The Matchmaker of Decaydance

Shopping Day

“So where to?” Hayley asked from the backseat.

“I think Forever 21. There’s been a few things there I’ve had my eye on.”

“That works. I think there’s room in my closet for a few new tops anyways.”

“No, there isn’t.”

“Okay, so Alana?” Ashlee said, glancing over at me while she drove.

“Yes, Ashlee?”

“What’s going on with you and Gabe?”

Hayley leaned forward so she was between us. “Yeah, why was he coming out of your room when you were supposedly changing?”

I sighed. “Guys -”

“You hooked up with him last night, didn’t you? That’s why your signature sandwich was half-eaten on the counter. Is that the reason you didn’t finish it?”

“Quit interrogating me.”

She grinned. “I knew it.” She pulled into the parking lot and turned the engine off. “I recommend purple.”

“Yes!” Hayley interjected. “His favorite color. He’s famous for it.”

“Let’s just see what they have going on in there, okay?”

“I can just tell you that you two would be the cutest couple on earth.”

I grinned. “Isn’t it my job to tell people that?” I asked, leading our little trio into the mall and then the store. I glanced around and after a second, I saw the dark gray vest that I’d been looking for.

“Is that the one?” Hayley asked.

“Yeah, this is it.”

“I know exactly what that would go with. Ashlee, when you’re done, buy this, will you? I’m taking her to Hot Topic.”

“Got it.”

Hayley pulled me off through the mall, hood up and shades on. We went into Hot Topic and she pulled through the aisles, searching through the Tripp pants. When we found what she was looking for, she pulled my size off the rack.

“Go try these on.”

They were a pair of purple skinny jeans. I knew they would fit already - I had a red pair just like them. I knew Gabe was going to love them.

“I know they’ll fit, Hayles. I just…”

“Don’t want to move things too fast with you two?”

“Well, yeah. I don’t know how a pair of skinny jeans will speed things up, but still.”

“He loves skinnies. Anyways, you have complete control of what happens. You’re fine.”

I sighed. “Okay, then.”

Ashlee came in with the Forever 21 bag. “Oh, wow, Alana. You definitely have to get those. They’re perfect.”

“All right, fine. Give me Pete’s card.”

Ashlee handed over the credit card that we had pocketed.

“Wait, I’m getting these.” Hayley tossed me a pair of yellow jeans.

“Ha. You totally would,” I said as I paid. ”What did you get, Ash?”

“Just this.” She pulled a black shirt out of the bag. There were fishnet gloves a lot like the ones on my dancing dress attached to it.

“Jeez. Where did you get that, Victoria’s Secret?”


I rolled my eyes. “Guys, where are we going tonight?”

“Out. We’re not going to tell you, even though you’re going to ask a million times.”

I rolled my eyes and took the bag from the cashier. “Thanks, guys. Love you too.”

“Alana, we’re just treating you. You know how hard you’ve been working lately? After you and the guys got back from the tour, you’ve been dancing five times a week during most of the day.”

“Like that’s hard work, Ashlee.”

“I know it’s like second nature to you, but still, you know?”

“OH MY GOD!” someone from across the mall shouted. “It’s Ashlee Simpson!”

“Run for it!” I yelled. The three of us took off, racing for the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love those jeans :)