Sequel: It Hurt So Much
Status: Finito!!!

Epic of Time Wasted

Epic of Time Wasted

"A, B, C, D," Jimmy sang in the middle of the tour bus blocking any person that wanted to pass by.
"Man c'mon! move!" Johnny yelled trying to get him to budge, but it wouldn't work.
"E F G H I J K!" He sang louder trying to over come Johnny.
"Dude, seriously!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
"L M N O P!" he said ignoring him.
Ugh, C'mon we have a show in," he looked down at his watch. "Twenty minutes! now move!"
"Q R S T U V W X Y ANDDDDDDDD z!" He said finally done.
"FInally, can we go now?" Jimmy simply shook his head.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5."
"I swear you better be counting to ten." Jimmy shook his head.
"6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11! 12,"
"FINE! I give up! I'm leaving." he said storming off the tour bus.
"13, 14, 15, 16!" he said louder so Johnny would hear him.

Johnny walked onto the bus only hearing Jimmy's counting.
..."995, 996, 997.."
"Your not done yet!?!" Jimmy held out his finger notioning for Johnny to wait.
"..998, 999, ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-THOUSAND!" he looked up at Johnny. "'kay. now i'm done!" He said standing up.
♠ ♠ ♠
...OK. SO it's kinda short but it was written out of boardem-ness
BUT!!! i made an oath that i would put it on here.
and if i didn't giant flying turkeys were going to come to my house and rape my dog....
then she would have many tiny geico /doggy babies with penis' the size of space-shuttles....
i don't have a dog though....