Cry For Me

Chapter 4

"What?" They all said at once.
"I need to get out of here." I repeated.
"why? Where too?" Zacky asked.
"I need to think. New York maybe. Not sure yet."
"Why can't you stay here!? Why do you need to go away!" He yelled jumping up.
"I didn't say it was final! I just shot the damn idea!"
"But still! You don't have anyone in New York-"
"No! You mean I don't have you!" I said jumping up as well. "And you have this idea that you guys are my entire life! But guess what! I had a life before I moved here And you weren't in it then!" I grabbed my shoes and stormed out. I got half way down the stairs and i felt someone grab my arm. I spun around and saw Matt standing there with a pissed look on his face. "What?" I spat. He shook his head.
"Let's talk." I pulled away.
"What if I don't wanna."
"Too bad.' He said grabbing my arm again and trailing me into the den. Hepushed sat me on the couch.
"Why won't you let any of us in?"
"Why do I have too?"
"'Cause were your best friends, and you should trust us."
"No one ever said I didn't trust you!"
"Then let me in."
"I can't.'
"why not?"
"'Cause it's too easy."
"Then do it!"
"Don't you understand! I'm not ready!"
"When will you be ready?"
"I Don't know. But I need to get away. If I go and get some time, I'll come back ready."
"So when are you going too New York?"
I lightened a little, and shook my head.
"I don't know. Next week." I shrugged.
"Okay. Well your gonna have to go home and get packed. Uhm, you need plane tickets, I'll take care of that. And where are you gonna stay?" I was highly surprised at how understanding he was.
"Prolly Krista and Lauren's."
"So, you should call them." He said handing me the phone. I dialed Krista's number and waited for her answer.
"Hello?" Her voice came.
"Hey!" I said.
"Oh, hey babes. What's up?" She said.
"who're you talking to?" Jimmy asked as he came down the stairs, followed by the guys. I waved him off. "Krista." Matt said. I looked up and saw Johnny turning red.
"What would you say-" I began.
"No. Absolutely not."
"I didn't even ask."
"And who's fault is that?"
"Fine never mind. Bye."
"No! What's you want?" I put her on speaker, "You gonna ask?" Her voice filled the room.
"Okay shut up. You're on speaker. So I have a question. Can i come for a while?" Her side of the line was quiet. "Hello?" I said.
"She's not gonna answer you." Johnny said. I looked at him puzzled.
"Why not?"
"You told her to shut up."
"Un-shut up." I said annoyed at stupidity.
"I don't care. Worst comes to worst you'll stay at a hotel."
"Would you really make me do that?"
"Mhmm. I'm sure your daddy Can afford it."
"Bite me!"
"Through the phone?"
"Hey Matt?" She said.
"Yeah." He said.
"Bite her for me." I looked at him and he had a huge smirk on his face.
"I will shatter your phone."
"Your not nice." Krista said.
Music filled her side of the phone.
"What is that noise?" I screamed into the phone.
"It's not noise. It Huey."
"It's highly sexual!"
"It changes to Escape the Fate halfway through. So calm it. But anyways when are you coming?"
"Next week-ish."
"You said -ish. When are you coming?"
Okay. I'm not completely sure. But it's either next week or the week after."
"Okay call me when you book your flight, yo."
"M'kay. That works."
"Alright. Now i have to go clean something."
"I bet you do."
Bye! Love you!"
Love you too."
"Love you too!" Jimmy sang.
"Love you too Jimmy. Now I really have to go. Bye." Her side of the line went dead.
"Aw, Johnny you didn't tell her you loved her." I teased. I layed back and put my feet on Matt.
"shut up." He said siting on the couch across from me and Matt.
"But don't you wuv her?" I asked pouting.
"I hate you." He mumbled.
"No you don't." I said getting up. "You're not allowed too. Now, I'm gonna go to my house and look for suitcases."
"You want me too come with you?" Matt asked.
"If you want." I said walking over to the fireplace where my sneakers resided. I was still in Johnny's sweats but i didn't care at the moment. I put my shoes on and we walked out hand in. We did most of the time. Some people thought we were together but most knew we were just best friends. H pulled a cigarette and pit it between his lips. As soon as he lit it i took it from between his lips. He took another one and lit it. We walked in silence. MY house was only down the block, nut it seemed longer for some reason. As we approached the house he put his cigarette out. "Why'd you do that?" I asked.
"No smoking in the house." I shrugged and walked in. "I'm home!" I hollered. I got no answer. I walked down the hall too my dad's study. "I'm going to New York for a while." He looked up from his paper.
"Put that out." He said referring to the cigarette. I ignored him and went upstairs, grabbing an ashtray on the way up. Matt was in my room laying on my bed. I went too my closet and looked on the top shelf for a carry-on suitcase. There wasn't one. Then I looked in the back and it was empty. I walked over to my bed and bent down. I looked under the bed. It had a few pairs of shoes. "Do you need help?" Matt asked.
"Nope." I said walking over to the bench under my bow window. I lifted it up and it had blankets in it. "We should go to the mall and just get new ones." I said grabbing random clothes out of my closet. I threw em on and we left.
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o.k i got 1,038's perddy good..there's more to this chapter but I'm being forced to get off cos of my daddy...but I'm gonna try and do the rest tomorrow...maybe Monday cos there's no ill have the whole day to waste...unless i go skating.

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