The Matchmaker of Decaydance

Worrying All Around

Gabe’s P.O.V.

“You like her, don’t you?” Alex asked. They were standing in the living room while eneryone else was upstairs.

“Shut up, Suarez. Maybe I do.”

“I’m just checking. You know Pete’s protective as hell, right?”

“Yeah, I know that.” Gabe sat on the couch, head in his hands. “I like her more than the rest, though. She’s not like any of the other girls.”

“Do you have any idea how damn corny you sound?”

“I said shut up,” Gabe laughed. “God, dude.”

“Go for her. I mean, not like you usually do, but take her out to dinner or something. And don’t fuck her afterwards, you know? That stuff nice guys do.”

“Yeah, got it, Suarez. I don’t know if I should be taking your advice, though. You’re no Ryland Blackinton.”

“Damnit. My life goal, ruined.” Alex rolled his eyes. “Be good, though, Gabe. Especially when we go out tonight.”

“We’re going out?”

“Uh oh, did I forget to tell you? Well, we’re all going out tonight. It’ll be like a Decaydance party, only cooler because there’ll be normal people there and we can scare them and shit.”

“I thought you were all freaking out about missing the flight and all,” Gabe said, suspicious.

“Well, I was yesterday. But I think we can not go back to New York for a few days.”

Gabe sighed and lay back on the couch. “All right, man. Whatever you say.”


Pete’s P.O.V.

“Ashlee, I’m nervous about the two of them. What if Alana goes back to the way she was? She wasn’t exactly headed in the right direction.” The girls had gotten back from the mall and Pete and Ashlee were in their room, talking while Pete picked out his outfit.

“She doesn’t drink like she used to, Pete. And she‘s learned not to go after every guy she sees.”

“But Gabe is like the male version of that. And who knows what’ll happen when you put the two of them together.” He tossed a pair of dark jean skinnies on the bed. “It could end up really bad.”

“She was nervous about going out tonight at the mall.”

Pete paused for a moment. “She was nervous about Gabe?”


He pulled a white t-shirt and a gray and blue Clandestine sweater out form the closet. “That’s not like her.” He sighed.

“You’ll have to live if they end up together, Pete.”

“Okay, okay. Now let me change.”

“What, I can’t watch you? I’m your wifey.”

“Doesn’t mean you won’t attack me where I stand.”

Ashlee chuckled, thinking of the top she had bought. “Fine. I’ll go change in the bathroom.”


“You’re the one that kicked me out, hon.” She stood up and went over to Pete. “Stop worrying,” she said, kissing him lightly.

“She’s my sister. I can’t.”

“Yeah, you can.” Ashlee left the room and Pete was left standing there, still worrying about Alana and what was about to happen with her.