Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

While Some Have Gone Their Separate Ways

"Well, that's that," Matt said as he handed Braden something. "Make Elise take that so she doesn't get so sick."

"Um, hell no," I complained as I looked at the medicine bottle in Braden's hand. "I will not swallow something so fowl."

"Elise, pipe down and take the damn stuff," Braden said as he poured a little bit into the little cup that comes with the medicine.

"That stuff is fowl," I protested. "How is it supposed to make me feel better?"

"Just take it," Braden said shoving the cup towards me. "Don't make me force it down your throat."

"Well let me untrap my hands and I will," I sighed.

"Stop moving, I'll just feed it to you," Braden said leaning over and putting the cup right up to my lips.

"Somebody better get me some water," I growled as the smell hit me. "This is going to be gross."

"Well if you hadn't run off we wouldn't have this problem," Braden snapped.

"I didn't really want to be around when the news hit," I growled. "You think I want another father? The last one was terrible, what makes him any better?"

"He isn't Aaron, Elise," Braden whispered as I drank the disgusting medicine.

"Aaron wasn't abusive at first either," I whispered.

"Come on," Brian said standing up with me in his arms and walking towards the bunks the guys sleep in. "We're heading to bed guys. Have a good night."

"Night," all the guys called as Brian gently set me in his bunk.

I just laid there not really knowing what was going on while Brian did what he needed to to get ready for bed. After a few minutes he climbed into the bunk blocking me in. I was still wrapped tightly in the blanket but was very tense. I had no idea what he was going to do. He just laid there watching me for a few moments not moving one bit. This only made me more tense as I awaited his response to the situation. He hadn't really said anything thus far and I was terrified that he was going to speak out now.

"How are you feeling?" Brian whispered.

"Fine?" I questioned not really sure what he was getting at.

"I can see that we have a lot of work to do," Brian sighed. "Braden's right though, I'm not Aaron. I told your mother that a thousand times before she really believed it. I'm going to have to do the same with you huh?"

"The guys all think that I'm more like you," I whispered.

"Well then I'm never going to get the message across if you are like me," Brian smiled a bit.

"Sorry," I whispered not being able to look at him.

"Elise, stop," Brian said reaching out and grasping my chin forcing me to look at him. "Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I could never hurt you."

"Sorry," I whispered again.

"Stop," Brian said gently pulling me into his arms. "Just stop. I don't know what all Aaron did but I know he treated your mother like shit. Hell, if she was correct in her letter then he killed her so I can't even being to imagine what he did to you guys. Braden looked ready to kill me once he heard the news and I can't blame him. He's a good man, a great brother I'm sure. He knows what all you have to work through but Elise, one of these days I would like to know as well. I want to help you baby girl."

"You already have a daughter," I whispered.

"Angelica," Brian laughed slightly. "Is that what this is about? You don't like Angelica? Well, you'll fit in with the rest of the kids because half the time they don't like her either. That's probably my fault a bit. I spoiled her way too much. Now she thinks she should be given whatever she wants just because she breaths. Did she say something to you?"

"No," I lied not wanting to get into the conversation we had earlier.

"Well, if Derek gets his way and Zander comes out I think you will have a much better time with them. Unless you want another girl then we can get Jamie out here," Brian explained.

"Derek wants Zander," I whispered.

"I know, they are best friends so of course he wants Zander to come out. I'm asking who you would be more comfortable with," Brian said.

"It doesn't matter to me," I whispered.

"Zander is a nice kid, you'll like him," Brian said. "Now I think you need to get some sleep so that you don't get too sick. It's almost impossible for you to not get sick but hopefully we can keep it small."

"Doubt it," I whispered to myself.

Suddenly the door to the room Angelica had locked herself in burst open. She stomped out of the room all the way to Brian's bunk. I could see that she was seething and it only got worse when she saw Brian and I. She roughly shoved a phone towards Brian telling him that her mother was wanted to talk with him. Crap, now things are only going to get worse. Brian took the phone and placed it on speaker before saying hello. A nice female voice responded back in a very confused manner.

"Brian, what's going on? Angelica keeps saying that she wants to come but won't tell me why," the voice responded.

"Michelle, we found out something today. Apparently Angel had kids," Brian said looking over at me.

"What?" the woman I assume is Michelle asked.

"Yeah, she had twins. Two great beautiful children that had to live in hell because of Aaron," Brian responded.

"Aaron got a hold of her?" Michelle questioned with horror in her voice.

"Yeah, and he killed her too," Brian whispered.

"Oh my god," Michelle said. "Oh my god, where are her kids?"

"Well, I've got one of them and the other is out with the guys," Brian said. "I'm trying to get her to sleep but it's not working."

"How old are they?" Michelle questioned.

"Sixteen," Brian whispered.

"Sixteen! But that means they could-"

"They are mine, Michelle. Angel wrote Elise, my daughter, a letter telling her that she was my kid. Zacky and Frank brought the letter to me and now I'm trying to take responsibility. Angelica, however doesn't like that at all," Brian said.

"Send her home, I'll deal with her. Get her straightened out," Michelle said. "So you have twin daughters then?"

"A daughter and a son," Brian responded as a small smile grew on his face.

"Elise and?"

"Elise and Braden," Brian responded to Michelle's question.

"They sound great, I can't wait to meet them," Michelle said. "Do you want any of the other kids to come out or are you too full now?"

"Well, Derek wants Zander to come out if that's possible," Brian said.

"Gena is here so let me ask her real quick then we'll get him a plane ticket and send him out. Send Angelica back as soon as you can. She's being a brat and I need to give her a long talk," Michelle said.

"Alright, thanks," Brian said.

"You're welcome," Michelle responded. "Try singing her to sleep."

"Thanks Michelle," Brian said with a small laugh. "I'll see you when the tour is over."


Brian hung up the phone and placed it on the bunk below us. Angelica quickly grabbed it and stomped back into the room. Apparently she had been nearby while the conversation was taking place. Brian readjusted our position so that his arms were wrapped tightly around me holding my warmth to me. As much as I hate to admit it, he was acting like a really good father right now. However that doesn't mean that I'm just going to trust him with everything. He still has a ways to go before I will call him dad but I think, I hope, that in time I'll be able to. Who knows, maybe in time I'll be friends with Angelica as well. Let's start out with an easier thing though, being able to call Brian dad sounds good.
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comments please :D

Oh hey, if you like comedy then check out Jeff Dunham. He has a christmas special and papa gates is there :D it's great. I posted a video from youtube of it on my profile if you want to check it out.