Ich Vermisse Dich

What's Wrong?

Once Ashlynn dropped Ashley off at her house, she walked in to find her mother at the kitchen table, looking at her calmly. Usually when her mother did this, she was some what mad. Ashley's thoughts were all mixed, thinking that her mom saw her with Bill and was mad. Or maybe she saw her with Joey (her mom didn’t like Joey).

"Mom?" Ashley called in a confused voice. Her mother looked up at her, and saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"Mom, what's wrong?" She asked again, but worry was lacing her voice as she walked over to her mother.

"Baby, come sit," Her mother said and she pointed to a chair next to her. Ashley did as she was told, and waited for her mother to continue.

"I...I don't know how to put this, but," Another tear rolled her cheek. "You're father has left us." She finally said, with a fresh batch of tears following.

Ashley couldn’t believe it. The news hit her in the face pretty quick and hard. She loved her father dearly, even though he was never home. She knew he worked a lot, so she never thought about her father leaving her. Well, nothing could put that thought into her mind until it actually happened. She looked over at her mother, who was crying silently, though she looked deep in thought.

"Mom...why?" She asked quietly. Amy shook her head.

"I...I don’t now. He didn’t say anything of why. He didn’t seem unhappy," Because he wasn’t even home half the time Ashley thought to herself. Ashley got up and started towards her room.

"Where are you going?" Amy asked her, not turning around to look at her daughter.

"I'm going to go call--" She stopped herself from saying Bill in time. It wouldn’t be the best time to tell her mother she was back with the boy who broke her years back. "Ash." She finished. She didn’t get a response from her mother, so she continued up the stairs and into her room.

Once she got up to her room, she lay down on her bed and cried. It didn’t fully hit her until then that her father had left her. She called the first person who she knew who had dealt with this before and knew who could comfort her.


"Bill?" She wiped away a few tears.

"Ash? Are you okay?" Worry laced his voice as he heard her sniff.

"Can I meet you somewhere? Please?"

"Yeah! Uh, where?" Bill was currently sitting up, in his hotel bed, wondering what was wrong. He got the attention of his twin, who was also looking something like Bill was.

"The park. Anywhere. I don’t care." She walked over to her mirror and checks her makeup. She didn’t want her mother to see her cry over this. She wanted to show her mother that she was strong and didn’t need her father.

"Okay, the park. I'll be there soon, okay?"

"Okay." And she hung up her phone. Her eyes were a little swollen, so if she could get out of the house without her mother looking at her much, she can get out safe.

She grabbed her phone and headed downstairs.

Bill hung up and headed for the door.

"What's going on?" Tom asked, wondering why his brother was acting like this.

"Ashley." He mumbled and ran out of the hotel room and soon out of the hotel doors. He didn’t care that he went without a body guard. He just wanted to get to Ashley as soon as he could.

"Where are you going?" Her mother asked her, still sitting in the kitchen.

"I'm going to Ash's." She answered quickly and walked as fast as she could to the park. She looked around and then saw it. It was their tree. When Bill and Ashley was younger, they would always meet up at that tree when they wanted to be alone or was having problems back home and just wanted to talk to each other about it.

She sat down on the little branch that was low enough for them to sit on, but sturdy enough for them both to sit on. They even jumped in it a few times to test how strong it was. It held them both jumping wildly on it.

Ashley didn’t have to wait long before she heard her name being called. She looked up to see Bill running towards her. Once he was near her, he took a seat beside her and held her in his arms while she broke down.

After she calmed down, Bill asked her what was wrong and she told him.

"I don’t understand why he left. Everything was fine when he was home," She said as she wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry, lieb." Bill whispered, and hugged her once again. Ashley smiled at the old nickname. Bill always called her that and it felt good hearing that again.

They then sat there, talking to each other for hours. They got caught up about each other. She found out that Tokio Hotel was mega famous in Europe and making their fame known in America, too. Bill learned about her few past boyfriends, and also that nothing really has changed. She found out about Bill not having another girl after her, and she did feel really special once he said that. She figured with his fame, he'd definitely find a girl.

When Ashley realized it was dark, she quickly checked the time on her phone. Her eyes widened as the screen lit up her features. Bill noticed it and asked what was wrong, again.

"Scheiss, Bill! Es ist mitternacht!" She frantically said in fast German. She tended to speak fast German when she was really nervous, shocked and panicked, all in one emotion.

"Really?" Bill asked, bewildered at it being midnight, also.

"No, I said that for a reaction. Of course! I have to get home! My mom is freaking out right now. As soon as she said so, her phone rang. As predicted, it was her mother.

"Where in the hell are you?!" Her mother yelled at her after she answered.

"I'm coming home now, mom. I didn’t look at the time when I was at Ashlynn's, until a minute ago, and realized how late it was." She quickly lied.

"Okay, but I want you home, soon!" Her mother demanded and hung up before Ashley could say bye.

Her breathing slowed down.

"Safe?" He asked.

"Safe." She said as she started walking home.

"Wait!" Bill called, running after her.

"Bill I can’t wait! I have to get home!" She said without looking back. Bill reached her, grabber her by the arm and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Lieb." He whispered and walked away.

As she walked home, Bill had not left her mind once.
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Okay, so I finally got something up! Yay me! &I'll leave the authors note up, because it still applies. I got WB for my Tom fic, so I wrote this instead! I also have a new one shot up (bill/tom - nonsexual) called Pages and you can find that link on my page. So please read Typical (tom fic) and the one shot! I might update this soon, so just look out, yeah?

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