Pushed Me Away, Then Asked Me To Stay Something New Everyday

If It Meant Getting Close To You

The sun spilled from behind the blinds and lit up the room. Katarina's body stirred and snugged up to where the warmth was giving off. Her head hurt but she tried to forget about it and tried to stay close to the warmth. Then it moved and Katarina put her hand on whatever her head was laying on. It was smooth as she ran her hand down. She didn't want to admit but it felt like a body.

Please don't tell me I lost my virginity by drunk, meaningless sex

"You keep going you'll feel something that will scare you." A voice called out scaring Katarina.

She screamed jumping out of the bed to see the guy with only boxers on. Katarina looked at her own attire and saw her cami and a pair of boxers that belonged to someone else. She was frightened beyond belief. Asking herself questions she continued to scream until he came and covered her mouth.

"Please be quiet and I'll explain how all this happened and take my hand off your mouth." He said serious.

Katarina nodded her head unable to speak. When he took his hand off her mouth she blurted, "Who are you?" out.

He smiled with a chuckle. He found her nervousness adorable and the fact she acted so pure. "I remember telling you last night but I'm Andrew de Torres." He said sticking his hand towards her. Katarina just stared at it.

"You think I'm going to touch you after the current situation is looking?" She asked rolling her eyes. "Now please explain why I'm in your clothes and- Did you change me?"

He gave a little smile and shrug. "I promise I didn't peek."

Katarina's mouth dropped and she grabbed anything she could reach and threw it at him. "You disgusting pervert. Little pig that can be called semi-rape." She said getting angry all over again.

"Hold on, dammit!" He said. "Don't you remember that you were drunk in the middle of the road and you threw up on my shoes." He said trying to defend his face with his arms.

Katarina stopped and tried to recall the memories of the night before. "Where is Amber and Yeltsy?" She asked herself.

"Who?" He asked confused by the names. "Are those the girls you were whining about last night?"

Katarina tried to think long and hard. She was drinking but only because of Yeltsy. Then the nerve of that Ryder Kelpp. Did he really think she was going to sleep with him. She was never going to acknowledge the likes of him. Katarina noticed Andrew getting up and grabbing a pair of his jeans. Then a thought raced to Katarina.

"Wait! I'm not naked under your boxers,am I?" She asked lifting an eyebrow standing up.

Andrew shrugged,"I don't know why won't you take a look," he said smiling. He was getting more and more amused as the day went on with this girl he still didn't know the name of.

Katarina hesitantly looked down and pulled on the waistband of the bottoms. She gave a sigh of relief when she saw her read bikini cut underwear. She glared over at Andrew who stood there laughing. She walked towards him with a pissed off look.

"Look it here buddy, I'm already sick and tired of you. Now I need a ride back home and it's the most you can do since you practically molested me here." She nudged his chest a few times.

He laughed once again and grabbed her finger. "First tell me what's your name."

Katarina thought about it and it's not like she was going to see him ever again. She could just kick him in his most cherished spot and run for her life or give him her name and get a ride back home. There definitely couldn't be only two choices.

"Hannah." She lied through her teeth, "So are you going to give me the ride?"

"You might want to change back into your clothes first, Hannah."

"Oh yeah." She whispered looking around the room.

When she was dressed and ready Katarina came out the room shoving her hair into a high ponytail. Looking around the house it looked normal and comfy. Like it was welcoming her in by itself. She saw the pictures on the wall of the happy faces. Katarina didn't notice but she caught herself staring at Andrews face and smiling.

"Are you ready?" A voice spoke behind her causing her to jump.

"God, I realize that I can't wait to get rid of you." She spoke pushing him out her way and finding the front door.

"Not too sure about that sweetheart."

"Parent's car?" She asked looking at it. He nodded opening her door for her.

"You actually know how to be polite in a nonsexual way. Points for you romeo." She said getting in. He could her the immense amount of sarcasm in her voice.

The ride was quiet and it was making Katarina very annoyed. Usually Amber had some screamo music on since she drove and Yeltsy was complaining about how loud and emo it was. Katarina would become the person trying to break it up but soon she'd find herself joining the argument.

"Why did you even bother helping last night?" She asked setting her head on the window. "Make a right." She added giving him directions.

"Would you let a drunk person you almost crashed into wither into nothingness at risk of being raped or something."

"No but I think I would have been safer with the rapist." She said a little too loud. She thought he would get all butt hurt and starting yelling or something but he just laughed it off whisking some hair from his eye.


Katarina didn't get it but she left it alone. "Stop!" She yelled. He stepped on the breaks hard causing Katarina to jerk forward.

"My house." She said pointing to the house in front of them. "Well Andrew I would say it was a pleasure being here with you and all but it really wasn't." Katarina spoke turning to leave.

"Wait." She heard so she turned to find his lips in hers. It wasn't awkward or teeth clashing and it was rough and wild. She found herself kissing him back and their lips moved against each other. There wasn't no tongue just the pressure of pleasure.

Then abruptly Katarina pushed him back opening the door trying to leave. She could hear Andrew's laughter behind her.

"See you soon, Hannah." He said before driving off.

She shouldn't have lied about her name but she wasn't going to see him as soon as he thought...right?

Walking into her house she found her mom waiting on the couch. Her mom was one of those ex-cheerleaders who thought they still had it in them. When Katarina was only in fifth grade instead of her mom encouraging good grades and attitude she was encouraging safe sex with condoms. Katarina was always embarrassed by her mother and her mom knew of it.

"So, how was the party?" She immediately asked happy that her daughter was finally living her dream.

"Wouldn't you know. Weren't you the one on the table shedding all her clothing." Katarina joked sarcastically.

Her mom looked shocked for a split second. "Oh, you saw me? Shit, I'm going to have to be a bit more careful."

Katarina turned to her mom furrowing her eyebrows and shaking her head. "Aren't you like thirty-eight? Can you act it for once?" She asked putting a hand on her hip.

"What? It's not my fault I still have life in me. You know who still have many years of life? Of course you do, your father. In bed he-"

"No, no, no! I don't want to hear about you and Dad's sex expeditions. On a boat, in an elevator, on a plane, in the middle of a hurricane! Is there any place you haven't had sex in or on." She said throwing her arms in the air. When her mom opened her mouth she brought her hand up, "It was a relative question not meant to be answered, mother."

Katarina turned to leave but she heard, "Katarina Lace Yanae, I know that is not what I think it is!"

She looked at the woman who gave her birth like she was some kind of psychotic hobo. "What can you possibly be talking about now?"

Her mother grabbed her by her face and turned examining her neck. "That is definitely a hickey! I'm so proud of you! Who's the guy? Oh my god, your grandmother was starting to think you were a lesbian."

"At least it would save me money on birth control." She mumbled still not too sure about the hickey.

"I'm going upstairs." She said running to her room leaving her mother in a rant.

Going in front of her mirror looking at the red odd shape on her neck she started to get angry. "Andrew fucking de Torres! You bastard!" She yelled slipping some curse words out. It wasn't like herself but it sure felt so damn good and it scared Katarina. She didn't want to change just because of him.
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Kind of long but I hope you all like it.
I got like NO comments and 4 subscribers so far.
One comment won't hurt. 3 Comments before I update.