Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Who the hell do you think you are?

With my heart beating faster than a racehorse could sprint, it was hard to keep focus. All I actually wanted was his body pressed against mine. All I wanted was to feel his lips on my stomach and to literally scratch open his bare back. And yeah, I wanted to scream his name, even his fake one. But that was not going to be the case. The game had gone out of hand and I needed to get it back on trail again. It was a school morning and since I didn’t have the results to the math test that I needed to make this afternoon, some studying would come in handy.

I backed up and left Aiden with his lust.

“You must be very good at your job, but You never mattered to me. You got close, but don’t try to play a player, hun” I got up. I needed to get dressed. I was harsh and I needed to be. I would get over this boy toy by finding a new one. It would be like he never existed in the first place.

Aiden was still silent, but it seemed that wasn’t going to last long. I liked it better this way. I didn’t want his sympathy or lies. I wanted him to get lost. While I was dressing he watched my bare body getting covered up.

“You’re to hot to be this cold,” He said with a smile on his face. What was he laughing at? If he had been telling the truth it was more likely for him to cry at this point. I was sort of breaking up with him before we could ever start anything. So what was with the smile. Had I been right? Had it all been a game for him too? Had my instincts saved me from a life just like my mums?

“Do I look like I care what you think?” I snapped at him. I threw a shirt over my head but my face was just as angry when it appeared again. “Didn’t you understand our agreement? We don’t talk, we don’t do anything except for some fun beneath the sheets, So no I do not care a thing about you,”

“You do seem to be very stressed and overly emotional for someone who doesn’t care,” He chuckled. What had I been thinking sleeping with this guy? He was obnoxious. I started to understand why I had hated him so much. That grin, that perfect grin. Blood was rushing everywhere it could go.

“See you are turning red,” he stated. But it was not embarrassment that made me look that way. It was anger.

“I don’t blush, I just get mad.” I overruled his slight victory. “And I’m going, Have a nice life, or not, I don’t care” I wanted to walk away. Out of his room, out of his life. Not realizing I had done that once before. Not realizing who he really was.

He cut my way and stood in the open door, not allowing me to pass.

“You did care once,” He said. I looked up to him, not understanding what he said. Yes I had cared once, I had cared. But not for him, never for him.

“You really don’t recognize me, do you?” He added. I looked at his face. His model face. No light bulb appeared above my head, I didn’t understand what he was talking about.

“What the hell are you babbling about?” I said agitated. His hand stretched to my face and he laid it against my cheek. I didn’t flinch. I couldn’t show him how good that felt. His dumb was stoking my cheek and in his eyes there was this peace. This… no I couldn’t name it. Cause it wasn’t true. I had promised myself never to use that word no more. No if I wasn’t breaking the word down. I couldn’t use it positively. But there it was. In his eyes, I couldn’t label it otherwise. But Suzie didn’t do love. She only did lust.

“You really don’t remember me. You used to be so beautiful, Your soul I mean. But then your mum got screwed over and you just changed. You guys moved away; you left me behind. You got bitter and didn’t look back anymore” My heart stopped beating, and I needed to gasp for air. This couldn’t be true. He couldn’t be… No. It was so long ago. How many years was it since we had moved? Maybe six? The only person I can remember leaving was Logan. His boyish shapes should have changed in all these years. He could have become the man that was standing before me. Six years could do a lot to a boys body. His sad eyes as I broke our friendship off. The harsh words I had used. His heart I crushed. It all came back to me. I hadn’t thought of it in ages. It had been so ugly that I had pushed it far in a corner of my head. Not allowing it to come back up again.

“Logan?” I stuttered a little. My voice had broken, Suzie was forgotten for a minute. He nodded. Happiness came over me. I threw myself in his arms and kissed him on his lips. The lips that tasted so much sweeter now that I knew they were his. Softly he put his arms around my body and held me close.

“How.. how did you find me?”

“I knew I had to had you. Not Suzie not Hannah. Just you.” He whispered in my ear.
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I hope you like. I try to keep updating regulary, cause you guys deserve it.

could you please promote my story to your mibba friends?