To End the Rapture

Chapter 2

As they walked over to us I turned towards Jomaris and said;
"God Im about to pass out!"
She just smiled at me. I couldn't believe that I was about to meet Zacky Vengeance! And I knew that Jomaris was freaking out too because she has the biggest crush on The Rev. They introduced themselves to us.
"Well did you guys enjoy the show?"
Shadows asked but I couldn't answer because I was to busy looking at Zacky which by the way was looking at me too! I turned to look at Jomaris and she was talking to The Rev and the other guys but mostly The Rev and she kept flirting and and giving a thumbs up to me. I just smiled at her then I heard someone ask me my name and I turned to look back and I found out who was asking me. It was Zacky!!! I looked at him and got lost in his green eyes the he spoke to me again.
"Hey you ok?"
he asked me while I kept looking at him.
"I asked if you are ok. You didnt answer me."
"Oh yeah, I'm fine," I say feeling like a dumbass.
"Well what's your name?"
And finally I had the guts to say my name.
"It's shannon."
My heart was beating so fast at this moment then he said;
"I like your name, it's nice."
"Well thanks I think my name is nice too."
When I said that I just felt even more dumb but he just laughed at me. His laughter was so hot.

Jomaris' Pov: As we were let through the backstage, the gorgeous boys came over to us and greeted us. I couldn't help but look at Jimmy in complete awe. He was the only member of the band still sitting on the couch drinking a beer and not even saying a word. I immediately saw Matt go up to Shannon and talk to her but I really didn't mind that because the only one I was after was Jimmy. I finally had the nerve to go up to him and say something.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey, did you enjoy our badass show?" Jimmy said.
I really wasn't focused when he was talking to me because all I could think of was putting my hand up to stroke his jet black silky hair. He saw me putting my hand up close to his hair.
"What the hell are you doing?" he said.
"Oh sorry, I couldn't help it, you are so adorable."
I felt like a total idiot after I said that. "Don't worry babe, I get that all the time," Jimmy said.
"Wow," I said.
At that moment, I felt like my heart was going to burst out. When I turned around to see what Shannon was doing, I saw her standing with Zacky talking. Her face was really red. I looked around the room to see what the other guys were doing. They were all talking to Stacey and laughing hysterically. "Lucky," I said out loud.
"Huh?" Jimmy said.
"Oh sorry I was a little distracted," I said. Jimmy and I kept talking to each other. It felt like forever. Two hours went by and I looked at Shannon and she said she wanted to leave. "Why?" I said.
"Because it is time to go," Shannon said.
I told her and Stacey to leave without me. I was really happy talking to Jimmy and I didn't want it to end. "Okay, but please don't do anything you may end up regretting," she said.
"I won't gosh!"
The other boys had left to go on the tour bus and sleep.
Jimmy and I were completely alone...........End Pov

Shannon's Pov: As Zacky kept talking to me and I was sooo nervous the whole time. For some reason, I kept looking over to see what Jomaris was doing and everytime I looked, I saw her getting closer and closer to Jimmy. Jimmy didn't seem to mind from what I could see.
"What's wrong?" said Zacky.
"Oh nothing, I am just looking to see what my friend Jomaris is doing," I said.
"Why is that?"
I didn't know what to answer to him. I was worried that Jomaris wanted to stay all night with Jimmy and I wanted to go tell her that I wanted to leave. But I really didn't want to leave because I wanted to be with Zacky forever. I loved him so much. But I knew that he had a girlfriend so I wanted to leave before I said anything stupid. Two hours later I was still talking to Zacky and we were having a great time. I looked over to see what Stacey was doing and she was talking to the other three guys and laughing really loud with them.
"I think I should leave now," I suddenly said.
"Why? We are having a great time," Zacky said.
"Well it is getting really late and I don't want to take all of your time," I said.
Zacky kept trying to convince me to stay a little longer but he finally gave up after some time. "Okay, but what is your number?"
I couldn't believe Zacky Vengeance had just actually asked me for my number!
"Why do you want to know?"
"So we can meet up again, I had a great time talking to you," he said.
I gave him my number and I was so excited because I knew I would see him again. I then went over to Stacey and told her we were leaving. "Okay," she reluctantly said.
We then went over to Jomaris to tell her we were leaving. The whole time we were there, she had only been talking to Jimmy.
"Can you guys leave without me?" she said.
"Okay, but please don't do anything you may end up regretting," I said.
Stacey and I left to go to my house and have a sleepover. The whole time, I was thinking about what Jomaris was doing with Jimmy. I hope she didn't do what I was thinking..........To be continued.
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