Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

I got a brand new attitude.

Class was boring. I was chewing on my pencil and balancing my feet in the air. Physics never really caught my attention. I didn’t mind to know how fast something was falling, as long as I knew it was falling down. I care to know how much force was needed to destroy something, as long as I knew that it could be destroyed. I saw a little paper traveling from table to table. It must be some note. My curiosity peaked. The little white dot was moving towards me.

“Hannah, pass it on,” A boy in front of me said. He apparently knew my name, but I couldn’t think of his. A lot of people ‘knew’ me, but I didn’t know them most of the time. I opened the note, I knew you weren’t supposed to read those notes if they wasn’t addressed to you, but I never cared what people were supposed to do. I had my own set of rules. And curiosity was playing a big part in them. I found out it was just a stupid love note between a girl and a boy. So the bitch in me came up. I couldn’t control her. I wanted to keep my life and my profession apart from each other, but I couldn’t do it. The bitch was such a big part of me. I couldn’t rule her out. She was always there. I torn a bit of paper from my notebook and started to write a new note.

I think we should talk..

Those were the only words I wrote down. It was not the worst thing I could’ve put down, but I also knew those five words would give any lovebirds the creeps. Questions like; what is wrong? Does he want to break up? Am I not good enough, would definitely appear. I passed the note on and I almost giggled. The buzzer went and I was saved by the bell. The moment they’ll find out that someone wrote a different note, they would immediately think I had something to do with it. At least, if some of their brain cells were left.

I was looking forward to get home. I had a client and so I had work to do. I had plans to make, traps to set and hearts to demolish. The day went on slowly. I wished it would have gone as fast as the morning had appeared. But just not my luck this time.

This next part is going to be hard for me to tell. This is the part I don’t have a mask on. I don’t like to show my soul, but I have to in order to give you a look at the big picture. I’m not only bitch, part of me is human. I’ll give you bits and pieces, so you can form your own opinion about me.

When the school buss dropped me off at home I walked up to the door. It was too silent inside. She must have done it again. I quickly opened up the door and ran inside. With relieve I saw my mum pasted out on the couch. Bottles were surrounding her. The place looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in months which even could be right to say. I had no time to clean the place up between school, homework and my company. And my mum sure wasn’t doing it.

“Come, let’s get you in bed.” I said softly. I kicked some bottles out of the way and got to the couch. She was opening her eyes. My mum used to be so pretty. I remember her with long bright blond hair. She always had a smile on her face that couldn’t be smacked off. She had a beautiful figure. But her bubbly character is what I miss the most. That’s how I remember her. I never really speak about her. Jaydin knows how my mum is, and that’s only because Jaydin found out herself. I couldn’t lie to her anymore. I had no choice but to tell the truth.

I don’t really know this person lying on the couch. Her grey skin, the bags under her eyes, always lying on the couch drinking. I didn’t know this woman. I grabbed her middle and threw her arm around my neck. I was used to it. I do this once a day. Her skin feels like dragon scales. It’s hurting me so much to see her that way. But she will never know. She either is passed out or she is nearly passed out. There hasn’t been a day in two years that she was sober. I’m already eighteen, so social services can’t take me away from her anymore, but I can’t leave her either. If I do that, I’ll find out she died. I’ll have to go to the morgue and identify her.

I carried her heavy weight up the stairs. It took me a while because she wasn’t co-operating. We got to her room when she couldn’t walk anymore. As a cripple she collapsed towards the floor. I could break her fall partially, still she got hurt. My mom started cursing like a drunken sailor. I closed my ears. I hated to hear the words that sometimes also came out of my mouth.

I picked her up again and softly laid her on the bed.

“Hannah..” She spoke with a double tongue, “Tell him to call back,.. he needs to call back..” I nodded.

“I’ll ask him to call back, just go to sleep,” I taught myself to agree with her when she was drunk. Or better; some black eyes had taught me that. I wasn’t telling her that he hadn’t called for two years that they were broken up. Not together anymore. My mom fell asleep and I stayed next to her for a few minutes. Just looking at this once beautiful woman. After ten minutes I dared running away to my own room.

I sat down behind my computer. I needed some hearts to break and I needed it quick.
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See the softer side