To End the Rapture

Chapter 5

Jomaris' POV: I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for me next. We finally stopped. I was so hungry and on top of that I had to use the bathroom really bad. I got out to go to the bathroom. When I got inside the building we stopped in front of, I read the red, flaming letters displayed across the top; "The Red Bird"
"You have taken a strip club?"
"Hey, it's a nice place, plus it has the facilities. Don't complain," Jimmy muttered.
I went inside to pee and then took out my phone; it had 30 missed calls on it and they were all from Shannon. I started to call her back.
"Hello?" Shannon said
"Hey its me,"I said happy to hear her.
"Where in the Hell have you been Jomaris?! I have been worried sick about you!" she screamed over the phone.
I could tell she was both pissed and worried.
"Shannon I can't stay on long but I'm at the Red Bird," I said to her hoping she would know what I meant.
"The Red Bird?"
"Yes, Shanon I have to go now remember the Red Bird.".................END POV

Shannon's POV: I was still laying on the bed crying. I felt so stupid for actually thinking I had a chance with Zacky. As I closed my eyes my phone started going off. I picked it up.
"Hey it's Zacky, why didn't you want to come? I wanted to hang with you." he said kind of hurt.
"I don't want to bug you and your girlfriend," I said trying to hold back my welling tears.
"What did my girlfriend say to you? I know you are crying."
At that moment, my phone started beeping.
"Hey Zacky hang on for a minute, I have another call coming in okay?"
"Yeah okay i'll wait."
"Hey it's me," Jomaris said.
"Where in the Hell have you been Jomaris? I have been worried sick about you!" I yelled into the phone.

She remained silent for a few seconds.
"Shannon, I can't stay long but I'm at the Red Bird."
"The Red Bird?"
"Yes, Shannon I have to go now remember The Red Bird," she said quietly.
I really didn't know what she meant but I knew one person who would know. Then she was gone. I then got on the other line back to Zacky.
"Zacky you still there?"
"Yeah i'm here."
"That was Jomaris, I need you to take me to her."
"Okay, where is she?"
"She said something about the Red Bird"
"What the fuck?! Why would she be there? Hang on give me your address and I will come get you and we will both go together."
He came and got me. We had been on the road for an hour now talking about different things when he asked me something.......
"So Shannon, you got a boyfriend?"
"No I dont."
"Oh why not?" He asked but this time looking at me.
"I don't know I guess I just don't want one right now," I said looking away
We had to stop to get more gas and we ate in his car talking. Out of no where he kissed me.
"NO!" I gasped and pushed him away
"Why?" He asked while looking into my eyes.
Those green eyes. I don't know what had gotten in to me but I leaned forward and kissed him this time. It felt so right.............END POV

Jomaris' POV: Jimmy had finally stopped driving after around 3 hours and a half. I was sooo confused. I didn't know what to expect at all. We had stopped in front of this really strange-looking building. There were flashing lights coming from inside of it.
"You have taken a strip club?"
"Don't complain," Jimmy muttered.
"What?!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah what is the big deal?" He said.
"Ummm, I don't even think I am old enough to go to one and I hate places like this..... I feel weird going in there Jimmy."
"Well you are hungry right? And you have to really take a piss don't you? This is a really nice place and it has the facilities."
"Well yeah I do, but not in here!"
"Well you will just have to make the best out of the situation okay babe?"
"Fine Jimmy, only because I am starving and really need to use the bathroom."
"Fine let's go in."
We went inside and as I was looking around, all I would see was half-naked women dancing around on lead poles with old ugly men fighting for them. There was a horrible stench as well in the club. The stench came from all of the men smoking and all of the liquor there. I hated the feeling. I immediately found a restroom and went in it. I felt relief immediately. When I had called Shannon, I felt like she was very upset with me. All I wanted was to go and see her. I loved Jimmy so much but I was not feeling too comfortable with him at the moment. As soon as I came out of the restroom, I was looking to see where Jimmy was. I couldn't see him anywhere. All of a sudden I heard a distant voice calling my name.
"Jomaris!" Jimmy said.
I saw him surrounded by women. I hated that so much. I was so miserable........................To be continued.
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