Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

With No Signs Of Slow

I sat with Matt and Mikey trying to ensure both of them that I was feeling fine. Of course they stuffed medicine down my throat anyways but that’s beside the point. Hope stayed by my side the whole time, somehow knowing that I needed a female with me. When dad and Gerard ran onto the bus I knew this was going to be a long evening. Both of them looked at me for two seconds before they went off and started yelling. Of course, I could not understand anything that they were saying so I just gripped Hope’s hand tightly and looked at the floor.

The front door slammed open again and before I could see who it was I was jerked from my seat. Arms wrapped tightly around me as someone buried their face in my hair. Gently I pulled back to see Zander staring at me with very concerned eyes. He brushed my still slightly wet hair out of my face and looked me over. Once he was satisfied that I was alright he set me gently down on the couch again next to Hope. I looked over at Hope to see a small smirk on her face as she watched Zander move about the small kitchen. My eyes furrowed in question when she looked back at me but she just smiled and shook her head instead of telling me her thoughts. I let out a frustrated sigh and huffed as I crossed my arms. Zander turned around and looked at me a minute before he went back to what he had been doing.

“Elise, you need to stop running off like that,” Gerard said pulling my attention back to him and dad.

“I thought everyone was going to hate me for this,” I whispered refusing to look at him.

“Honey, no one hates you. If anything we hate the press and the idiot doctor who no doubt told them,” dad whispered as he knelt in front of me and took my hands in his. “Brianna we all love you more than anything and you scared the shit out of us just then.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered not able to meet his eyes.

“Come on baby girl,” dad sighed as he stood up and gently lifted me from the couch.

He guided me to the small table and set me down as Zander placed a hot cup of tea in front of me. Zander sat down beside me as dad made me a sandwich and forced me to eat it, though I was not all that hungry. Once I was finished with the sandwich and tea Zander took my hand and guided me to the backroom. He picked up the covers on my bed and I got under them. To my surprise he did not leave at this moment. He crawled underneath the covers with me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

“Making sure you get some rest. Stress is not good for a baby,” Zander whispered.

“Today was probably one of the worst days of my life,” I said softly as tears burned my eyes.

“Hey,” Zander gently reprimanded. “No tears. Everything is going to be just fine. The guys will work everything out. You’ll see.”

“Zander,” I said.

“What Elise?” Zander asked gently.

“Why are you doing this?” I questioned. “I’m pregnant.”

“I noticed,” Zander said as one of his hands fell on my little bump. “However, I still like who you are.”

“You don’t want to get caught up in someone like me,” I told him.

“I already have been caught up in you,” Zander whispered as he looked at me with intense eyes. “Elise, since I met you I’ve never been able to think of anything else. Derek and Braden are about to kill me because you are all that I talk about now. If you ask my father you’ll discover that I love kids and love babies. My mom trained me well in that department.”

“Zander,” I protested knowing that no teenage boy wants to be tied down with a child. “You really don’t have to do this.”

“I never said that I had to do this,” Zander said. “I want to do this. And you’ll find that anything that I want I get.”

“You can’t threaten me,” I giggled a bit.

“Oh yeah?” Zander questioned as he stared down at me playfully.

“My dad will beat you,” I warned.

“I highly doubt that,” Zander stated.

“Not so long as you treat her right.”

I jumped and looked towards the door to find my father leaning against the door frame looking at us with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Zander tightened his grip on me a bit as he stared over at my father. They seemed to be having a silent conversation that I was not allowed to overhear which irritated me a bit. I wanted to know what was so important that they could not tell me. In my life, I was always left out of the good stuff mostly cause I was a girl. Ha, I’ll show these men who think they are so amazing just how much a girl can do.

“How are you feeling Brianna?” dad questioned as he stepped into the room and over to us.

“I’m doing alright,” I stated. “What are you doing?”

“Just checking on my daughter,” dad stated. “I’ll leave you alone now.”

“Dad,” I said as he was nearly out the door.

“Yeah sweetheart?” he questioned as he looked back at me.

“I love you,” I whispered.

“I love you too baby girl,” dad smiled. “Take care of her Zander.”

“Yes sir,” Zander stated before dad shut the door and left us alone.

Now, I know he is a new father but usually they do not leave you alone with a teenage boy. Then again I am already pregnant so I guess there is very little that Zander could do. I cuddled closer to Zander as his arms shifted a bit and tightened. My head lay on his chest as I gazed into the darkness trying to grasp what was happening. Zander gently brushed his hands through my hair which calmed me down significantly.

“Elise?” Zander whispered breaking the silence.

“Yeah?” I questioned softly.

“Would you be willing to give us a chance?” Zander asked.

“You mean?” I asked turning so that I could look at his face.

“Would you be my girlfriend Elise?” Zander whispered as his hand gently brushed my cheek.

“I’m pregnant,” I stated.

“And I still want you,” Zander said. “That shouldn’t stop you.”

“Alright,” I whispered after a few moments. “I would love to give us a chance.”

Zander smiled as he leaned down and gently kissed my lips. A little shock went through me and for a moment I saw Aaron’s face glaring down at me. I shook my head as Zander pulled away and tried to erase the image from my mind. Zander seemed to understand what was happening as he pulled me closer and gently lifted my face towards his again. His lips fell softly on mine as another shock ran through me. This time, however, I only saw Zander. I was going to fall hard for this boy.
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aww :D

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