The Worst High School Reputation, Well Of Course I'm The School Slut.

I'd Call That look Shock and Surprise. I'm not the

Callista Point of view.

As my friends carried me away the look on Frank's face. Priceless. For everything else that life throws at you like need of camera there's Visa.[I sorry I had to]. The minuete I sat down I was grabbed and dragged by someone.

"Hello Ms.Stefano." Mocked Frank.

"Hello Iero." I sneered not even putting a Mr in front of it.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Frank spat.

"What I can't just drop in?" I said.

"No! Answer the fuck damn question." Frank roared.

"Fine don't wet your pants Iero." I said simply.

"Any day now would be nice." Frank groaned in annoyance.

"Cynthia, Bianca, Kirstin, and Aubrey." I said.

"What do they have to -" Frank started.

"Hannah Elizabeth Way and Charlotte Roxanne Iero." I said.

"What!" Frank yelled.

"My daughters. My friends." I said.

"Wait Iero? Wait what?" Frank stammered.

"Yes Ierp I left because I got pregnant during our secret love affair. I was scared and didn't know whose it was. So I left. I packed and left. You seem fine. I'll tell Charlie her daddy is busy." I explained Exhibit A.

"Now why I'm here. Cynthia and Bianca decided I needed to let the fathers of my kids see their dads. Kirstin who was invited due to your wife to be. Has my daughters and her sons. I'm staying with Aubrey. Which is how Gerard came into play. He found me there. I went to hit him. I thought him a dream. He grabbed me. Fucking held me in a hug, he smelled me. He watched tv with me on her couch. He found an obsession with my neck. Before he left a mark I made him stop. He shared my Cigarette. He played with his daughter." I said emphasizing the He in each statement.

His eyes widened he looked at me like I was possessed. I think he couldn't believe what I had told him. Also, what his friend had done.

"Come with me." Frank said.

"Kay." I said.

We went into his car. We drove at least down the road. He stopped pulled over.

"Listen to me. Stay away from me and Veronica I don't care for Charlie. Whatever the fuck you named her. Just disappear. Fucking vanish go home." I slapped him.

No I more like punched him square in the face.

"Don't ever say anything about my daughter ever again. Or next time it'll be permanent." I hissed.

I slammed his car door shut. I walked all the way back to his house. Got my fucking shit. And left the building.

"Callie!" I heard people call.

I didn't care. I walked into the center of this place. I found a coffee shop. I went in. I was tired I ached, my makeup had run its course, and my feet blistered. I sat down and ordered a black decaff hazelnut coffee. I put four packs of splenda, some creamer, and milk. I drank it. I felt better.

"Excuse me miss?" I asked.

"Yes?" The waitress answered.

"Do you know where there are any hotel's?" I asked. She nodded.

"Could you call me a cab?" I asked.

"Absolutely." She said.

"Can I get your name?" I asked.

"Ashleigh. Ashleigh Grenner." Ashleigh introduced herself.

"Callista. Callista Stefano." I said.

Her faced turned into one of shock.

"The Stefano. The lawyer." Ashleigh asked.

"Yup." I said.

"You're my hero. I look up to your cases. I love your kids. Pictures, and I love how you are just beautiful." Ashliegh said.

"Thank you." I said.

"If you want you could stay with me." Ash offered.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said. "I just gotta close up." I nodded, paid the bill, and she closed up.

We drove to her house.

"Wow it is beautiful." I muttered.

"Thanks." She replied.

"Can I use your phone? Mine died." I explained.

"Yeah sure. Here." She handed me the phone.

I dialed my cell to listen to my messages.

"You have 7 new messages." The voice said.

"Message one:" The automated voice said.

"Callie where are you? I'm so sorry for what he did. Callie call me. I will seek revenge next I promise." Cynthia cried.

"Message Erased." The Automated voice said.

"Next Message:" The automated voice said.

"Callista? I'm so sorry. I should have never let you go to his house." Gerard said.

"Message Erased."

"Next Message:"

"Lixi Answer the phone. Come on girlie. I heard what he did. Babe come on?" Kirstin said.

"Message Erased."

"Next Message:"

"Frank's going to suffer. Really I promise." Bianca swore enraged.

"Owww! Bianca. Fucking hell. What the fuck? Ow." I heard Frank groan.

"Message Erased."

"Next Message:"

"Hey. Callista this is Veronica Frank's fiancé. We met briefly today. I am very sorry for Frank's uncalled for behaviour. I'd like to have lunch just the two of us. I won't threaten you at the lunch. I'm not looking for a fight. I just would like to talk. Please call my house. The number is available through Gee." Veronica said.

"Message Erased."

"Next Message:"

"Hey Honey. It is Abbie, and Addie. We need to talk. About both Gerard and Frank. Well I'll see you around. Well we both will. Kisses." They said.

"Message Erased."

"Next Message:"

"Mommy. Mommy it's Charlie. Some man said he was my daddy. I punched him in the owie boy spot. Hannah is with her daddy. Mommy, Aunty Kirstie said he hurt your feelings. So I kicked him in the balls is what Aunty said it was called. Mommy call me. I miss you." Charlie said.

"Message Erased."

"End Of Messages." I hung the phone on the rack.

"Hey Callista you Okay?" Ash asked.

"I will be. Just some phone calls need to be made." I said.

"Well I guess you can sleep on the couch." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Here's a pair of pajama pants a top." Ash said.

"Thanks again." I said.

I laid on the couch. I couldn't fall asleep. I needed my teddy bear. I missed my daughter.