Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Will I wake up

The man at the kitchen counter was calm. And with Aiden holding me back I wasn’t really a threat. I mean, I did have some control over him, but it was not like I could beat him if it came to physical fights. This man had ruined my life, by ruining my mums life. She was in love, head over heels. But he clearly hadn’t been in love. He had just been pretending all this time. Just after the moment my mum trusted him enough to marry him, he left with all our money and we could start over from scratch. And with my mum drinking and crying on the couch, and me juggling school and a job, we became what they call poor. That’s when I started my heartbreak-service. Not just as revenge, but also as an income.

“You get out of my house immediately!” I said angrily after cooling down a bit. He had no right to be here. He left us and he should have stayed away. Cause I was planning to make his life a hell now that he showed up.

“But honey,” he started and cooling down was harder and harder after these words “I own this place.”

It couldn’t be true. She owned this place, she earned her money and paid to stay in this god forsaken place, where every doorknob and furniture remembered her mum of him.

“You’re lying, I paid for all this,” Aiden had loosened his grip on her but he was still standing behind her because there was always a possibility that she would fly at the man again. He was ready to catch her, actually something he had been doing all this time.

“Would I lie to you?” The man said with a grin. Oh how she hated his face. “Honey, I’m still married with your mum, we never divorced. Which means that what she owns, I own too.”

The sick bastard. Why hadn’t she thought of that. The house was still in my mums name. I just paid her bills that was all. I didn’t own the house, she did. And if she did, he did also.

“HAVEN’T YOU TAKEN ENOUGH FROM US!” I yelled with anger. Aiden grabbed my arm again. He must have been afraid that I would attack the man again.

“Take your hands of of me!” I snapped at him. He was used to it so he didn’t even flinch.

“You never told me that one before,” He said. It was supposed to be a joke, but it didn’t sound as one. Aiden didn’t really know what to do. For the first time in his life probably. “Let’s go,” He mumbled to me. “We will figure this out, but you are not getting any answers in this state.”

What had happened to him? Can people go from pervert bastard to nice guy in two seconds? Yet I hadn’t any energy left so I let him drag me with him. To his place. How convenient. But I couldn’t think anymore. All I knew was that I wanted to sleep. But not alone. I wanted to sleep with someone, anyone. And it seemed that, that someone was going to be Aiden. This time though, I just wanted to sleep. I didn’t need the things people do before sleeping. I needed the arms around me and the person next to me when I would wake up. If I ever woke up, from this nightmare.
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I know it's been way to long. I know, I know, I know. Please forgive me! but I have been through a very happey time followed by a very tough time. But I promise you that the next chapter won't be as long waited for as this one. Please keep commenting and subscribing. But most of all Keep reading.