Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Tell me lies

Suzie knew revenge. But Suzie only knew revenge with people who she didn’t care about. Aiden, sadly, she had started to care about. It might only had been a little bit. It might had only been since yesterday evening. But it was something. Not even the slightest thing I felt for my mom. But it was the closest to it that I had ever come. My mum let me down every damn time, but I kept loving her. The jackass that was currently in my house had made our relationship that messed up. He had taken advantage of my mum, when he knew she loved him. Well I wasn’t going to repeat that mistake. Aiden would never know I cared even the littlest bit. I was going to confront him. I liked a confrontation. I liked a scene. So I was giving him one.

Still standing in his room. His lies hanging around me, holding me tight. Like I couldn’t move. I wondered how much of him was true. If the clothes he wore, he really like, or if it was just part of his image. If the name he had given me, was really his, or just some cover up. If the lust he had shown, was just pure business, or had feelings in them too. I sneaked at my bag. I had dropped it in a corner, I had carried it with me from school to my house and finally all the way here. I kept all my notes with me. If I had a job to do, I carried my information in my bag. It was dangerous cause discovery is always a treat. That was why I could through tantrum if anyone got near my bag, let alone touch it.

But there it was a big brown folder. His folder. I wasn’t completely stupid. I had checked him out to. Anyone who got to close had to be checked. I had pictures of him, I had his activities and time.. so why did It bother me that he had mine?

Cause I was Suzie fucking Q and he was just some brainless idiot. Or well I thought he had been. I never found really much background information, just as he probably found nothing interesting about me. He only knew what he had seen himself. What times I eat, what I eat, how I eat it. Or when I go to school, who I talk to, which classes I skip. Those were things he could find out by himself. But background he wouldn’t have found. Just as I hadn’t found his.

I grabbed my file and his and walked up to the bed. Without making any noise I crawled up to it and sat next to the sleeping Aiden. Or whatever his name was. I opened his, and I opened mine. I started reading. After a while he woke up. His groggy eyes scanned the room and tried to focus to get everything sharp. Than he saw me. With his file… and mine. He looked shocked.

“You weren’t stupid enough to think I didn’t have a file on you, were you?” I said almost laughing. I was turning the table. I wasn’t going all ballistic on him like he expected. I was going to show him that I didn’t really care. Cause how could you care if it was all a game in the first place. How could you care if he meant nothing for you.

Aiden got up and now sat next to me on the bed. He was silent, he almost looked like he was sad.

“Clean your shit up if you don’t want it to be found,” I muttered seeing his lost look. “I never really expected that there was a business quite like mine. I never expected to have any competition.”

Aiden took my hand and I looked up to him, confused.

“You honestly think this was all a joke to me? Last night was a game?” He whispered. As much as I wanted to believe his lovely lies, I didn’t allow myself too. I wanted to him to tell me lies, but I couldn’t get myself to believe them.

“Well it was a game to me, and watching your file, you played along” I saw some hurt in his eyes. But he had tricked me so far, so he must be a very good actor. “You are not thinking I would seriously fall for your nice words, are you?” How can he be so naïve. So naïve to think I would believe him after this. After he ruined his whole credibility.

“yeah cause since last night, since last night I have been telling the truth.” Was he serious? Did he think I was that dumb? But there was something in his eyes, something that I couldn’t translate as a lie. He moved closer to me. His nose touched mine and his hand rested on my leg. He didn’t move further. He just stayed real close and looked me straight in the eye. His breath was warming my face. Somehow my heart got a bit carried away, but my mind stayed cool. I was Suzie Fucking Q and he would know it. His breath was getting lower and louder. He wanted me and I knew it. I wanted him and he probably knew that too. His hand burned on my naked leg. In just a t-shirt it wasn’t hard to tell that I wanted him too. My whole body yearned for him. I wanted last night back, but I didn’t want his lies.

“You must be real good at what you do,” I said. Wondering if I should give in to temptation or not.
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I think this one didn't take as long as i had expected. I really love you guys for sticking with me and well It means a lot. Suzie wouldn't be if it weren't for you.

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