When Darkness Plagues Our Bond

Your Mouth, It Moves, But Fails To Speak

I sat on my bed collecting my thoughts. The previous night’s events were rolling through my head, plaguing my mood. I was anxious, and not sure what to expect when I arrived to Brendon’s. He may or may not remember what had happened, and I was afraid of how he would react if he had. Would he be scared of me? Would he avoid me? My nerves were getting the best of me.

The clock read ten thirty-six. Generally at this time I was already within a close proximity of Brendon, but here I was unsure if I would even leave the warehouse tonight. It wasn’t so much of him remembering, but what I should do if he did. If he knew, did that mean I should expose myself to him? Or that I should stay hidden?

This human thing was too much sometimes. I just wish I had been briefed about what would happen if I were to come into contact with my human. Unfortunately I hadn’t been told much about the life style of being a vampire, or what would come along with it. I had to learn everything on my own, not that it wasn’t too difficult to figure out.

I began to pace around my desolate room, mumbling incoherently to myself.

“Should I go? What’s the worst thing that could happen?” I asked myself.

He could remember you and know what you are, ultimately staking you where your heart should be.

I groaned, falling back onto my bed. Staring absently at my decaying ceiling, I started to weigh the pros and cons of staying. The pros were obvious, I wouldn’t have to face Brendon, I wouldn’t have to discover if he knew or not, and I wouldn’t have to spend my whole night longing to touch him. Plus I could tidy up the warehouse.

The cons were a little more troubling to think of, and outweighed the pros in masses. I would miss a whole night of seeing him, which I had yet to do since I’d known of his presence. I wouldn’t be aware of anything important happening in his life. I would be stuck here worrying about his well being. I wouldn’t be there to protect him if something terrible were to happen.

With the last thought in mind I dashed towards my front door with a jacket already in hand, more anxious than ever to check on Brendon.

Taking the shortest route possible, I had arrived within fifteen seconds, not a hair out of place. Deciding to sit upon his roof and rather the usual spot in the palm tree, I made myself comfortable. I didn’t think I was ready to look at him just yet, not after everything that had happened the night before. I was afraid that as soon as I saw his face, my thoughts would redirect towards the sweet taste of his blood. The thought would not be helpful to my current mood.

Staring up into the night sky, I tried to find the stars that were being out shone by the city’s lights. Whilst doing so I couldn’t help but catch the current conversation Brendon was having beneath me in his apartment.

“I swear Ryan, I’m telling the truth!” He exclaimed, voice slightly raised.

“Yes, I was somewhat inebriated. But that doesn’t change what I know!”

Jumping off of the roof and onto my home away from home, the palm tree, I looked through the window to see Brendon pacing around his living room. He was holding a phone up to his ear with his left hand, the other rubbing the back of his neck.

“Listen, if you don’t believe me that’s fine, but I know what I saw.” He said, much calmer than before.

“I know, I know.” He paused, listening to what Ryan had to say, “I already told you, it’s gone. I don’t know how, but it is.”

Watching his eyes slowly grow from pleading to exasperated, I waited for him to lash out at his friend.

“Whether I was drunk or not, I know what happened! That man was going to shoot me, and then she showed up! No, she didn’t just show up. She fell from on top of the building! If she hadn’t have shown up Ryan, I would be dead!” His right armed was now extended above his head, and a few veins were faintly raised from his skin.

Straining my ears, I could barely hear some of what Ryan was saying.

Thank you acute senses.

“Ok Brendon, let’s say this really did happen. How did she survive the fall? Wouldn’t it have been like six stories high?” Ryan reasoned.

“It was three, and I’m not sure.”

“Well, what happened after that?”

“I don’t remember. The only real thing I remember after that was tranquility, like there was nothing wrong in my life. After that everything is black, and then I was awake in my bed.” I could see the confusion etched on Brendon’s face as he spoke.

I wasn’t sure how to feel about all of this. He clearly remembered seeing me, but didn’t know what to make out of it. I was relieved that he didn’t recall the rest of the night. But at the knowledge of knowing I had made him feel good within himself, I was indifferent. I was beyond happy at the thought, but worried also. I didn’t want to erase the pain from his memory, that was unhealthy, but help him rise above it.

“I’m not sure what to make of this Bren. I don’t think it’s possible to be saved from a man with a gun, by a mysterious woman who falls from a sky. Nor do I find it plausible that the place you had been struck is now unscathed.” Ryan’s rationality left me relieved, knowing that Brendon couldn’t fight logic.

“You’re right. But this person, she seemed so familiar.” He paused, and my breathing hitched.

Had he possibly ever caught sight of me before last night?

“Well what are you going to do?”

“Nothing I suppose. But I’m definitely going to keep my eye out for her.” He answered.

More reason to be extra careful, I thought to myself.

Brendon ended the conversation, and hung up the telephone. He ran his hands through his hair, loudly exhaling. He moved over to his couch and turned on his television, picking up the remote to quickly change channels.

He became bored with watching the TV shows that sprawled across the screen after not to long, and turned it off. Throwing his head back onto the couch cushion, he began to talk to himself.

“Where have I seen her before? Surely someone with such beauty couldn’t be forgotten.” he mumbled.

Beautiful? Had he honestly just called me that? Must have been the alcohol.

Brendon was in bed within thirty minutes, so I didn’t stay much longer after that. I had much to think about. Luckily I had had plenty of blood the night before to last me a week.

So I left the apartment complex, just as confused and troubled as I was when I arrived.
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I'm on a roll, five chapters up in just over a day.
I figured out how to put the banner in, thank God.
I really hope some people are reading this, and enjoying it would be nice too. haha
I'd really like feedback, that way I know if the story's good or not.

Mucho love.
<3 Rachel