Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

Weekends on Young and Angry Streets

I can't believe I'm doing this. It's midnight and I'm walking down a deserted street, almost as though I'm just waiting for something to come out and kill me. I swear this is worse than any horror movie that I've seen. Why am I walking down this street you ask? Well that's simple, my car broke down. It's a POS (piece of shit for those who are slow). I can't afford anything better. I could barely afford what I do have. The only reason I could get it was because the dealer was a good friend and shave about 500 off the price tag. Otherwise I wouldn't have a car.

I guess it wouldn't be terrible to not have a car. I mean, with gas prices what they are now it's not like I can afford to drive it anywhere. Insurance is a killer as well. Everything in this world is expensive. Us young people who are just starting out can't afford anything with the way that taxes are set up and the way that our government is.

That's another thing I'm tired of. I'm tired of people blaming the government for all their problems. Ok, I know I just did but that's a real issue. The government takes a ton of our money and does what with it? Gives it away to other people who sit on their ass all day long. I'm perfectly fine the government taking my money for things that it needs it for. I understand that to run a country you need money and the people living there should pay. I agree wholly. It's the people who sit on their ass all day long and get a check in the mail for 600 a month that piss me off. I'm working my ass off so that I can barely afford to buy food or gas for my car while people can sit at home and make a few hundred more bucks than me. How shitty is that?

Ok, so I'm really just venting here cause no one is answering their phones and I'm already pissed off. The MCR guys are in town but they aren't answering their phones and no one at home is either. Which is why I'm stuck walking in this cold, wet lovely Ohio weather. Sometimes I just want to die cause I live here. There really is nothing to do here. There's only two good cities to go to, Columbus and Cincinnati. Those of you who live here know what I mean. It sucks ass. The most exciting thing all year round is football season though that also means that winter is close.

Ahh winter, the lovely time of the year that I hate. Actually I hate fall more. Not because of the leaves turning or Halloween or anything like that. No I hate it because in Ohio it can never make up it's mind whether it wants to be hot or cold. There is never an in between. This is the time of year where the air in most buildings is still out and yet it's 30 degrees outside. What is wrong with you people? Spend the extra money and turn the heat on. Oh wait, that's right our money is going to the people who sit on their asses all day. I forgot. As you call tell I'm not sarcastic or opinionated at all. (Yes that was sarcasm people. Keep up with me)

This really does suck. I'll stop complaining about the world of politics now. Sometimes I just want to slap Americans upside the head and point out what the people they elected are really doing. But hey, as long as they get their checks they will keep voting.

Moving on, since I really need to get off this topic before I go kill something. I tried once again to call everyone in my contacts but once again no one answered. This was pure hell. Wait, hell wouldn't be this cold. I would rather walk through hell. That's a good song.

Moving on, once again. I just realized that you have no idea who I am. Oh, hold that thought, my phone is ringing.

"Hello?" I answered my phone quickly.

"Hey, you've been calling?" the lovely voice of the one and only Gerard Way greeted me.

"I have, are you busy?" I asked him.

"Never too busy for you sweetie," Gerard responded.

"I need a ride," I told him.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"Not really sure. The last road sign I pasted said that I was on Vally street," I responded. "I have no idea where though."

"What happened?" Gerard asked.

"I was on my way home from work when my car broke down," I responded.

"You got off work three hours ago," Gerard stated.

"I will not ask how you know my schedule but yes I did," I replied.

"How long have you been walking?" Gerard asked.

"Oh about two and a half hours now," I replied. "It's really cold out by the way, you might want a jacket."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Gerard said.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"That I didn't answer my phone sooner. I'm getting ready to leave so just stop walking. You are taking the path that you drive home correct?" Gerard asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I didn't realize how long it was."

"Alright well I should be there shortly. If you've been walking that long you really can't be too much further," Gerard pointed out.

"I'm just glad you called me back," I told him.

"Of course honey, you know I'm there for you whenever you need me," Gerard said.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"You're like a daughter to me Elise," Gerard whispered.

Oh that's right, I forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me. My name, as you know now, is Elise. Elise Conley. I am sixteen years old and live with my mother in a very run down house that all of MCR hates. They want to give us something better but my mother is too stubborn to take any help from anyone. Which is why we live the way we do. I have no idea why she keeps her stupid boyfriend though. He's an ass and needs to go but for some reason she won't kick him out. I've told her several times that I would do it but she just shakes her head and walks away mumbling something under her breath.

"Elise, you there?" Gerard asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry," I whispered.

"Are you alright?" Gerard asked.

"I'm fine, just cold," I told him.

"Well I'm bringing you some warm cloths and driving as fast as I can. Is anyone around?" Gerard asked.

"No one is paying any attention to me," I told him.

"Good," Gerard said. "You aren't exactly on the good side of town."

"What is the good side of town?" I asked knowing that this city didn't really have a good side anymore. It was all over run since the major factories left.

"I'm almost there, just try to stay out of sight," Gerard said.

"I know," I told him. "Mom taught me that much."

"Hey now, your mother is a wonderful lady," Gerard said.

"She might be but she's really not that great of a mother," I replied.

"She raised you by herself and that's not an easy task," Gerard said.

"Yeah and she was great until the asshole came along," I growled.

"I know you hate him, I do too," Gerard said.

"Hell even Braden hates him and Braden gets along with most people," I said.

"I know," Gerard whispered.

"Guess he's the better of the two of us," I said lowly.

"Hey, you are an amazing girl," Gerard said.

"I'm not one of your fans you can preach bullshit too," I responded.

"Knock it off Elise," Gerard responded. "Just cause you are mad at him doesn't mean you can be nasty to everyone else."

"I just want Aaron to rot in hell for what he's done to me and my family. Is that too much to ask?" I whispered.
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first chapter :D is this good so far? what do you think? I would love any feedback

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