Suzie Q's Heartbreak Service

Remind me to kill you later

“You still mad?” He asked while walking through my room.

“You still here?” I muttered while flipping over another page in my pathetic magazine. He went to my closet that held all my clothes. I saw him opening it from the corners of my eyes. What the hell was he doing? Checking my outfits? Was he gay or anything? I hated this new tactic that I was trying on. I hated not to give him an attitude. I hated it. Aiden took out a hanger with my favourite shirt on them. It was a white zebra-print shirt that was so long that I just wore them with tights or a skinny. It was really fitted and if I had it on my body shape really showed. How was he able to randomly choose just that particular piece?
He grinned.

“Yes I’m still here.” Looking at my shirt he added; “You always were these outrageous things. You really need attention don’t you?” Now I was starting to boil. Who here was the one that needed the attention. I mean I wasn’t visiting people that didn’t like me. I wasn’t implying things to get reactions. He was blaming me for things he did himself. I kept my mouth shut. It was hard but I managed to. He came up to me. His footsteps on my black carpet made no sound but my aura felt him coming closer. Immediately my body was observant. All my senses were sharp. I flipped another page, just to look like I didn’t care. Which I didn’t of course.

He threw the shirt on my bed.

“Put it on will you?” I looked up. Was he kidding? He wanted me to change? Why? I sat up and looked at him full of contempt.

“You can’t be serious. I am not doing anything for you,” I stood up and now it was my turn to walk up to him. Right in front of him I stopped. I made myself really big. I stood on my toes and looked at him. He was really close. Not much closer and our noses would have touched. Or well, if I stood on my toes.

“You are leaving now,” I whispered irritated. He smiled at me.

“You are very close for someone who doesn’t want to sleep with me,” he whispered back. Now he had pushed my buttons. I had rubbed me the wrong way. With all my force I put my hands on his chest and pushed him against my wall. I held him there. His muscles were burning through his shirt against my hands. He was surprised, but pleasant surprised it looked like.

“Are we getting physical?” He played. I sighed.

“If you aren’t leaving right now, I will make sure you have no chance of putting any offspring of you on this world,” He gently pushed my arms away from his chest. He was pretty strong. But what do you want for a work out junky. He looked like he had spend some hours in the gym. It was not overdone but he did have his muscles.

I was pissed. That he could hold me down with his index finger was annoying. With strength I had nothing on him. I was just this little petite girl while he was this brought beautiful boxer or something.

“That would be to bad, our genes together would make some hell of beautiful kids,” He said.
He was just inexorable. I walked towards my computer and started it.

“Please leave, I have work to do,” I turned my sight to the computer screen and tuned him out.

“Oh about that, I would like to partner up,” I looked up with a swing of my head. Was he being serious? But his eyes were serious this time. He was not playing, hell no.

“No that’s not happening.” I wasn’t being bitchy anymore. I was dead serious. This was my income, my business, my call.

“You don’t really have a position to say no. Imagine what will happen to your business if everybody knew who Suzie was? Who the mastermind was behind the whole empire,” He stood against the wall, just as I had left him there. He wasn’t kidding.

“What is in it for me?” I asked. I was talking business, I was talking big money.

“Well you would have me working with you, that’s one.” I sighed. There was this line between confident and arrogant. He had been crossing it the whole time. I hated how much he was copying my trademarks.

“Sorry, but I asked what was in it for ME,” He walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the screen.

“Well, you have been using the boys to break up a relationship. You went after them to ruing their life, but you didn’t consider the girls. I mean you are good-looking and I guess it worked, but cheating for a man is different then cheating for a woman. A woman has feelings when she sleeps with someone, that makes the deceive even harder. And that’s why you need me.”

I looked him up and down.

“Who do you think you are, Casanova?”

He just grinned. Looked at the shirt that was still lying on the bed.

"I'd like to see you in those clothes tomorrow," He winked at me. I smiled at him but I didn't mean it and he knew it. It was the most sarcastic smile ever.

“Think about it,” Was all he said when he finally disappeared. He was gone, at last, but still he left something behind. I wasn’t rid of him… yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
She is not amused, but he certainly is.