To End the Rapture

Chapter 4

Recap- In the previous chapter Jomaris and Jimmy were all alone in the dark backstage. Jimmy wanted to have sex with Jomaris but she had stopped him. He finally understood and then all of a sudden the stage lights turned on and the other four band members were standing in the corner with EXTREMELY angry faces. What happens next will be revealed right now....................... As for Shannon, she has gone home with Stacey to have a sleepover but the thought of what Jomaris might have been doing with Jimmy that night kept crossing her mind. She finally decided to forget about it and just relax. The sound of her cell ringing woke her up at around 10:30 in the morning and when she answered it was no other person than Zacky. Shannon found herself feeling quite nervous. She didn't expect Zacky to actually call her..... at least not so soon like he did. Zacky had wanted to go somewhere with Shannon but when Shannon asked him where Jomaris was, he said he didn't know. So they both agreed to meet up somewhere to go look for Jomaris and Jimmy......................

Jomaris' POV: All of a sudden the stage lights turned on.
"Jimmy what the hell is going on here?" said Matt.
At that moment I found myself feeling really nervous. I didn't know what was going to happen now that the other band members had found us in here.
"What do you mean what the hell is going on, we are just talking and stuff....
chill," responded Jimmy.
"Jimmy, are you trying to take advantage of her?!" said Johnny.
"No not at all, we were just talking, I already told you that gosh!"
At that moment Johnny ran up to Jimmy and punched him.
"AHHHHH!" I shrieked.
They were both going insane fist-fighting and crashing into walls. I tried to stop the fight but it was useless. They just kept fighting and breaking equipment on the stage. "STOP!" I yelled.
They still would not listen to me. All of a sudden I saw Matt come up and punch both of them. Brian then came and held Johhny so that he wouldn't try to hit Jimmy again. Matt was holding Jimmy as well. "Let me fucking go!" said Jimmy.
"No I don't want you two fucking fighting anymore ok?!" said Matt.
Johnny was still trying to get out of Brian's grasp to try and fight Jimmy again.
"Why were you two here all alone in the dark?" questioned Zacky.
"Well because I wanted to stay a little longer and talk some more with Jimmy." I nervously said.
"Well now look what you have caused!" Zacky exclaimed.
"I am so sorry, if I would have known that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have even come to this concert."
I just wanted to get out of there because of the way things were. I had no idea that my night of 'FUN' would have ended up this horribly. "Let me go now!" said Jimmy.
"Okay, but promise me you won't go and try to fight more." said Matt.
"I won't, he started it!"
Matt finally let Jimmy go.
"Now let me go Brian!!" Johnny said, shrugging.
"Well okay but don't attack Jimmy again." said Brian.
"Fine I won't hit that bastard again."
"Jomaris let's get the hell out of here now!" Jimmy said
"Ummm I don't think that is such a good idea Jimmy." I responded.
"Come on, I am taking you home!"
"You are not taking her anywhere!" said Johnny.
"Oh yes I am and you are not going to stop me you midget!"
At that moment, Jimmy grabbed my hand at shoved the other four members out of the way................End POV.

Shannon's POV: As I was in the shower, I kept thinking about Zacky. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to see him again. When he asked me for my number I was extremely surprised. I didn't think he'd actually call me to go somewhere with him. As soon as I stepped out of the shower my cell rang again.
"I wonder who is calling now."
"Are you ready yet?" said Zacky.
"Oh no sorry I just got out of the shower."
"Wow I am already at Starbucks. You are going to take forever aren't you?"
"No just give me like 15 minutes and I'll call you and tell you I am on my way ok?"
I knew I had to hurry up. I really wanted to see him and I also didn't want to keep him waiting either. "Okay beautiful."
I quickly fixed my hair up and put a load of eyeshadow on. I had huge bags under my eyes from not getting enough sleep so I didn't want Zacky to see them. Around 10 minutes later I was finally finished. I picked up my phone to call him.
"Hello?" answered a female voice.
"Ummm I am sorry this must be the wrong number."
"No I believe you called the right number hun, you are looking for my boyfriend Zacky aren't you?" the female voice said.
"Uh yeah," I said with a nervous tone.
"My name is Angel, Zacky's girlfriend. Zacky has told me alot about you so I can't wait to meet you!"
"Oh has he?"
I couldn't believe that Zacky had actually brought his girlfriend along with him.
"I am so sorry about your friend missing. I know that she is with Jimmy because he is missing as well."
"Oh yeah Zacky had told me that Jomaris and Zacky had left together."
As Angel kept talking, I thought about it more and more.
"Angel?" I suddenly said.
"Yeah hun?"
"I don't think I will be coming to Starbucks with you guys anymore."
"Why is that?"
"Well because that would be taking up your time with Zacky and I don't want to do that to you."
"Oh you are not doing that at all hun, it is okay trust me."
"No I am serious, I will look for her by myself for now."
"Oh okay, if that is what you want."
"Yeah I think that is best for now."
"Okay but just call Zacky if you need anything okay?"
"Yeah I will," I sadly responded.
"Bye," I said.
As soon as I hung up I started to cry endlessly. I threw my self on my bed and sank my tear-stained face in my pillow. At that moment I wanted to die. I felt so stupid for actually thinking that I could have had a chance with Zacky............................End POV.

Jomaris' POV: "Where are we going?"
"I don't fucking know," Jimmy muttered
I was so worried about what was going to happen now. We were in Jimmy's van that he had brought to the show.
"Jimmy I am scared."
"Don't be, everything will be fine okay?"
We had been driving for 3 hours straight without stopping. I was so hungry and I really needed to go to the bathroom. I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me next...........................To be continued.
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