Cry For Me

Cry For Me

Sitting. Staring. Glaring. Crying. Dreading. Hating. Loving. Sobbing.

I sat in my room and stared out my window aimlessly. It's been raining for days now and it's finally calmed down. But i didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing to me anyways. There was a knock on my door. "Adalea!" My dads voice came through the door. i just kept my gaze out the window. Another knock. They increasingly became louder until they were bangs.
"Adalea Marie Johnson! Open this door right now or I'll do it for you!" his voice boomed.
I slowly got up and walked to the door. i opened it enough for him to my tear streaked face. When he saw the state i was in he just shook his head. "Again?" He said before walking away. I closed my door and fell back onto my bed. A new set of tears formed in my eyes and I let them fall freely. Thoughts about Jake and my mom filled my mind. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get out. I needed to be away from here.
I slowly got up and went to my window. The rain was starting up again so I needed to hurry. I grabbed the closest hoodie and went on the roof. i slowly walked to the lowest point and jumped off. I caught my balance once i reached the ground and zipped up my hoodie, making my way towards Johnny's. As I walked the rain became heavy along with my tears.
I got Johnny's to not long after, but the rain was so hard i was drenched. I rang the bell and his silhouette appeared through the glass. He opened the door and his eyes were filled with sorrow. He knew exactly what i was going through. He pulled me into the house and held me in his arms. When i had calmed he led me upstairs to put on some dry clothes. While i changed he went down to the family room to start a fire.
By the time I got down there the fire was started and it was pretty warm. He came to sit next to me and i cuddled into him.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He Inquired. I shook my head.
"Not yet. Maybe tomorrow." I said closing my eyes, falling asleep.
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So it's the first chapter.
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