago. At that moment Aiden walked in.

“And what is he doing here?” I looked around.

“Don’t avoid my question!” I said madly. “I don’t want him here, I want him gone. Just like he left us ages ago. Just as he made you into what you are now.” I couldn’t hold myself back anymore. I was buzzing and my legs were shaking. I flew at the man sitting at the kitchen counter. I wanted to scratch his eyes out.

“Why did you leave us! Look what you did!” I screamed as tears fell out of my eyes. I was punching on his chest but Aiden had grabbed me from behind. Holding me back so I couldn’t do any damage.

“Aiden let me go! He did this all! He killed my mum! Look at her! She is more death than alive. YOU CAN’T JUST SHOW UP!”
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Not as long as usual but I hope you still enjoy it.
Just 4 more readers and I have a 10th star. Thanks guys!

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