To End the Rapture

Chapter 14

Jomaris' POV: We kissed endlessly. It felt so right and wrong at the same time.
"Ugh Jimmy stop it," I mumbled in between kisses.
"Why babe? You know you like it and can't be mad at me."
"That is exactly why Jimmy. If you stay here, I am afraid I won't be able to control myself. So get out of here. You know I'm still so angry at you for what you did. I still feel like I hate you."
"Why? Just let go of it," Jimmy said.
"No. I just can't so it would be best if you leave right now. I am in a rush anyway. So go!", I exclaimed.
"Why? Where are you going?"
"That is none of your business so leave. And don't ever come back. I thought I told you that I never want to see you again."
"No please don't say that. I think I would die if I lost you."
"Too bad. You should have thought about that while you were lying to me."
"I already told you that I am so sorry. I love you Jomaris. Please forgive me," He said looking down.
"Sorry, I just can't. I need time to think about everything that has happened lately. Just give me time. Now go!"
"Fine, but I am not going to give up. I will earn your forgiveness and trust again I promise you that. I love you!"
Tears rolled down my face as I saw Jimmy drive away. I immediately opened my front door and headed for the shower. As I was in the shower I kept thinking more and more about Jimmy. The mix of emotions I had just experienced only made me crave a drink even more. As soon as I got out of the shower, I got dressed and went to the convenience store to buy some liquor. I was feeling so down and depressed so I figured drinking would help me forget some things. Right after I got out of the convinience store with the liquor, I decided to go straight home. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. I just wanted to be at home with no one around. I went inside my house and sat in a corner and just drank- drank until I nearly passed out. After around thirty minutes of pure drinking, I decided to get up and stretch. I dizzily walked around my house until I came to my room and went to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.
"God I look terrible," I muttered to myself.
My face looked terrible. My eyeliner and mascara was smudged all over and I had immensely huge bags under my eyes. My hair was all over the place; and I was so pale. I didn't want to look at myself anymore. I decided to sit on the bathroom floor to just think. That's when I bumped into a razor on the floor. I picked it up. Out of curiousity I put the razor against my inner arm. A sudden impulse took over me and I stroked it against the skin. My skin immediately opened and blood started to slowly flow out. For some reason I liked the sight of my blood flowing. It felt pretty good, like a feeling of relief. I stroked the razor against my skin again. I felt so relieved. I kept on cutting my arm until my floor had a pretty good amount of blood splattered throughout. At that moment, I heard a knock on my door. I had to think of a way to clean all the blood before opening the door.
"Shit," I muttered to myself.......End POV.

Shannon's POV: "Hello?" Zacky responded.
"Hey babe, I have something very important to tell you. Are you busy?"
"No babe. Actually, I've been waiting for your call. What do you have to tell me?"
"Well, I don't want to talk about this over the phone. Can you come pick me up so we can go to the park or something so I can tell you?"
"Well sure babe, when do you want me to pick you up?"
"Umm, in around thirty minutes. I'll be ready so you can come by then."
"Okay, I'll be there in thirty," Zacky said before hanging up.
I got ready really quick. I turned over to look at Jomaris on my bed. She looked so sick and pale. I felt so bad for her. Around thirty minutes later I heard a knock on my door. It was Zacky.
"Hey!" He said and gently kissed me on the lips.
"Hey babe," I responded.
"Well, are ya ready to go?"
"Yes and please speak quietly because Jomaris is in my room sleeping."
"Why is that? Why is she sleeping here?"
"It's a long story. She has been drinking a lot lately. I am so worried about her."
"Wow that sucks."
"Yeah it does. Well let's go."
"Okay, after you," He said holding the door for me.
It took us around twenty minutes to get to the park. Once we arrived we sat on a bench under a big tree.
"So what is it you want to tell me Shannon?"
I was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.
"Sorry Zacky, I have to take this. I know it's Jomaris."
"It's okay babe, take it," Zacky said.
I walked away.
"Hello?" I answered.
I hung up around five minutes later.
"What did Jomaris want?" Zacky questioned.
"Well she just wanted to know where I am, that's all."
"Oh okay. So now....... what do you want to tell me Shannon?"
"Well Zacky..... this really isn't easy for me to tell you."
"Okay, just tell me already gosh."
"Fine. But before I tell you I want you to know that you don't have to stick with me for anything. You have a girlfriend and I have already interferred way too much."
"No you haven't. I am planning on breaking up with Angel soon. Tell me!" He said.
"I'm........ Pregnant," I sighed.
"Wow......." Zacky said.
"Are you mad? You know you can leave me. I am not going to force you to be with me."
"I am so happy to hear that. That is great news," He said smiling.
"Really?! What about Angel? What's gonna happen with her? I thought you would be mad."
"How could you ever think something like that? I am really happy Shannon. And as for Angel, well I will tell her soon........ don't worry babe."
"Okay Zacky. I am so glad that you are happy! Wow can you imagine how beautiful our baby is going to be?"
"Yes, because the baby will look like you."
"No I want the baby to look like you."
"Aww how many months?" Zacky cheerily asked.
"Well, I am not exactly sure but I am guessing around a month, almost two months."
"You are going to have to see a doctor babe."
"Yeah I know, I am going to make an appointment this weekend okay?"
"Okay...... so where do you want to go now?"
"Uhhh I am not feeling to good you know," I said pointing to my belly.
"Oh okay babe well I'll take you home now."
On the way to my house, Zacky would keep looking at me with a big smile. He would occasionally rub my belly as well.
"Well here we are," Zacky said as we pulled into my driveway.
"Bye Zacky," I said.
"Bye babe, I love you. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah hun, I love you," I said getting out of the car.
As I opened my door to come in my house I walked in my room to see if Jomaris was still there. She was nowhere to be found in my house. I decided to go to her house to see what she was up to. I pulled into her driveway and knocked on her door. I knocked again. I wondered what she could have been doing. I was so worried.........End POV.

Jomaris' POV: "Shit," I muttered to myself.
I couldn't clean all that blood quickly. And I knew that I had to open the door too. I knew it was Shannon. I had to come up with a good excuse to tell Shannon in regards to my cuts and blood. I saw a vase in my room so I grabbed it and threw it on my bathroom floor.
"Jomaris what the hell was that?!" I heard Shannon yell through the door.
"Let me in!" She yelled again.
"Oh god!" I yelled back.
I noticed that I had left all the beer bottles in the corner of my living room so I picked them up and quickly threw them all away. I buried them in the bottom of my trashcan. I opened the door out of breath.
"Whoa! What the hell happened to you?! Why are you so cut up? Oh my god Jomaris are you cutting?!"
"No, I dropped a vase in my bathroom," I lied.
"How the hell did that happen?"
"Uhhh I saw a wasp in my bathroom so I dodged it and knocked a vase down on my arms."
I couldn't even look at Shannon in the eye. I didn't want to keep lying to her.
"Let me see your bathroom."
"Okay, come this way."
"Ah! Wow Jomaris, there is a lot of blood on your floor!"
"Yeah I know."
"You need to go to a hospital."
"No! I am fine, I promise. All I need is some rubbing alcohol and anteseptic."
"Well let me help you out with your arms then."
"No I can do it. You should leave. I don't want you to go through the trouble while you're pregnant. I'll be fine. I'll call you soon,"
"Don't you wanna know about how Zacky reacted?"
"Tell me later because I am feeling bad right now. And depressed."
"Did you drink by any chance?"
"I don't believe you."
"You know what Shannon? Fuck you. You don't have to believe me. I am fine. So just leave me the Hell alone and let me be."
"Fine..... If that's what you want."
"Yeah that's what I want.
"Bye. Call me when you stop being a drunk bitch okay?"
"Heh........" I responded.
As soon as she left I went to the bathroom again and started cutting some more. I felt so relieved..........To be continued.
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