The Matchmaker of Decaydance

Food Stuff

I love Italian food. I didn’t know how the hell Gabe knew that (he probably talked to William or Trav), but he took me to this amazing, tiny Italian place that had some of the best food ever. I ordered a small plate of ravioli, while Gabe had some big complicated thing that had pasta and sausage in it.

“So, Alana, tell me everything about yourself. I want to know it all,” Gabe said in a really fake British accent, waving a breadstick around.

“When I get my food, you are getting sauce in your face.”

“Wanna bet? I could take you in a food fight,” he scoffed.

“Are you joking? Even after a hard day’s work, I could kick your ass.”

The waiter turned the corner and headed for us, two plates on the tray. Gabe and I glared at each other, both of us grinning.


I held my finger up to my lips in a ‘be quiet’ gesture, and Gabe nodded, holding my hand again. I unlocked the back door and led Gabe into the house, feeling like a criminal. Gabe was staying with us, though, so Pete had no reason to complain.

Well, maybe he did. Gabe and I were getting back at around 2:00 in the morning, with tomato sauce everywhere and a noodle here and there. Pete hadn’t even known about the date, initially. I had texted Pete and said that I was with Kacie to cover our backs. I doubt he bought it, though.

The house was dark. I saw someone sleeping on the couch, probably Joe or Andy, being that there was a huge poof of hair. I brought Gabe upstairs and opened the door to his room.

“Pete’s going to kill us when he wakes up, isn’t he?”

“I hope not,” I whispered.

“You’re probably exhausted.”

“Just a little,” I said mid-yawn.

“Then you should go to sleep,” Gabe said quietly, kissing my forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning?”

“Well, considering what time it is…”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll see you later this morning. You guys having a get-together today?”

“Yeah. I invited this girl from the competition that I think would be perfect for Alex.”

“You already found a girl for him?”

“They don’t call me the Matchmaker for nothing.”

“For some reason, I find that sexy.” He started doing those little, tempting kisses in between words. “So,” (kiss) “have you” (kiss) “found a match” (kiss) “for yourself” (kiss) “yet?”

“There is this one guy…”

He slipped his hands into my back pockets. I had always loved when guys did that.

“Now I,” he said, still doing those little kisses, “have to go to bed, or this whole ‘take it slow’ thing won’t work.”

“Fine. Goodnight, Gabe.”


I reluctantly let go of him and went into my own room. Probably in about 5 hours, Pete was going to wake me up to start getting things ready for the party.

Oh well.


“Good morning!” Pete yelled, throwing open my door and jumping into my room.

“Do I not get to sleep in at all this week?” I mumbled into my pillow. “I don’t have a hangover, by the way.”

“Aw, damn.”

“Ha, I win.”

“You should come down and make food for tonight.”

“I will. Give me ten minutes.” I threw the covers off and stretched. I got dressed in a shorter pair of jean shorts and a tank top, then went downstairs. Alex and Ashlee were already up, having cereal at the center island.

“Morning, kids,” I said as I took out a bagel and stuck it in the toaster. Glancing at the clock, I saw 10:00.

“How are you so awake?” Alex mumbled.

“Dunno.” I got out the cinnamon and the sugar. “Wait! I’m gonna make brownies!” I cried.

“For breakfast?” Alex asked, looking confused.

“No, for later, smart one.”

Gabe came thundering down the stairs. “I heard brownies.”

“Yup. I’m going to make some.”

“The special kind?”

“I don’t have any of the special ingredient today, sorry.”

“Then you have to make your salsa.”

“I was going to anyways. If I didn’t, Joe Trohman would murder me.”

“I would too.”

“No, you wouldn’t, Gabanti,” Alex said through a mouthful of cereal. “Not even if you tried.”

Gabe just rolled his eyes and sat on the other side of Alex.

“So you got championship yesterday?” Ashlee asked.

“Yeah, we did. Did Mark drop off the trophy?”

“Yeah. And afterwards?”

“Went out with a friend, mother.”

“Who’s that?”

“Would you stop interrogating me? I’m trying to make brownies.”

Alex and Gabe chuckled. Ashlee sighed.

“Her name’s Kacie and she’s coming over today.” I glanced at Alex as I said this. I saw he was focusing on his cereal, but obviously listening. “She and Derek got second yesterday. I think you guys will like her,” I said, looking pointedly at Alex.

Ashlee raised her eyebrows. ”Have you found…”

“I have. Ssh.”

“Found what?” Gabe asked, coming over and stealing a bite of my cinnamon sugar bagel.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Hey, Gabe?” Alex interrupted. “When are we going home? I want some time at home before we go on Warped tour.”

Gabe shrugged. “You can go whenever you want. I think I’ll stay for a few days. When do we leave again?”

“A week.”

“Oh.” Gabe’s face fell.

I paused for a second while stirring the chocolate batter. Cobra was going on tour in a week? Warped, no less. They’d be busy as hell until the middle of August and it was early June now. Gabe and I would lose all of the ground we’d gained.

♠ ♠ ♠
ACK I have 5 days off starting tomorrow :) I'm excited.
Jeez, I love my readers. Thank you all a TON for all the comments and 7 stars. whoaa.