Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Changing from being Hannah

“So what do we do now?” I asked Logan. We were sitting in the dark. My back was pushing against one of the stocks. The room was still too little but we managed. I didn’t mind sitting really close to him. I had made myself decent again and Logan was buttoning his shirt. He was covering up his gorgeous muscles and I had to control myself not to stop him.

“Well I don’t know actually,” Logan mumbled. “It all depends on what you choose.”
What I chose? What were my options? What the hell was he blabbering about?

“I don’t get it..” I whispered.

“It’s quite clear though. There are two options. You can maintain Hannah and be the bitch, but without me. Or you can be Emma again and show the world how you feel about me. Either way, You do have to keep your company running.”

I hadn’t even thought about my heartbreak service until he brought it up. I had been a slob these last days. I had a client waiting; a halfway planned out plan and a lot of expectations to life up to.

How was I going to give up Hannah? She had been such a big part of my life. How was I going to let her go? I didn’t know who Eva was anymore. All I remembered were some vague days back when I was little. All those days included Logan. Emma was the girl who got to have Logan, so if I wanted him back in my life, I was going to be her again.

“I don’t want to loose you again. But I am scared too” I looked at the dirty floor we were sitting on. “Being Hannah was easy. If you don’t get close, you can’t be hurt you know” He nodded. Even in the dark I could see his perfect face. It was hard concentrating with him around. He made me nuts. I couldn’t think straight, I couldn’t breath and my heart just speeded up. This was what I was afraid of. He was getting so damn close that I wasn’t in control anymore. I was so scared of being hurt.

“You can let me get close” He whispered and pushed a little kiss against my forehead. How was I going to compete with this? How was I going to win from all these feelings? He had won me over already. Maybe he had won me over since the first time I saw him again. I just didn’t know it then.

“Don’t you ever hurt me, cause you know I can work magic with breaking hearts” I threatened him. He smiled and started chuckling.

“That won’t be necessary.” He stated. “But don’t give Hannah up entirely. I like her in the bedroom” Now he was laughing and I couldn’t help myself but laugh too.

“So miss Emma, You ready for the world?” He asked. I nodded. He got up and helped me on my feet. I took his hand and together we got out. We stepped into Highschool holding hands. From that day on he would be known for the guy who tamed Hannah. But we knew better.
Everything looked like heaven. But sure it couldn’t be like that. There were still some obstacles. I still had to deal with my mum and her psycho boyfriend. But I wasn’t thinking about that. Not yet. Today was all about enjoying Logan and displaying our feelings. We made out everywhere. It seemed Logan loved shocking the mass too. At the cafeteria he almost threw me on a table and started kissing me. The whole room was in shock. I loved being Emma again.
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Ok I hate it when I loose subscribers! Damn...
I feel a bit pressured to write as soon as possible even though nothing good is coming out of it. Because I don't want to loose subscribers. Please stay with me and understand I can't always be fast with updating.

I hate this chapter.. I think it sucks.