To End the Rapture

Chapter 11

Jomaris' Pov: I could only hope that Angel wouldn't figure out what Zacky was doing to her. I dialed Shannon's number on my cell.
"Hello?" Shannon answered.
"Hey Shannon, you really need to think about what you're doing."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that Angel is wondering where Zacky is. The band is having rehearsal right now and they are all wondering where Zacky is. So send him over here."
"What? Fine I will, gosh."
"Okay good."
As soon as I hung up I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You okay?" Jimmy said.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just had to make a call that's all," I nervously said.
"Well rehearsal is pretty much done so I though we could go somewhere more private if you know what I mean," Jimmy said with a smirk on his face.
"Ummm hehe that is fine with me."
I knew what Jimmy wanted and I wanted the same thing..........End POV.

Shannon's POV: "Well Zacky, Jomaris just called me and the band is having rehearsal right now. Angel is wondering where you are."
"Oh yeah I know but I didn't want to go. I wanted to be with you."
"Well I don't even think what we are doing is right. And you're still with Angel. We can't go on living like this."
"Shannon, I already told you that Angel and I haven't really had any communication in our relationship whatsoever. So I'll take care of that soon."
"When? When are you going to decide to finally tell her about me? I am tired of feeling like 'The other girl.' So either you tell her, or it is over."
"Well no hun please. I have to find the right moment to tell her. So just give me time okay?"
"Fine, but you better do it soon okay? Now go to rehearsal."
"Okay babe. I'll see you tonight?"
"Yes you will."

~3 hours later.........

Shannon's POV: Around three hours after Zacky had left to go to rehearsal with the band my phone suddenly rang.
"Hey babe, I am coming to pick you up," He said in a low tone.
"Umm Zacky maybe tonight is not the best night for us to see eachother."
"Why not?"
The truth was that I had not been feeling so good lately. I had been getting morning sickness a lot. I would also get dizzy as well. I hadn't told Zacky about my symptoms since I had no intention of alarming him. I wanted to make sure my suspicions were correct.
"Well I am not feeling so good babe."
"What is wrong? What do you have?!"
"I am just tired and a little dizzy for some reason, so let's leave it for another night okay?"
"Okay.... fine, just call me if you need anything okay babe?"
"Okay hun night."
I was beginning to get worried about why I was feeling this way lately. As soon as I hung up I went to WalGreens to get a pregnancy test. I had so many mixed feelings..........End POV.

Jomaris' POV: Around three hours later, I heard a knock on my door. It was Jimmy.
"Hey babe. Wanna go somewhere?"
"Sure where?"
"It's a will find out when we get there," He suggestively said
He then took a bandana out of his back pocket and turned me around.
"Uhhhh, what are you doing?"
"I am blind-folding you. You can't know where I am taking until we get there."
"Ha okay."
I was feeling both excited and nervous because I had an idea of where he was taking me. Around twenty minutes later I felt the car stop.
"Well we are here."
As I rose my hands to take the bandana off my eyes I felt Jimmy's hand grab mine.
"Nope, you can't take it off just yet. We have to step inside first."
"Umm okay this is getting weird."
We kept on walking until I heard the sound of keys jingle. I then heard a door open.
"Jimmy where are we? Tell me. I'm getting impatient."
"You'll see..." He trailed off.
We stepped inside and Jimmy then finally took the blind-fold off my eyes. As I looked around I noticed we were in a big house with candles everywhere. There were also tons of rose petals all over the floor.
"Jimmy whose house is this?"
"Mine," He said with a low tone.
"But wait, I never knew you had a house here. When did that ha-"
He put his finger to my lips.
"Just live this moment with me. I'll explain later."
Jimmy then lead me to a room with even more flowers and rose petals everywhere. He carried me all the way to the bed. He then started to gently kiss my neck.
"Oh jimmy," I muttered.
"Yes? "He answered.
"Oh nothing sorry I am just a little excited."
My heart was pounding so rapidly and hard to the point I could have sworn it would have burst.
Jimmy then took gentle hold of my face and gently slid his smooth tongue over my lips, parting them. I firmly embraced him and placed my hand on his chest and slid it down.
This was feeling way too familiar. Like I'd experienced it before with Jimmy.
It felt as if something like this had happened to me with Jimmy before. His kisses felt so familiar to me. Then it all came back to me. EVERYTHING. I remembered the concert, the fight betwween Jimmy and Johhny, how Jimmy took me to a strip club, how I got hit by that fucking car that night.
"Stop it!" I yelled and shoved him off.
"What is wrong babe?"
"Don't call me that, I am not anything of yours."
"Huh? What is going on Jomaris?" He said with a confused look on his face.
"You thought I would never remember right Jimmy? You thought I would have stayed stupid. Well no, I remember everything now. And I don't ever want to see you again."
"Wait Jomaris, let me have a chance to explain...." He said before I cut him off.
"Explain what? How you got me hit by a car? How you have been lying to me all this time? No I won't give you a chance. I am outta here. Oh and one more thing....."
I slapped him twice and left.
"Wait Jomaris!" Jimmy yelled.
"Fuck you!" I yelled back.
I stormed out of the house angrily. I just kept on walking and walking. I walked up to the point where I saw a bar not too far away. I decided to go in. I had never really drank before so I decided this was the perfect time. I sat down and asked for a vodka staright. As I chugged it down I heard a familiar voice say my name.
"Jomaris what are you doing here?"
I jerked my head to the direction the voice was coming from.
It was Johnny.
I was so mad........To be continued.
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