Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

We're All Falling Forward

Time travels fast when you are trying to gain control of you life. I am currently two days away from my due date and everyone is fawning over me. The nursery just got finished yesterday and I absolutely love it. All of the girls did an amazing job, though they would not let me help in anyway. It’s a very light purple wall with deep purple sheets in a white crib. Stuffed animals are all over the place and we are waiting to see the gender of the baby before we do anything more. I chose to wait until the baby was born to find out what I was having. Of course, none of the others could stand the wait, but I was enjoying myself. Honestly, it was fun to not find out and have the surprise waiting for you as well as a new body to love.

“Hey Elise, you doing alright?” Zander asked as he came into the nursery where I was sitting in the rocking chair and just thinking about everything that had happened over the past few weeks.

“I’m just thinking,” I smiled up at him as he gently kissed me.

“Thinking about what?” he asked as he sat down in another chair that was in the room.

“Everything that’s happened,” I told him.

“That clears things up,” Zander laughed.

“Hush you,” I said with a small laugh. “Like when we picked out the names.”

“Ahh yes, and you kept suggesting really dumb names,” Zander stated with a smirk.

“I believe that was you,” I stated with a laugh.

“Nope, nope I’m pretty sure that was you,” Zander said.

“I think you are remembering it wrong,” I told him.

“Oh yeah? Tell me what you remember then,” Zander said.

I was sitting outside on a towel watching as the sun went down over the beach. All of the guys were setting up for dinner while the girls were starting a small fire to roast marshmallows on. We all had a calm day at the beach, just letting lose and being ourselves away from the public view. Every since dad had released the statement at the awards the press had been hounding Braden and I. Everyone wanted to know about Synyster Gates long lost kids and why he hadn’t been with them before. Of course, he did not share anything about my mother which I was very grateful for. Though even now I could tell that he loved her and I knew he would never do anything to tarnish her name.

“What are you thinking about?” Zander asked as he came and sat beside me.

“Just thinking about everything that’s been going on,” I told him.

“That clears things up,” Zander laughed. “There’s been a lot going on.”

“Thinking about how I’ve suddenly become famous and it’s only because of who my dad is,” I told him.

“Yeah, I can’t imagine what that would be like. I’ve grown up with it but you were suddenly pushed into it,” Zander said kissing my head gently. “But I’m here for you.”

“I know, and I love you for it,” I told him with a smile.

“I love you too,” Zander whispered as he gently kissed my lips.

“So I need your help with something very important,” I told him.

“I would love to help you,” Zander stated.

“I need help picking out names for the baby,” I stated with a smile knowing that he would love this.

“Awesome,” Zander said with a huge smile. “Little Zander Haner or Zanica Haner. Done.”

“No,” I laughed. “I’m not naming my baby Zanica.”

“Why not? It’s close to mine,” Zander protested.

“Why would you want someone else with your name? Won’t that get confusing?” I questioned. “I never did understand why people did that.”

“Well miss party pooper, let’s come up with better names then,” Zander said. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, if it’s a girl I was thinking Sarah Angel Haner and if it’s a boy I was thinking Erik Raven Haner,” I told him.

“Hm,” Zander said as he thought over the names. “Those are names that I wouldn’t normally put together and I can’t really explain why but they sound good together. Sarah Angel isn’t something you hear everyday but it’s growing on me. Erik Raven is sweet, I love that.”

“Glad you agree,” I giggled. “Think the others will like them?”

“I’m sure they will,” Zander said as he gently kissed me. “I have no doubts about that.”

“Alright, alright you win,” Zander laughed. “I am terrible at coming up with names while you are much better.”

“Glad you finally see the light,” I teased.

“Hey now, you’re supposed to be nice to me,” Zander pouted.

“Aww don’t give me that pout,” I said looking away knowing that once he started the puppy eyes I would be done for.

“Braden, Elise isn’t being nice,” Zander said as my brother and Derek came over to us.

“Elise, play nice with the kids,” Braden said as he sat down on the floor of the nursery.

“Yeah Elise, play nice,” Derek smirked as he sat down beside Braden.

“Don’t you two have girls to go bug?” I questioned.

“We are bugging a girl, you,” Derek smirked.

“I swear you are exactly like your father,” I huffed.

The guys got drawn into a conversation at that point while I just sat contently and listened. My baby was being a little stinker today and kept moving all over the place. I was being kicked left and right and little pains were shooting through my stomach. I had been assured that this was normal however so I wasn’t freaking out at all. If I told they guys they would, so I was just keeping this to myself. Well, to myself and Jordan. She had become my partner in crime over the past few weeks. We got along really well, she was like the sister I never had. Which is fitting since Braden is now dating her. I knew they would hook up, there was no doubt in my mind. Well, and I kind of pushed them together as well.

“Come on, let’s go get you something to eat,” Zander said as he helped me stand.

As I stood a very sharp pain crossed my stomach and I let out a gasp. All of the boys came over and starting questioning me while I was just trying to see through the pain. Zander gripped my arm tightly as my legs buckled beneath me from the pain. Braden starting yelling for dad and I could hear the thundering footsteps of men as they ran towards us. All of the guys burst into the room with frantic expressions on their faces. Once they saw me their expressions didn’t ease at all. Leana pushed through all the guys and quickly came over to me. I felt something wet run down my leg and looked to see my paths were now soaked. Leana smiled at me as she directed the guys to go grab everything I would need. It was time for the baby to born.
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:D yayyyy

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