What It Feels Like To Be a Ghost

Can't Escape if You Don't Try

"Class I know that it's the first day of school. But this is high school people, and you have to get used to the fact that even if you're on break or coming back, you will still get homework." Mr. Santos drawled on. I find it really hard to pay attention. No one ever wants to hear that they won't get a break anytime soon.
"So because this is the first day of school and this is history, the assignment will have to do with your thoughts on history in the past and what the future holds for us. You will be presenting and you should have a poster showing some images that are related to the topic. Any questions?"
"Are we working alone or in pairs?"
"Good question. I would like each of you to pair up with someone. No more than two people per group."

Crap. What am I going to do? Damn it, this just had to happen. Please it's the first day of school and already I have to admit once again that I am a loner and will always be a loner? Oh Mr. Santos I am really going to end up hating this class.

"Hi. My name is Justen." A voice said suddenly. I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't heard him speak. I looked startled, and quickly answered.
"Nice to meet you Justen. My name is Claire."
"So do you want to be my partner?" He asked smiling weakly.
"Yeah. Okay, sure."
"One thing though. You write. I am, after all, a guy. I sometimes can't even read my own writing." He said. I laughed, but then realized that he seemed serious.
"You probably can." I said as I was writing my name and his on the upper-right hand corner of the sheet of paper.
"I can't. Can I see?" He asked looking towards the sheet of paper.
"Yeah, but all I did was write our names." I said bewildered handing him the paper.
"Oh. You misspelled my name." Justen said as he was looking at it.
"I did?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's J-U-S-T-E-N not J-U-S-T-I-N." he said.
“It’s spelled with an ‘e’? Really?”
"That's pretty awesome! It's so unique!" I said awed.
"Yeah, I would say so." he replied smiling. "So let's get started shall we?"


Those were the good times. It's hard to believe that I went from that to this. I'm stuck. Now don't get me wrong. I'm glad that I have Kyle now, but it's time to face the truth. He isn't Justen. In fact no one is Justen, but Justen. There is only one Justen.

I wonder if there's a unique way to spell Claire. I doubt it, but if there is no way will I ever be able to find it. Please, nothing can compare to Justen.

On another note, my biology project is going great. Not. Janice is intent on ignoring me. I don't know how we'll ever get it done in time if we're not communicating. I think I'll just do it at home and have my own individual project as opposed to sharing with that...yeah. Of course I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to Mr. Ortiz, but there’s no way that Janice is going to want to cooperate with me, and let’s just say that it’s mutual.

I can see now why Mr. Ortiz paired me up with her in the first place. She's good at biology, disgustingly good. It really does sicken me. How can a mean and vile person like Janice have more talents and friends that I do? Am I really that bad?

It wasn't always like this. My life, I mean. It just went downhill after Cassidy. Or maybe it’s because I pushed it downhill.