Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

We're All Falling Forward

We entered the bus just as it started raining. My dad called all of the guys together and I was put in an awkward situation. How was I going to explain to them that the world is going to assume that my father was a pedophile who knocked up a sixteen year old girl?

Once everyone was sitting in the front room area dad started explaining about the doctors visit. To my horror it was actually his time to vent about the creepy doctor. Zander came over and sat beside me as dad told everyone the events that had taken place inside the clinic. I grabbed his hand tightly knowing that the worse news was still to come. Personally I was dreading everyone’s reaction to the discovery that the press had found out. Dad might be outvoted and I might get kicked off the tour.

“I am going to kill that man,” Matt growled catching my attention.

“That’s not even the worse part,” dad whispered looking over at me softly.

“How could it get any worse?” Zacky questioned as he looked back and forth between dad and I.

“When we left there was a horde of press outside the clinic,” dad told them. “They found out.”

The whole bus went silent. I tried to sink back into the couch and disappear as all eyes turned to me. Zander released my hand and a moment of panic went through me. This was my fault and everyone here knew it. Without think I jumped from my seat and ran from the bus. Everyone yelled for me but I was too blinded by my emotions to hear what they were saying. The rain was coming down hard making it difficult to see. The tears filling my eyes were offering no help either. Déjà vu hit me as I collapsed down onto the wet grass. Any minute I was expect Angelica to come by and tell me to leave Brian alone. If only I had taken her advice, I would not have put them in this situation.

“You shouldn’t be out in this.”

My head shot up as my eyes meet sparkling blue ones. One of the crew members of Avenged stood in front of me holding her hand out. Stubbornly I refused her hand and stayed on the wet ground. I heard her sigh before I felt sturdy hands lift me from the ground. She kept her grip until I was steady before she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the concert venue. Luckily this concert was inside so the rain would not effect it. The woman opened the door and pulled me inside despite my protests. She lead me to a small room and set me on the couch before handing me a towel. I kept my eyes on her while I dried myself off the best I could. The woman studied me for a few moments before she turned and opened another door. She pulled out some extra cloths and placed them in my hands before showing me the bathroom. Not wanting to argue I took the cloths and changed. Honestly it was nice to get out of the wet cloths and into nice warm dry ones.

“You cannot keep doing that,” the woman whispered as I sat back down on the couch.

“What are you talking about?” I questioned.

“If I’m not mistaken that’s the second time you’ve run out of the bus into the rain,” the woman stated. “I saw you the first time as well. You really need to think before you act.”

“Who are you?” I questioned annoyed that she was trying to tell me what to do.

“I’m sorry, I’m Hope. I work with your dad’s road crew,” she told me.

“Well, I should be getting back,” I said standing up.

“Sit,” Hope said gently pushing me back down onto the bed. “You and I need to talk.”

“Look, I have no idea who you are. I do not want to talk with you about anything much less the situation that lead to my running into the rain for a second time,” I snapped.

“I was pregnant at a young age as well,” Hope said not being deterred by my attitude. “Nothing you throw at me will surprise me.”

“What did you do?” I questioned softly calming down a bit.

“I had sex with someone I thought I could trust. Being young and naive I believed that I was in love,” Hope explained. “He left me the second I told him that I was pregnant. Of course, I blamed the baby as I was too stupid to see the truth then. I was seven months along when I was driving home and a car smashed into the drivers side of my car. I lost my child.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered as my hands automatically reached towards my small bump.

“You have an amazing little one growing in there. I do not know the extent of your situation but I know that with the help of everyone around you, you can be a great mother,” Hope said.

“I didn’t want this,” I whispered.

“I know,” Hope whispered. “But you have been given this and I know you can do this.”

“You think so?” I questioned.

“I know so. You have a great support system behind you and they all want to help,” Hope said.

“Maybe they did before, not now,” I told her softly.

“Why do you say that?” Hope questioned calmly.

“The press spotted me and dad walking out of the clinic today,” I said. “They took pictures and now everyone’s going to think that he’s the dad of my child instead of my father.”

“Elise, the only people that matter are going to know the truth,” Hope said. “Come on, your father is going to be looking for his baby girl.”

“I doubt I’m allowed back on the bus,” I whispered.

“I think you need to give the guys more credit,” Hope said. “I’ve been touring with them for a few years now and I know they aren’t the way you are describing them.”

“You didn’t see their faces when dad told them,” I whispered.

“Come on,” Hope said pulling me up. “I’ll be with you the whole time. I won’t leave until they let you on the bus and into a bunk, alright?”

Though I was still very unsure of the situation I followed Hope out of the concert hall and into the damp night. Thankfully it had stopped raining but everything was still soaked. Hope kept walking towards the bus with determined steps as shouting could be heard all around us. I started to have second thoughts about this solution but Hope somehow knew that. She reached back and grabbed my arm gently and pulled me forward. We stopped in front of the bus and I took a deep breath while she knocked on the door.

Matt’s panicked face greeted us for a few moments before a look of relief took over. He pulled me into a tight hug while thanking Hope repeatedly. She pushed us out of the walkway and into the bus while ensuring Matt that I was perfectly fine. Once on the bus I was ripped out of Matt’s grip and into Mikey’s. Shit, that means Gerard knows what happened. I’m in for hell now.

“You need to stop doing this,” Mikey whispered as he gently set me down on the couch. “Gerard and Brian are both out of their minds right now.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered focusing on my hands that were in my lap.

“Hey,” Mikey said grabbing my chin gently and forcing me to look at him. “I understand that you do not like this situation but you need to understand that none of us are going anywhere. We are going to stick with this until the very end and that child has graduated college.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered again not knowing how to respond to his statement.

“We love you Brianna Elise,” Mikey smiled softly.

“I love you all too,” I whispered with a small smile.
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