Status: rewriting for third person!

Outside of Your Window

not an accident

You watched as the man, perched atop the roof, stared down at you. You crossed your arms. "I didn't think you'd make it." You spoke unlike yourself-- voice mature; however, holding its youth. The man said nothing, only jumping from the ridge he stood on to the close fire escape below. The aging escape route shook and creaked under his feet. No one heard. You took a step towards him, breathed in quietly and gazed into his blue eyes, daring you to make your move. But you didn't. He leaned forward with a slight smirk. His lips were on yours--


Your eyes peered open agitatedly. Morning. You sat up from your brightly colored bedsheets and stretched your lean arms above you. A loud yawn crawled out of your throat lazily while you stepped out of bed. The carpet that covered the floor warmed your feet. Smiling happily, you walked from your room to the bathroom, where you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were a little pale, but nothing to be worried about. After tussling with your several sections of multiple-colored, rebellious hair, you remembered something. With wide eyes, you thought, Homework. English homework.

"Honey, what are you looking for?" The voice of your mother sounded above the angry growls from you and the very loud shrieks from innocent backpack paper. You saw her sitting at the kitchen table, smiling curiously as she sipped her coffee. Her tamed, red hair sat full upon her head, giving her a model-esque aura. Her thin body was covered in the baggy cloth of her blue bathrobe.

"Homework." You responded quickly, autonomously. Your eyes locked onto every single thing lying on the floor, attempting to find it. After searching under random clothes, throw pillows, dining tables, you felt as if your eyes were the sight-holes for snipers.

Once it hit you, you slowed down and looked up at your mom with a questioning gaze. "Should you be drinking coffee with braces?" You asked with a raised brow.

Your mother simply grinned and licked her braces through her smile. She always worked to make it through the modeling business, and nothing has held her back. In most cases, you admired her for her dedication,but in some situations, she was embarrassing.To say the least, she was somewhat materialistic, dramatic (which you must have inherited) and superficial. But she was always a supportive mother. "Hon, you're going to be late for school if you don't get your clothes on." She stated bluntly, waving her hand that didn't hold the coffee mug nonchalantly. You were way ahead of her. A shirt was pulled over your head and jeans pulled upwards. As you slightly hopped to the front door attempting to tie your shoe, Mom cleared her throat, holding up your school backpack. You grinned sheepishly and snatched it from her hand. "Have a good day, hun." You nodded exasperatedly, hoping you wouldn't be late for school.

"You too." The door shut with a slam. You lived somewhat far from the school, but this won't be the first tardy, now will it? It was a simple, straight walk to the subway where you would get off at the stop where your school was near. Impatiently, you glared at your watch, begging for it to stop for only a few minutes. Suddenly, a scream pierced the morning air, sending the woman passing you with large grocery bags in hand to drop them. You, along with some other pedestrians didn't particularly flinch as most of Jump City's patrons were used to the commotion.

With a smirk, you began to count down: Five, four, three--

"Titans GO!"

You frowned slightly as your numbers were off. Nevertheless, you continued to school, not paying a second thought on the egotistical brats that would take the employment and pride out of the police force. However, you really should have paid a bit more attention to the source of the scream. From up above you, a giant monster roared, slapping the surrounding skyscrapers. It looked as if it were scanning the ground, and you thought nothing much about it, even though it was indeed a monster, but you adapted well. The moment you became afraid was when an extremely large arm pushed you forward before lifting you up from the ground. It raised you over its head, and your brown eyes shot wide. You could see the whole city. Once the aftershock passed, you screamed for help as loud as your vocal box could possibly allow. But you prioritized your thoughts-- think. The monster was covered in scales. They looked a lot like the rock-walls set up at local fairs and carnivals. Its grip wasn't too hard. In actuality, the monster's hand was gigantic. There must have been a hole you could slide through. Your eyes darted to a small light forming from an opening in its grip. You squirmed frustratedly as you made your way.

Inconveniently, you saw two shadows behind you. "Are you alright miss?" A boy in a mask asked commandingly. You sent him a disbelieving look.

"What does it look like??" You hissed to yourself. Asking questions instead of saving lives? Grunting, you finally slid out of the rough palms of the monster.

"What are you doing?! We're trying to save you!" The kid screamed at you again.

Seeing you hanging from the scales, a giant, green gorilla grabbed you and sent you towards the ground below in his arms. He set you down, saluted casually, and continued with the monster. "Thanks!" You faked a frightening, wide smile. When you turned, you made a distasteful expression. Yeah, right. You rolled your eyes at the attention-grabbing titans and you walked off to school. They don't have to go to school, you grumbled to yourself with a furrowed brow. Mr. Capadona won't take "I was nearly a monster's lunch" as an excuse for being late. An abrupt grip on your arm clenched hard and it violently pulled you into an alley nearby. Fear seemed to blur your vision. The person held their hand over your mouth. Tightly. Adrenaline pumping, you attempted to claw the hand off of you. You couldn't breathe. Wincing, no scream emitted from your throat.

To get a hold of yourself-- keep yourself in your mind, you whispered, Oh great. in your head.

You struggled; you spit on his hand and even licked it. Coughing, trying to bite. He never hesitated. The only words that spewed from his mouth were, "If you keep up your moving, you'll lose more blood." You froze at this statement, and once it registered, you knew a needle was pinching the inside of your elbow. Something was injected into you. Your eyes widened as if you felt yourself going under. Footsteps were heard around the corner and the man dropped you. You ran out from the alley and gazed around drowsily. Eyes heavy-lidded, your sight slowly circled inwards, leaving you with no sight. Your mind was dizzy. Soon, you fell to your knees. Powerless, shaking hands held your body up... but you could do only that. You collapsed and fell unconscious.

[ ♔ ]

Once you acknowledged you were awake, you sat up abruptly. A sudden jolt of a headache made you groan inwardly. Where the hell am I? Getting up from where you lay, the world seemed to have steadied itself while you were out. Eagerly, you approached the door, but before you could open it, it opened itself. You flinched. Once the door beckoned you out, you began to search for a way out through the seemingly endless hallways. You're not the kind of person to wait for things. You found a door. You ran to it, awaited the opening door, and observed the idle room. The room was an utter mess. Clothes made their abode on the floor, and a bunk bed in the corner did not look much different. You sensed a wave of dizziness roll over you, so you sat down onto the bed, taking in the scents which actually smelled very cozy and warm rather than the reek you had expected. You curled up your legs and thought for a moment. Clearing your mind, you asked again, where were you?

Before any more questions could form, you heard the door to the room you were in open and a boy came in. Disbelief knocked at your forehead, and it immediately wrinkled in an amused fashion. You have got to be kidding me. You thought. Green hair. Green skin. Green everything. You were in Beast Boy's room. He walked in, took off his shirt and turned around for some mirror-posing. He was ripped, but you were rolling your eyes in aggravation as you watched him. He ran his fingers through his shaggy green hair and you snickered. He turned around hastily in shock. And he saw you. You leered at him. "How the heck did you get in- Who are- Why are you-"

You ignored him, "Don't ask me why I'm here, I woke up here." Interrupted you.

Beast Boy seemed to search the file cabinet within his mind. "Oooh!" Beast Boy raised a finger. "You're the heroin girl!" He smiled and quickly sat by you. "You don't need to worry, the Titans have called a few places where you can break your habit." He beamed proudly, leaving you to sneer at the bragging.

Your eyes adverted to your arm where that man put in his needle. It had a cotton ball with a small band-aid placed atop it. "Wait!" You hollered to him, right next to you. "I didn't do this! I would never do such a stupid-- It was right after--" You could tell Beast Boy wasn't even listening. Has he dealt with this before?

He pushed a grimace, tilted his head and nodded. "You're the girl who didn't let us save you, huh?" Your mouth still hung agape at his accusations as he glared at you. "Why would you do that?"

"I can fend for myself, thanks." You paused for a moment after a wince. "And you guys failed at helping me when I really needed it." You said it slowly. He had to understand.

"Wha? When did you need help then?"

"When this was put in me." You pointed at the purple bruise that formed on the inside of your elbow from the forced entry. He scratched the back of his head as someone walked in.

The young man walked in with a clipboard. He tapped it with a pen and said, "Beast Boy, we need-" The boy with the mask and the multi-colored clothes. He immediately froze. "...What are you doing in this room?" His voice became cold, as if you were a criminal.

"Well, I don't know why I'm here in the first place, so I think I should be asking the questions." You stated bluntly, emphasizing the last phrase.

Robin shook his head. "No. I'm asking the questions here, and by law, you are obligated to answer."

"I think you take your power for granted-"

"I don't care. Answer these questions." He snapped. You decided to end your rambling. "Who are you?"

"Do you want my full--"

"Answer the question!"

"Iris Follagey, sir."

"Why were you laying unconscious at a park?"

"Some guy grabbed me and stuck a needle in me."

"Did you know this guy?"

"Nuh uh."

"Why are you in Beast Boy's room?"

"I was looking for a way out of this place, and his room was the only room unlocked." Robin gave you a skeptical look. "Well it's true! What do you want me to say?" You asked, your eyes widened in exclamation. Robin turned to look at Beast Boy. Through expression, you could clearly see him giving Beast Boy a 'look-at-what-the-cat-brought-in-and- boy-she's-awfully-rude-and-won't- let-me-boss-her-around' look.

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. "Fine." Robin stated loudly. He sounded as if he had been arguing in his head about something. "For the time being, you're staying here."

You looked around nervously. "Wha?? No, I have a family unlike you people! I have school, and I have homework, and I ha-"

"You need to stay here." Robin stated seriously, taking an emphasizing breath between each word. "Our hospital wing inside the tower picked up some unusual readings in your body, most likely caused by the drugs injected into you. We need you to stay, just in case." He said a matter of factly, his voice taking a level of professionalism.

You frowned and uncrossed your arms. "So I'm just a test subject now?" You waved your arms around. The silence answered your question. "...I'm not even sure my mom will let me stay!" You pleaded, hoping the excuse would fly.

"I'll talk to her." Robin said simply.

"Oh my, you would do that for me?" You sputter sarcastically. "I can't stay. I have a life. I can't stay here. I don't even like you guys. I'll catch the extremely selfish syndrome. Have you heard of it?? of course not..." You continued to ramble on. When Robin exited the room, you continued to rant to the nearby Beast Boy who appeared honestly afraid. Suddenly, you realized the kid was gone to call your mom.

You were about to run from the room when Robin was already at the doorway, on the phone and off. "You're staying."

"What?!" You screamed loudly, sending Beast Boy to the wall. "Why the hell don't I get a say in this?!" Rage at your mother rose. You could only visualize her ignorant smile, waving and not understanding the circumstances. "Mom is a complete idiot! She doesn't want me to stay here! She has no idea what she's talking about!" It was somewhat harsh, but you believed it. When silence was all that was replied to you, you crossed your arms. Your face twisted into a defeated pout. You had to get out of there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally up. Yes, I made some changes. I'd like to say I've improved. Ahaa.