The Matchmaker of Decaydance

Welcome To NYC

“Welcome,” Gabe said, taking the bag from my hand, “-To my humble abode.”

“Doesn’t look too humble.” There were big speakers and a kitchen obviously filled with lots of food and booze. A TV with a relatively large screen sat on an entertainment center, and there were a bunch of places to sit and hang out.

“Well, you know. It works. I throw parties sometimes, but I think I want to take it easy for a few days before we leave.”

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out, yawning. With the time zone change, it was 7 o’clock in the morning. Without, it was 4 o’clock.

Where are you? Ashlee’s text read.

NYC. Pete kicked Gabe out and I went with.

What was with all the yelling? Did you screw Gabe or something?

Pete kind of walked in on us.

0.0 jeez. Call me later, I already miss you.

“In here’s the bedroom,” Gabe called.

“Can I take a nap?”

“That’s one of the reasons that bed is here.” Gabe smiled and chucked a long t-shirt at me. “For until we leave again.”

“Thanks.” I collapsed on the bed for a moment until I changed. “Are you going to take a nap too?”

“First I’ll get Suarez home, then I’ll arrange for the band to come over later.” He sounded totally professional and serious.

“Where did the sexy businessman come from?”

“He’s in there with the sexy rest of me. Now take a nap,” Gabe said, a cute smile on his face.

“Only if I must.”

“Duh. Night, Alana.”

“Night, Gabe.”


A few hours later, I woke up to laughter in the living room. After a moment of digging through my bag to find a pair of shorts, I went out to join the party.

“Oh my,” said a voice in a British accent. “Who do we have here?”

I eventually placed the voice to Ryland. I knew I was right when he stood up and came over to me.

“Good morning, darling. I don’t believe we’ve met.”


“Ripley. Guy Ripley at your service.” He took my hand and kissed the back. “And you are?”

Gabe definitely set this up. I decided I would play along. “I’m Alana Wentz. I must say, Mr. Ripley, your accent is fascinating.”

He grinned and ran his fingers through his hair. “Please, dear Alana, call me Guy. Now, I’m from the BBC, and like any good reporter, I’m out to find the most…shall we say, tantalizing people around. And may I say, Miss Wentz, you look as tantalizing as they come.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” said Gabe, jumping up from the couch and stepping in between me and ‘Guy.’

“Well, good morning, Gabe. And how did that little plan work out?” I asked slyly.

“Failed miserably.”

“I’m hungry,” Ryland said, suddenly transforming back from Guy Ripley. He went into the kitchen and started snooping around. “Oo, Fruit Loops.”

“Dibs!” I yelled and ran after him.

“So we’re leaving Friday?” Nate asked.

“Yeah,” Vicky said, the first word from her all day. “The bus is meeting us here. We’ll get moved in and go.”

“Um, Gabe? There’s only 5 bunks.”

“Alana?” Gabe called.


“Share a bunk with me?”


“There. Problem solved.”

I went back into the living room with my bowl full of Fruit Loops. “Is Suarez back?”

“He’s on his way. Kacie might be coming with him.”

I grinned. “Didn’t I tell you?”

“Yeah, yeah, you did.”

“Whose ringtone is that?” Ryland asked as he came back into the living room.

I was confused for a second, then I heard ‘Same Blood’ coming from Gabe’s room.

“Aah! Mine! Um, quack quack seat back!” I said, then ran into the bedroom. “Hey, Bill,” I said, answering the phone.

“So where’d you take off to?”

“New York.”

“You ran away with Gabe?”

“No, with Madonna. Yes, Gabe. But only because Pete was being a total ass.”

“What did he do, walk in on you guys getting it on?”

“Well,” I said, clearing my throat. “You see…”

“Damn, Alana!”William laughed. “I can just see that happening…sounds bad. Are you going on Warped tour with us, then?”

“Yeah, dude. I’m so excited.”

“You’ll love it.” He paused, then continued, a little more delicately. “When are you going to start talking to Pete again?”

I swear, he knew me way to well. “When he stops being a dick. He barged in my damn room, then started yelling at Gabe and told him to be out of the house by morning.”

That’s a little intense…shit, I gotta go. Sisky set something on fire again. See you soon, love.”

“Bye, William. Lots of love.”

I hung up, then went back to where everyone else was to find my seat taken.

“Dude, I definitely quacked that,” I almost whined at Ryland.

“Quacking is for kids,” he scoffed.

“We quacked through our senior year in high school. Just ask Bill. We quacked everything.”

“You know Bilvy?”

“Since 7th grade. He’s my best friend. Actually who I talked to a minute ago.”

“Did you tell him about why I was kicked out?” Gabe asked from the kitchen.


“Damn…now he knows I lost the bet.”

I almost choked on my food. “You guys bet -”

“Not on your willingness, but on my inability to help myself. Bilvy said I wouldn’t be able to resist you longer than a week. He won that, obviously.” He came back in, a sandwich in his hand. He leaned over me with one hand on the back of the couch. “I just couldn’t help myself,” he whispered, bringing his lips close enough to brush mine, just barely.

“Chill out, you guys!” Nate almost shouted.

“Shut up, you prude. This is hot,” Gabe said, not moving.

“Jealousy, Nate. It’s a bad thing,” I scolded, wrapping my arms around Gabe’s neck.

“So how far have you guys gone, exactly?” Ryland asked, taking a bite of Gabe’s sandwich. “What the fuck? Strawberries?”

At this, I had to laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, Ryland.”

“Wanna go out today? Have a day out in New York?” Gabe asked me.

I’d been to New York before, but a day with Gabe in public was bound to be interesting.

“Let me up and we can go.”

“Finally,” Nate groaned when Gabe stood up.

“Damn prude.”
♠ ♠ ♠
look,another banner :)
I luv you guys :D

p.s. I got my A.P. mag today and it says there'll be a new COBRA STARSHIP album in February!!!! ACK EXCITED!