Swallowed in Grief, Healed by Time

Until The End

Zanders POV

I smiled as I watched Sarah toddle around the house. Today was her second birthday, entering the terrible twos. I couldn't believe it. She was getting so big, and she was so much like her mother.

"Hey Zander," Braden said as he sat down beside me.

"Hey Braden, how's Jordan doing?" I asked him

Braden smiled at the mention of his girl. They had been dating for two years now and might as well be engaged. He had a ring for her but was waiting for the right moment. Everyone said they seemed kind of young to be doing that, but I knew they would make it.

"She's doing well," Braden said. "Excited for the party."

"So are all the girls," I sighed. "My mom and Leana have been in the kitchen all day working on things. I swear you'd think we were having an army over."

"Well, we kinda are," Braden laughed. "Between the MCR guys and the Shinedown guys and the Nickelback guys. Not mention all the other bands and their families that are coming. Sarah knows way too many people."

"That she does," I laughed. "She's a little stinker."


I let out a laugh as a little body was thrown into me. I hugged my daughter close as she kissed my cheek. Braden laughed beside us pulling Sarah's attention to him.

"Uncle Braden."

She jumped from my arms to his and he caught her firmly. Sarah started talking to him about the party and how excited she was. Braden was immediately sucked into a conversation with the two year old. He was always one of her favorites, Braden and Johnny seemed to be. But I knew that no matter what, she would always be a daddy's girl.

"Hey guys," Derek greeted as he entered the room.

"Hello uncle Derek," Sarah greeted. "It's my birthday."

"I know sweetie, happy birthday," Derek said giving her a gentle kiss on the head.

"Hey man," I greeted him as he sat down beside me holding a pink present in his hand.

"Hey, how are you doing?" he asked looking over at me.

"Not bad," I answered honestly.

"I understand," Derek said smiling over at me.

I let out a sigh as I fiddled with the tiny box in my pocket. Derek patted my back before he got up and entered the kitchen. He was the only one brave enough to go in there at the moment. All the rest of us knew better. We'd get sucked in and never be able to leave. No, the kitchen is the womans domain. It was much better that way.


I looked over at my daughter who was smiling up at me. A smile grew on my face as I looked down at my little girl. There was no doubt in my mind that this was my little girl, no matter what. Aaron had nothing to do with her. She knows nothing about him, and if I have my way she never will. She's far too innocent for that bastard.

"What sweetie?" I asked my beautiful little daughter.

"When's the party going to start?" she asked me.

"We are just waiting on a few more people," I told her.

"Who?" she questioned.

"Well, your papa for one," I said with a smile still not used to call Brian a papa. He refused to be called a grandpa saying he was far too good looking for that term. So we settled with papa instead. He wasn't happy about that at first either, but Sarah has him so wrapped around her finger that it's of little matter to him now.

"Where is he?" Sarah asked looking around trying to spot her papa.

"He's coming sweetie," I assured her. "We will start when he gets here."

"What's taking him so long?" Sarah asked.

Just as I went to answer her the door burst open and Brian walked in loaded down with boxes. Sarah squealed and jumped from her seat to run and greet him. Brian set the boxes down and picked her up. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Brian took her into the kitchen area as he called everyone there. I knew that was signal.

I took a deep breath and stood from the couch. Braden smiled back at me before he disappeared into the kitchen along with everyone else. I took another deep breath and exited the house. The afternoon sun was warm as I looked for my goal. She was seat on the porch swing overlooking the yard. I slowly made my way over as she looked up and smiled at me.

"I was told you needed to see me," she smiled up at me as I leaned down and kissed her gently.

"I do, I have something we need to talk about," I told her.

"What's that?" she questioned with a curious expression on her face.

"I know that today is a very important day for us and I just want to make it that much more special," I said as I bent down in front of her.

"Zander?" she questioned looking at me confused.

"I love you," I started. "You know this and I know you love me. To some this would seem very early but I can't wait any longer. I need to do this now."

"Zander what's going on?" she questioned concerned.

Slowly I reached into my pocket and pulled out the little box. Sun glistened off the beautiful ring as I opened it and showed it to her. She gasped and her eyes fill with tears as I took a deep breath once again.

"Brianna Elise Haner, I love you with everything in. I always will, no matter what. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Seconds seemed to become days as she looked at me. Her hands dropped from her mouth and I saw the smile as she repeated the word that I would never forget.

"Yes," she said. "Yes Zander James Baker, I will marry you."

I stood and pulled her into my arms. She laughed and hugged me tightly. Gently I set her on her feet as I slipped the ring on her finger. She smiled down at it before leaning up and kissing me.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

"Let's go share the good news," she smiled.

"Let's," I agreed as I grabbed her hand in mine and pulled her into the house.

Our lives were now complete though our story was still being written. Chapters had come and gone but I always knew that no matter what the characters would stay the same. This was our story and this was our lives. One part has been completed but it's time to start another. This is our never ending love story.
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all done :D once again thanks so much for following this story. I am thrilled I got to share it with you all.

check out my others if you like this one. :D I do have other modern ones if you don't like my historic ones. lol
