Pushed Me Away, Then Asked Me To Stay Something New Everyday

This Isn't Something All That Easy

Staring at those horrid heels Katarina almost ran for her life. It was like when a teenager goes through puberty and starts getting afraid of the changes. Katarina was deathly scared of the red heels in front of her eyes.

The sound of a throat clearing interrupted her thoughts. "Are you going to take them or not?" An inpatient Yeltsy said with her hand on her hip.

Yeltsy was one of Katarina's closest friends. She was a beautiful girl but most people were afraid of her. Not because she was a bully but because she was and still is a very hyperactive girl. It's almost scary when she has her moments. Out of Katarina's little group Yeltsy was the most feminine which is why she's forcing Katarina to wear heels.

Katarina let out a voice of desperation,"Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to help me out, Amber?"

Amber looked up and shrugged,"Just put on the damn heels and make the whore shut the hell up."

Unique had Amber's name written under it. The thing is people called her weird because they just judged her by her attire. Some days she'd come to school dressing really nice others she'd have a tube top mini dress, shorts with writing on it, a hoodie, and flats that were all different shades and patterns. But she was cool and loyal, that's what Katarina liked most.

But she wasn't very loyal at the moment. "Why do I have to go to this juvenile, underage drinking, sweaty party?" Katarina asked grabbing the heels from Yeltsy.

"Because you're a freaking kill joy and if you didn't come I was going to punch you." Amber said yelling. Yeltsy and Katarina just burst into giggles.

"Let's go party!" Yeltsy yelled throwing her arms in the air.

Katarina stared into the mirror once more before she headed out. She was actually wearing makeup. The eyeliner and mascara was heavy on her eyes but made her look classy. She was wearing contacts and a shirt that actually showed off her breast. She smiled a little before walking out joining the girls.


Walking into the house Katarina felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable. There was smoke in the air from the cigarettes, bodies pressing against each other, and a reeking odor of alcohol coming from people around the house.

"Yo, Nico!" Amber yelled leaving Katarina's side.

Katarina panicked. She didn't want to be alone because it was her first time going to a party that didn't include tail on the donkey. She turned to look at Yeltsy.

Yeltsy knew Katarina was going to freak out. "Don't worry bitch, I won't leave you." She said throwing an arm around Katarina.

"But you have to drink with me." Yeltsy said walking away.

Katarina hurried after her stumbling a few times. "These stupid shoes." She mumbled trying to keep up with speedy gonzales. Beer was some vile liquid that killed brain cells and that's why Katarina swore she would never drink it.

"Yeltsy, I can't. I-" Katarina tried to explain but Yeltsy shoved a cup in her hand.

"Come on Rina, when is the next time you won't have to worry about your stupid GPA and college shit?" Yeltsy challenged.

"Well, this whole year I'm busy with charities, volunteer work, school, my job-"

"Exactly! So enjoy the night because your year starts in two days. There's nothing to worry about."

Katarina stared into the cup and slowly inched towards her lips. When the liquid slid between her lips and onto her tongue it tasted horrible but she kept it in. Katarina gulped it down trying to get it over with.

When she was done Yeltsy had a smirk on her face. "See, was that so hard?" She asked passing Katarina another one. Katarina was too busy to notice Yeltsy walking away with her on again, off again boyfriend, Taylor.

"Hey sexy." A deep voice said startling Katarina. She jumped swallowing a little bit too much. She started coughing with the guy patting her back trying to help.

"Thanks." She said regaining her posture. Katarina noticed the guy. Of course who wouldn't. Ryder Kelpp was the schools bad boy. He hung out with the guys from the football team and soccer team who were all jerks. Every time they made fun of her he just sat back and laughed himself.

"Do I know you?" He asked leaning in staring at Katarina. She was a little bit more alarmed and tried to look around for Yeltsy. Typical, nowhere in sight.

"Um, no. If you'll excuse me." She tried to move through but Ryder caught her arm.

"Then I won't." He smirked.

Katarina rolled her eyes and stumbled a bit. Her vision was everywhere. Maybe from the two drinks she had.

"Get your hands off of me or I'll call rape." She threatened.

"Whoa, no need to get feisty all you had to do was ask."

Katarina pulled her arm from his grasp and walked away tripping but thankfully there was a wall to hold on to.

Katarina's head pounded as she walked outside. There was a gust of cold air hitting her skin which made things a little better considering the house was hot and humid. She walked a little further down

Katarina tripped again and sighed falling to the black ground. She reached for the red heels that were making her night a little bit closer to hell. Katarina didn't notice but she was sitting in the middle of the street so when a voice called out saying, "Get out of the street she was highly confused.

She looked up to see a guy on a bike peddling her way. Katarina cringed shielding her face with her arms. The guy squeezed on his breaks handle trying to stop. He dragged his feet onto the ground.

"Damn." He said out loud dropping his bike onto the floor.

Katarina was really confused. All she could put together was that some stranger almost ran her over.

"Hey you!" She yelled struggling to stand. The guy looked around the stupidly pointed to himself.

"Me?" He asked.

Katarina rolled her eyes. "Who do you think I'm talking to? You could have killed me you know! Next time watch where you're going."

"Have you been drinking?" He asked totally off topic. Katarina was take off guard.

"What? What doe that-oh god." Here eyes became wide.

"What? What's wrong?" The guy asked frantically.

"I'm going to-:" That's when it happened. Katarina emptied her stomach and all the acid fluids came pouring onto the stranger's shoe.

"I'm so sorry." Katarina sobbed.

"Damn, I liked these shoes to." The guy mumbled trying to help Katarina up.

"W..What are you doing? I need Yeltsy or Amber!" Katarina whined.

"Look I'm trying to help. You're drunk and need to wash up and I have to get my shoes cleaned." The guys fussed throwing her arm over his shoulder. "I'm Andrew by the way. I live around here so...Hey." Andrew looked down to see her head hunched over and eyes closed.

Without thinking of the outcome he swept her into his arms and carried her to his house.
"Ugh, your breath stinks." He mumbled cringing his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Story.
Gets better I promise.