Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Is it possible you're a bigger Jerk

This boy knew. I didn’t know how he knew, but he knew. He could ruin my business. The income in my house would stop. Mum would have to start working again, with her drunken head. He could start all these problems and all he had to do is say the word. With a snap of his fingers he could change my whole life, not to mention my reputation. All these scenario’s of angry girls and boys were playing in my mind. I would not be safe anymore. I tried to play it cool. Maybe he was just bluffing. And if he was, he was messing with the wrong girl. I was the master of disaster so ruining his life had to come easy to me.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I was irritated, or well that’s what he would think. Inside I was scared, because control was not mine to hold.

“I’m talking about Suzie Q, you know the biggest heartbreaker of them all, I know you know her,” I hated the stuck-up smirk he had on his face. He was really enjoying this. I never knew what it was to be on the other side. To be the one that was played.

“So I know her,” I had to admit, this was no bluffing. I could see it. As I watched his face top read what he was thinking, I noticed he wasn’t that bad looking. Beautiful blue eyes and dark brown hair. His jaw line was, and I hate to say this, flawless.

“So I know her, that doesn’t give you permission to keep bumping into me, Buy some glasses!” He was still grinning.

“You’re a feisty little thing, aren’t you?” He said with his stupid perfect voice. I felt like smashing his face into a tree and make him eat gravel. But that was not the way I fought my wars. I did those things way better. Sneaky and without getting my hands dirty.

“I hope that wasn’t you trying to hit on me, seriously; I’m not interested,” I gave him one last fierce glance and walked on. I was heading home. Staying with that boy was way to dangerous. He might get more information from me than I was supposed to expose. I heard that he was following me. His footsteps made a sickening noise in the gravel. I first tried to ignore it. He would give up eventually.

But he didn’t. He kept following me. So I had to turn around again. He stopped right in front of me. Way to close for my liking. I put my hands on my thighs to create my bitchie-pose. I looked at him, disgusted.

“See this?” with my hands I made a circle around myself, while hitting him. “This is my personal space, and you are in it.” He smiled.

“No seriously you’re way too close, and I’m really really NOT interested. Do you get what I’m saying, or do you want me to spell it out of you,” Looking at his still not changed satisfied grin, I choose to answer my last question with a yes.

“Ok; I DON’T WANT YOU TO BUTT INTO MY LIFE!” I yelled in his face. This was supposed to be my quiet walk. My own time. But now I was screaming at this catalogue-looking boy and making a scene in the park. People started walking slower and looking our way. He was really laughing now.

“For a ‘fun’ girl you say seriously, way too often,” he said to me and to the crowd around us he said; “She liked yelling at me, It turn me on.”

Now I really was getting mad. Could he possibly be a bigger Jerk then I was a bitch? Before I knew it my hand was travelling in high-speed towards his cheek. I had never ever before slapped a boy. I usually went for the crutch. Like I had done with multiple boys. He was different, I couldn’t control the movement. I wanted to slap him so much. But before my hand touched his face he grabbed my arm.

“So you want to slap me,” He was still playing me according to that grin on his face, “You can also cut the yelling and slapping and have sex with me straight away.” I fiercely pulled my arm back.

“I’d rather slap you instead,” I snapped at him.

“I don’t mind, the slap will lead to the sex.” This was the point I was giving up talking some sense into this boy. If he wanted to believe that I would ever sleep with his pathetic ass, he could imagine all the wanted. It was not going to happen.

“If that’s what you want to believe, go ahead. But tonight it’s just you and your hand boy.”

I walked out of the park and ran for the buss that was almost leaving. I sat down in the back of the buss and put my headphone on. I needed some time for myself. I had to figure out how this boy knew of my connection with Suzie Q and I needed to think of a strategy so my company would survive this. Just as I was tuning out, someone was sitting down next to me. I glanced sideways and immediately let out a big sigh. It was him.

“Have you ever heard what happens with stalkers? They get restraining orders…” It was nothing like a hint. It was not subtle, but I was done with being subtle. Or wait, I had never been subtle.

“That is going to be a problem then,” He said, “Because I’m the boy next door.”

There were not many things that shocked me, but this was one of them. This jerk had been living next door all this time. He was getting way to close. I needed m space to breath.

I simply said; “I need room to breath, do you mind?” I stood up and took a seat in the front. Away from him. He knew to much. He was dangerous.

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UPDATE! Suzie Q has founc her match, who had every thought