The Matchmaker of Decaydance

A Few Thoughts

Pete’s P.O.V.

I saw the way Gabe looked at her; the way he checked her out and she, embarrassed, turned quickly back to Ashlee. I’m not going to lie, Alana is usually the type that will wave at the guy in that silly little girl way and start silently flirting. But this time she just turned away with this strange look on her face. That meant that she was either scared to death of Gabe, which was unlikely, or that…

Oh no. I really hope she didn’t fall for him, because that would add her to a list of about 3,000. I mean, Gabe was usually a good guy and stuff, but he had a reputation for fooling around. He wasn’t a person to get in a relationship with.

Wait, what am I thinking?! Alana is my little sister; she can’t be involved with anyone, ever.

That’s bull and you know it.

Well, maybe it is, but she’s still my little sister.

Now she acted embarrassed again when Gabe began to take his pants off. He had his trunks on, but she was still being embarrassed. Jeez, what has gotten into her?

There, she pulled him into the pool. That’s more like it. Gabe’s face was perfect. He was totally taken by surprise. Then he looked at her with this look of utter worship as she dove out of the way of Patrick’s cannonball. Gabe got hit with the worst of it, but only because he was staring at my sister.

Hey, that’s not right!

Ugh, I don’t even want to go there. I just hope that Gabe and Alana don’t get into anything they shouldn’t. Please don’t let that happen.



Gabe’s P.O.V.

Oh my God. Peter Wentz is now my new hero for having a sister. She’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. She was wearing this red and black bikini that showed off her assets and her flaxen blonde hair was up in a ponytail. She didn’t have much makeup on, just some eyeliner, but she didn’t need it. Her skin was perfectly smooth. I could definitely see myself taking her and -

Whoa, there, Gabriel. Not so fast. This is Pete Wentz’s sister.

I shook my head and tried to write off both of those thoughts. Tonight wasn’t for any of that, just a kick back and relax sort of thing.

Well, it was until Alana pulled me into the pool. Then it was on.
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JEEZ. 4 comments in like, half an hour. I like this XD
This chapter was kind of shorter, but it gives a little insight into two of the boys' brains.