Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Do happy endings really exist

I always thought it would be hard to be Emma again. I never thought Logan would make things so easy. He was changed too. He wasn't the long clumsy boy anymore. He was my gorgeous boyfriend. Yes you heard it right; Boyfriend. Hannah didn't do love, but Emma sure did. PDA? what's that? We love each other, why shouldn't people see that? Ok, ok maybe making out on the teacher desk wasn't a good idea. Especially when the teacher walks into you haha.

My happy ending was here, finally. I still had a creep living in my house. I still had a mum to protect and a business to run. But it all seemed so much easier now Logan was back.

Hannah never really returned. I loved being Emma. She only came out when I had some work to do. Or of course if Logan wanted her to come out. If he wanted to rip the clothes of of her. Hannah was just fun to be sometimes, but being Emma was so much easier.

Suzie is still alive and kicking, but she has not one but two sisters now. Don't think you cheating, heartbreaking guys will get away with anything cause Suzie is occupied. No She is still on the loose, and you know; what goes around comes back around.
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I know I know. A weak ending. I'm sorry guys but this is it.