Welcome to the Circus

The End of the World

I didn't mean to, I really didn't. The sisters at the orphanage always told me that my indulgence in romantics and fantasy would be the end of me. I never thought it would be the end of the world.


I didn't know it could do that. I tried to stop, I don't even know how to play the stupid cello, but the notes just came and they wouldn't stop. It was the most horrifying thing I ever heard like the sound of death, despair and hatred. It slinked out of the instrument and rose into the air. It felt like a lifetime, being a slave to that thing and I just kept playing and playing until I realised the sound of death and despair wasn't coming from just the cello anymore. I stood up abruptly and the thing dropped from my hands. I left it there glad to be free of it and ran from the old dusty basement.

I heard screaming around me everyone ran around in fear and confusion. I heard bombs going off and cries of pain. The ground shook from beneath me. Everyone in the orphanage was either dying, injured or crying over the dying and injured. Children were being dragged in through the various holes that now decorated the walls of the orphanage, some were missing limbs, the ones doing the dragging I mean, the ones being dragged were much worse. Nuns in their patronizing black habits were rushing around from one mangled body to the next but it was useless. Perhaps the today was not a good day for the children to play kickball outside?

I ran outside and the sky was dark and menacing. the trees dripped fire and the houses that surrounded the St. Maria's Home for the Abandoned and Misfortune, were covered in soot. People ran from their homes coughing and choking on smoke. How did this happen? How long was I playing that cello?
A chilling realization came to me and answered my last question. Long enough.

The whole world was going to heck. Was it my fault?
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okay so there IS gonna be a big time skip but it won't suck...I hope anyway so yea its gonna be a bit gory and there will be a bit of morbid humor this is not gonna be happy sunshine time just to give a heads up.

peace out