What Kind of Priest Are You? (Wolfwood)

What Kind of Priest gets asked that? Part Two

You look at Tiffany, who was smiling.
"Actully, We're both working for him." Tiffany corrected herself.
"Who?" You asked.
"Someone who wants us to watch over someone who's watching over Vash the Stampede." She answered.
"Your kidding me." You said in disbelief, "You don't even know the exact names!"
Tiffany backed up. "Ofcourse I do!" Tiffany replied. "The man that we have to watching is sitting there."
She nodded toward Wolfwood.
"Wolfwood?" You asked in a whisper. She nodded. You looked at the ground.
"By the way, we're also bring the band together agian." She added.
"No, not the band!" You exclaimed. "It's going to be contanst fighting again!"
"No." Tiffany said shortly. "You-know-who isn't going to be there."
"He always was the problem."You sighed. "Okay. Let me get this straight. We're watching over Wolfwood and that man is Vash The Stampede?" You pointed to Vash. He agrueing with Wolfwood.
"Yes." She smiled. "I'm glad your not that mad about the band thing."
Once again Tiffany was able to completly miss the point. *We're going to follow dangerous crimals and she can only think about the band.* You thought. *We probably won't met Matt again.*
"And you know what the best part is?" Tiffany asked, "I know where Matt is living and it's in the next town!"
You need an anime fall. "Do you know everything?!?" You asked rubbing your head. "It's weird how you know this stuff."
"Wow, I didn't think it was that weird." She replied. "Oh, well."
Tiffany smiles again as the bus slowed down for a break. You exited the bus with her and sat in the shade of the bus. Tiffany sat a ways away from you and she strummed the guitar. Children gathered around as she sang "Listen children to a story that was written long ago." You sighed. *Why is she singing?* You asked yourself. *Singing about peace isn't going to bring it. If I smoked I'd light one now.* You sighed and buried your head in your hands.
"Mind if I sit here?" Someone asked.
You looked up and saw Wolfwood. You moved and made some room. He sat down by you.
"Strange how they seems so alike." He pointed to Tiffany and Vash.
They were laughing and talking like they knew each other forever.
"Tiffany's like that." You answered with a smile. "She can just does what she must."
"What is she singing about?" Wolfwood asked. What's it called?" "
She's singing One Tin Soldier." You answered, "It's about world peace."
"Umm." Wolfwood pondered. "Do you sing too?"
You looked up and saw Tiffany was gone.
"Oh, would we look at that!" You exclaimed nervously. "It's time to go back on the bus!"
You smiled and got on the bus. Only to see Vash in your seat.
"Um, Tiffany?" You pointed to Vash. "Where am I going to sit?"
"You can sit in Vash's spot." Tiffany answered. "Right next to Wolfwood."
She winked at you. Did she really expect you go to work now? You sighed. Why isn't Tiffany watching Wolfwood? You sat next to Wolfwood, pouting. He smiled.
"Can you answer my queston now?" He asked. "It can't be that bad."
"I play the piano and keyboard." You answered. "I occaionly sing. Now I have I queston for you and since I answered your's it's only fair that you answer mine."
Wolfwood looked shocked. Where have I heard that before? He asked himself. "Your going to October." You continued, "Why?"
"I'm going somewhere with Vash." He answered. "We're just resting in October."
You talked to Wolfwood til you got to October. Whenever he asked about your family, you answered by asking about his. He always stopped the subject after that. *Why doesn't he want me to know about his past? Why is he interested in MY past?* Once you got in October. Tiffany lead you, Vash and Wolfwood to a bar. Tiffany stopped in her tracks and bounced up and down when she saw the band. You looked up and saw a man with brown hair and blond highlights. He was playing the electric guitar.
"Hey, Matty!" Tiffany called to him. "Play Vertigo!"
He smiled. "Only if my star drummer plays." He answered.
Tiffany climbed up and start the song off. You sat Wolfwood and Vash down at a table.
"She plays the drums too I take it." Vash smiled. "She's good."
"Ya." You answered. "She switchs with Matt when there's a female lead singer."
Vash and wolfwood looked at you shocked.
"How do you know?" Wolfwood asked.
"I use-" You got cut off.
"How dare you leave without us!" Meryl yelled at Vash.
Vash crouch and prepared to be hit. Then Tiffany got the microphone.
"Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed. "No Violence!"
Merly stopped and blushed. Then she sat next to Vash like nothing happened.
"That's what I want." Tiffany covered. "I'll sing Blowin' in the Wind now."
Another song started. There's no drums in this song so Tiffany and Matt are sharing the mic. There's dangously close to each other and Vash seems mad about that. You look back at Wolfwood and caught him looking at you. He quickly looked away through.
Tiffany and Matt came back to you guys after that song. She sat by Vash and Matt sat next to her.
"So, what's up?" Matt asked. "Why you guys here?"
"We're here to have you join the band again." Tiffany answered, cheerfuly. "It will just be us three."
"That's good." Matt sighed. "I didn't like You-know-who that much anyway. How are you, Apple?"
"I'm fine." You answered. "And your not trying to get back with Tiffany are you? If you are, you should probably know that she's been close to that guy lately."
You pointed to Vash who was blushing with Tiffany.
"Can't I try to reclaim what I lost?" Matt begged.
You sighed and pulled him away. "You put her thought enough." You scoled. "Let her love someone else."
Tiffany's POV---> "So, Wolfwood." You started, "What are your feelings toward Apple?"