Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

With No Signs Of Slow

I was rushed to the hospital by the boys even though all the girls insisted there was no need to rush. Labor lasts for hours. When Leana said this I about died. I don’t think I could go through this pain for hours. Zander’s hand was already clamped tightly in mine and I was not planning on letting go until the baby was out. Braden and Derek were trying to keep me calm but nothing was working. I was in too much pain to care about anything.

“Almost there baby girl,” dad said as he turned around in the passenger seat as Matt wouldn’t let him drive.

Matt had been too afraid that dad would freak out so he wouldn’t let him drive. Now Matt seemed to be freaking out more than dad as he rushed to the hospital. He ran several red lights and kept swerving. Zander would yell at him for any sudden movement the car made cause I would flinch in pain.

“Here we are,” Matt said breathing a sigh of relief as we pulled up in front of the hospital.

Dad got out of the car and came around to pick me up. He carried me quickly into the hospital as the others got out and Matt went to park. Jimmy had brought everyone else in his care and they all quickly parked and ran to meet us.

Once inside the hospital we found a chaotic scene before us. Dad starting yelling that I was in labor and soon several nurses were around us. I was placed on a bed and rushed off. Zander had to run to keep up as I still would not release the death grip I had on his hand. I was rushed into a room where a doctor met us. He lifted my legs and check to see how far along I was. To my dismay I was only 3 centimeters dilated. I needed to be ten. This is going to be one hell of a night.

“Are you ok?” Zander asked as the doctors left us alone.

“I think so,” I replied as I rested against the bed.

“Do you want to see anyone?” Zander whispered.

“Can you get Braden and my dad?” I questioned.

“Of course,” Zander said as he kissed me gently and went to get my family.

I sighed as my hand gently rubbed my swollen belly. I felt the baby move inside me and knew that he or she was ready to come out. To be honest, I was ready to hold the little one. I wanted to cuddle my child close to me and rock them to sleep at night. My young life seemed completed, with something I would never have thought about until years from now.

“Hey honey,” dad said as he came into the room with Braden. “How are you doing?”

“I’m doing pretty well,” I sighed wincing a bit as a small contraction hit me.

“Hey sis,” Braden said as he sat next to me on the bed.

“Hey soon to be uncle,” I smiled at him.

“I’m going to spoil your kid rotten,” Braden warned.

“So long as you remember that I will do worse with your kids,” I laughed a bit.

“What makes you think I’m having kids?” Braden questioned.

“Jordan wants kids,” I smiled at him.

We joked around for a few hours as they helped me through the pain. The doctor came in several times to check on me but this time it was different. He came in with gloves on and a something similar to a sheet on. He smiled down at me as Zander walked in and grabbed my hand. Dad and Braden refused to leave, which the doctor finally allowed them to stay.

“Ok mommy,” the doctor said as he sat down in a chair and reached towards me. “It’s time to starting pushing.”

Zander gripped my hand tightly as I took a deep breath and looked up at him. He smiled and nodded his head telling me that it was time. It was time to bring my baby into the world.

I looked down at the doctor who smiled at me before I took a deep breath and pushed. Pain shot through my body and I screamed as tears filled my eyes. I could feel sweat breaking out on my forehead as dad pushed my hair out of my face and kissed my head. He kept whispering how proud he was of me and that gave me the strength to continue. I pushed for what seemed like hours until I heard a shill cry break through the room. Braden was asked to cut the cord, which he did with a huge smile as the baby was wrapped in a blanket for warmth. The doctor quickly walked over and leaned down with my child in his arms.

“Mommy, I’d like to introduce you to your daughter,” the doctor smiled as he placed the little girl in my arms.

Tears fell from my eyes as I looked at the perfect creation in my arms. My little girl, my daughter. She was squealing her head off at the moment but I couldn’t be happier. Sarah Angel Haner had finally joined us in the world, and I was over the moon. Zander leaned down and kissed me gently as he slowly ran his hand over my little girls head. Dad and Braden were both smiling as they said their congratulations. I told them thank you before looking back at my daughter who had quieted down a bit. Slowly her eyes opened and I was gazing at a sea of blue that seemed to sparkle. Her hand reached out and wrapped itself around my finger and I knew that I would always be wrapped around her finger. My baby, my daughter. Welcome to the world Sarah Angel Haner. Mom would be proud.
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aww babies. :D

Sarah Angel Haner