To End the Rapture

Chapter 9

Shannon's POV: I went to grab her hand. All of a sudden I felt a gentle squeeze on my hand.
"Wow Jomaris are you awake?" I said, alarmed.
Could it be that she had awoken after all this time? After the gentle squeeze, she let go of my hand. I grabbed her hand again to see if she was conscious.
"Jomaris, if you are awake, squeeze my hand again. Can you hear me?!"
"Y-y...Yes." She Said weakly.
"Wow! I can't believe it! You are awake Jomaris!" I yelled.
At that moment I ran out of the room and looked for Dr. Courtney. I finally saw her.
"Oh my god, doctor Jomaris is awake!"
"Really? Well then I am going to have to go check on her then."
I followed the doctor into the room. As soon as the doctor came in the room, she grabbed a mini flashlight and sat on the bed next to Jomaris and shined the light on both of Jomaris' eyes. I was looking at her eagerly. The doctor was asking Jomaris all sorts of questions about the days of the week and she even asked her how old she is. Jomaris would answer slowly but correctly. I couldn't believe she knew what day it was. That was so weird.
"Well she seems to be okay, although I haven't asked her about the accident. I don't want to alarm her."
"Well do you think she'll remember what happened that night with her and Jimmy?"
"Well I am not certain at the moment but from the looks of it, I don't think so."
"I am going to give you a minute alone with her so that you can talk okay?"
"Cool I am so excited to hear her voice."
"I will be back shortly to see how she is doing."
As soon as the doctor closed the door I walked towards Jomaris.
"Hey Jomaris."
"Hey Shannon," She responded.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit, where am I by the way?"
I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her.................End POV.

Jomaris' POV: All of a sudden everything turned colourful. I was no longer living in a blank world.
"Jomaris if you are awake, squeeze my hand. Can you hear me?!"
I had barely any strength to even talk. I heard Shannon say something else and all of a sudden she started running out of the room. Around a minute later I saw some lady in a white coat-looking thing come up to me and sit next to me. She had this little light in her hand. She was flickering the light in my eyes and asking me all sorts of random questions. She even asked me what day it was. I knew and I really had no clue who she was or why she was asking me all this. The lady then left and Shannon came up to me.
"Hey Jomaris."
"Hey Shannon."
"How are you feeling?"
"Like shit, where am I by the way?"
"Well you are in a nice safe place Jomaris," Shannon said with a weird look on her face.
"Okay that didn't answer my fucking question. Where the hell am I?" I asked again.
At that moment I tried to get up but I couldn't feel my legs. "What?!"
"Okay Jomaris lay down...."
"No! Where am I and why can't I feel my fucking legs?!"
I was so disoriented. All I wanted was to leave and go home. "Where is a mirror? Give me a mirror Shannon!"
"Look, calm down, you are getting too nervous. Let me explain why you are here first okay?"
"Okay, what is this place?"
"You are in a hospital."
"Uhhhh why?"
"Do you remember what happened to you three weeks ago?"
No......what happened?"
"Well you were hit by a car."
"How the hell did that happen? Were you with me when that happened?"
I really couldn't remember anything that had happened to me before I woke up.
"Shannon why do I feel like I have missed a lot?"
"Well you were in a coma for three weeks after the accident," Shannon whispered.
"Huh? What the hell? Well okay, where was I when I got hit by that car?"
"Well I am not sure. Are you sure you don't remember anything Jomaris?"
"I am sure. Now can you get me a mirror please?"
I really wanted to see what I looked like because I had a bad feeling.
She grabbed a compact mirror from her purse and handed it to me. I immediately opened it and took a look at myself. I was horrified. I had bruises all over my face. My right eye was shut and purple. "Oh-oh........ no..." I sobbed.
"That is the reaction I feared."
"Okay take this mirror away, I don't want to see my horrible face ever again." "
Jomaris, that will eventually heal and you will look as beautiful as ever so be patient."
"No Shannon, I want to die. I can't even move my legs."
"Well that is because you haven't walked in weeks and they are numb, that is all," She reassured me.
"So you really can't remember anything at all?" Shannon insisted.
"No, I already told you," I angrily said.
"Well then I have a surprise for you."
"What?! What is it?" I eagerly said.
"You'll see........."
I was really curious as to what was her surprise...........End POV.

Jimmy's POV: Shannon came out of the room and told me that Jomaris had woken up! "Wow yes finally. How is she?!"
"Well she is really confused and she can't remember anything that happened to her before the accident. So you're in luck! You can go visit her without her biting your head off."
"So you mean to tell me that she doesn't remember me?"
"Well of course she does, I mean she knows you as the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold I'm assuming. But she forgot all about the concert and what went on between you two and all that shit."
"Oh so you want me to go in there then?"
"Well yeah, I told her that I had a surprise for her and now she is really eager to see."
"Oh then I am going in there okay?"
As I walked in the room I saw Jomaris there. I couldn't believe I was seeing her with her eyes open. I missed her so much. She was there, with her back turned trying to pick her legs up. I noticed she had tears in her eyes. I stood motionless just staring. I finally gathered the courage to say something.
Jomaris looked up.
"Ahhhhh!" She screamed.
"Whoa what is it beautiful?"
"Oh my god! I can't believe it!" She said with a huge smile on her face.
"Believe what?"
"You are The Rev, drummer of Avenged Sevenfold! What are you doing here? Why would you visit me?! I love you!" She said excitedly.
I couldn't believe what I had just heard. She had forgotten what had happened between us..........To be continued.
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Comments please? I'd seriously like to know what you all think!