7 Things

I want to be with the one i love

I Want To Be With The One I Love...

I woke up the next morning in a foreign bed, tears dried to my face and my heading pounding, thats what usually happens after i cry myself to sleep. I groaned, rolling over and sitting up placing my head in my hands and trying not to let the past nights events float into my mind.

Joe’s friends had shown up, they partied, Joe slapped some girls ass in front of me, and as usual i didnt belong. My heart throbbed in pain. What did this mean?

I got up and looked out the window at the beach that was currently full of trash and discarded beer cans. The fire from the night before was nothing more than a pile of black, sooty, ash mixing with the caramel color of the sand, and some people were passed out on the beach. I wondered what i would find once i left my little safety room. I wondered mostly what condition Joe would be in.

I sighed, running a hand through my brown curls and making my way to the door, unlocking it and peering out into the empty hallway. All was quiet in the house, and i noticed the clock saying it was still early.

I tip-toed down the hallway, the cold tiles tickling the bottoms of my feet and looked into the living room at the mass of people draped all over each other. I spotted Joe passed out on the couch, the brunette i was talking to the night before asleep next to him.

My heart shattered.

I held back the tears that were threatening to fall and tried to pull myself together. I knew i had to make a desision here, to either flip out and cause a scene, leave, or pretend it never happend. I didnt want to lose Joe, i couldnt, he was my everything.

I tip=toed over to Joe and shook him a bit, seeing his eyes flicker open to reveal the brown eyes i had known to love. He stared at me for a moment, probably noticing my dishreveld appearance and he frowned slightly, sitting up.

“Em...”He said walking towards me, his eyes quickly passing over the girl was was still asleep on the couch as he tried to hug me.

“No, Joe listen. I know its hard having to be with me an find a way to stay with your friends, but we both know that i dont belong here. When your with them your not the person im in love with, you smacked that girls ass right in front of me last night. My Joe would never dierespect me like that.” Joe sighed, running his hands through his hair and looking back at me.

“So, what does this mean?” I tried to ignore the sadness i felt knowing Joe didnt deny what i was telling him. A part of me hoped he would fight to prove me wrong.

“It means that i need seperate time from your friends. I dont fit in with them. So im going to drive the jeep home, and you can catch a ride with somebody else. And maybe when your done with the partying for the week you can call me, and ill be able to be with the guy i love.” I replied, grabbing the jeep keys off the kitchen table and moving towards the front door. I let the tears fall slightly, upset at this whole situation. Upset things werent perfect for once.

Upset because i knew i lost a chunk of trust tonight when i saw that whore on the couch next to him.


By the time i drove home i was exhausted, physically and mentally. I parked the jeep in the driveway and walked inside seeing my mom watching T.V.

"Did you end up staying the night at the Jonas'?" She questioned. My mom has full trust in Denise, so if i was with Joe and didnt come home she never worried. I didnt bother to explain the previous nights events.

"Uh, yeah mom. Sorry i didnt call, i passed out the second the movie started." I lied. She nodded at me smiling and went back to her movie as i trudged up the stairs, collapsing on my bed as soon as it came into veiw. I checked my phone for the millionth time and saw i had no new messages, and my heart sank.

I slid off my sandals and curled up into a ball, wondering if this would change our relationship for the worse. My heart was scared and my stomach felt anxious. Joe always did tell me i worried too much.

I ended up falling asleep, into peaceful dream land where i had no worries, but we all know you cant sleeep forever. I woke up to my clock flashing 11:42PM and realized i had slept the day away. I rubbed my sore eyes and noticed my phone lighting up with a message, from a friend of mine.

Hey, are you sleeping?" The person asked. I sighed responding a quick no.

"I just thought i would tell you that Joe just got home and he is so high. He said took one too many hits tonight, so kevin had to take care of him so mom wouldnt find out. You took his jeep home right?" I felt the tears sting my eyes as more bad news crashed down on me.

The old Joe was coming back faster that the new one had entered my life. It made me sick, because even when we were just best friends he knew how much i hated weed, and he promised to never do it again.


I grabbed my phone and quickly responded.

"Thanks Nick, and yeah i have the jeep. Dont worry, he wasnt driving tonight. Can you tell him something for me?" I asked, wiping my eyes and falling back onto my matress.

"Of course." He responded. I took a deep breath as more hot tears cascaded down my cheeks.

"Tell him he broke his promise." With that final text sent i knew Nick would be telling Joe right now, and how that simple sentence would ruin his high for the night. I rolled back over cuddling into my pillows pretending this whole thing had been a bad dream, and fell back into dreamland.
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New chaper. Tell me how you feelingg boutt it :)