To End the Rapture

Chapter 10

Jimmy's POV: "Oh my god! You're The Rev, drummer of Avenged Sevenfold. Why are you here? Why would you come visit me?! I love you!" Jomaris said with a big smile on her face. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Could it be that she had forgotten about what happened between us? "Y-yeah it's me," I stuttered.
"Ahhh how that Hell is it possible that you are here? I must be crazy and seeing things!"
"No you are not, Shannon told me about you and how much you love the band so I thought I'd come and cheer you up."
I was trying to think of lies to tell her so that she wouldn't remember.
"Wow how does Shannon know you?"
"Well Shannon went to one of our shows not too long ago and her and the band have become good friends."
"What?! When was that? Why didn't I go with her?!"
"Well you were busy that night.......don't you remember?"
"Uhhh no, I can't remember anything at all. I am a piece of shit now."
"Don't say that. You are beautiful, don't forget that."
"Don't lie. You are just saying that to make me feel better. It won't work. I want to die. I am useless now. I can't even walk anymore," She said with tears in her eyes.
"Give it time Jomaris will walk soon okay?"
"How do you know my name Jimmy?"
I had to think of what to say.
"Uhhh Shannon told me. By the way, I love your name. it's pretty, like you."
"Haha that's right, Shannon must have told you. Well I hate my name; just like I'm hating myself right now."
"Look don't say that anymore. I am here to make you feel better because I care. Infact, the whole band came and we are showing you our support."
"Really?! Where are the rest of the guys?"
"Well Zacky is here but the others aren't here at the moment. I can call them if you'd like."
"No it's okay, I don't want to bother them with my problems. You here is helping me a lot. You know, I really like you Jimmy. I have liked you for years. You are my favourite member of the band."
"Really?" I said with a big smile.
"Yeah really. I never thought the day would come where you would visit me haha."
"Well the day has come." ...............

~1 month later..........

Jimmy's POV: A month has passed since Jomaris woke up from the coma. She is out of the hospital and done with therapy. Her and I have been really close during that month. I couldn't be happier. My cell phone was ringing.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey babe, It's me Jomaris."
"Oh hey, what going on?"
"Well Shannon has left me alone today since she went with Zacky to the movies. I was wondering if you wanted to come over."
"Of course I'll come over. What time?"
"Hmmm does 2-ish sound good?"
"Yeah sure no problem."
Jomaris still had not remebered any of what had happened before the accident. I was beginning to get worried. Her and I were having a good relationship up to this point. I wasn't official yet, but we were getting closer everyday. I didn't want it to get ruined...........End POV.

Jomaris' POV: "Jimmy you're here!" I said as I opened the door.
"Hey beautiful. Well what do you want to do?"
"Well I don't know. Anything you want because I am so bored."
"Well I have a rehearsal with the band soon so I was thinking maybe you could join me."
"Oh well sure okay if you want."
"We drove over to Matt's house to have the rehearsal.
"Hey guys!" Matt said smiling.
"Hey!" I said.
As soon as I walked in, I noticed a whole bunch of equipment was sitting around evrywhere. "Well I hope you like what you hear," Jimmy smirked.
"I know I will Jimmy."
I noticed that Zacky wasn't there because he was with Shannon. But his girlfriend Angel was sitting where I was around five feet away from me. I then wondered what Zacky must have said to Angel and to the guys in order to go with Shannon. I was beginning to get worried about Shannon. I didn't want Angel to know what was going in between Zacky and Shannon. My thoughts were then broken by the extremely loud sound of the speakers blasting pretty much in my face. The guys were practicing "Burn it Down" and it sounded so good.
"Hey," I heard a female voice yell to me.
"Yes?" I yelled back
It was Angel.
"Do you have any idea as to where Zacky is?"
"Well no not really why?"
"Well he called me earlier to tell me that he was going to be busy and couldn't make it to rehearsal. He didn't tell me more so I am worried."
"Oh really? Well I have no idea either. Will you excuse me for a moment?"
I went over to the front door and left the house. I grabbed my cell phone to call Shannon and tell her about what was going on. I could only hope that Angel didn't figure out what Zacky was doing to her........To be continued.
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